Here are the veinous MRI scans of my blocked-up jugulars before and after being opened and stented. Now I have (2) 1.2 inch metal tubes in my jugular beins just below my ears. they are about as big in diameter as my ring finger. I was one of the last patients treated by⋯⋯ Dr. Dake in August '09 before he was made to stop treating patients for Chronic Cerebral-Spinal Veinous Insufficiency syndrome, or CCSVI. You will see in these pictures how my right jugular was 90% occluded and the left approximately 70% occluded prior to being opened and stented via the femoral artery. These occlusions, or blockages, are thought to cause backflow / turbulence problems in the brain that may eventually lead to excess iron or other deposits in the tissue, eventually prompting an immune response that somehow goes out of control and contributes to the development / progression of MS. Since the procedure, I have noticed marked improvements in balance, coordination, fatigue,reduced heat sensitivity, improved mood, and greatly improved energy level. I was never very visibly disabled (when not in a flare), but getting an extera 3 hours out of my days is huge. no more napping or early bed-times. No more limping around. I still have nerve damage that may never heal. My left face through my foot may never feel quite right. My hip may be a little less than perfect. when I catch a cold I may feel some reminders of what it was like to live without blood flow. reminders of days when I couldn't hold a grocery bag or move my left toes. But absent the chronic base-line inflammation that I believe the procedure has relieved, I must proclaim that my life is much better. I am waiting to see my local neuro and get scans confirming no progression I am waiting (and cheering and hoping) for others to be able to post pics like this on Facebook!
