2010年6月30日 星期三
CCSVI Before Liberation 2010/6/16
CCSVI After Liberation Day3 2010/6/21
CCSVI After Liberation Day8 climb stairs
我的右大腿力量有了提昇,走起路來比較穩一些,另外從椅子或馬桶上做起來和坐下開始可以用自己雙腳的力氣去執行這個動作了, 不用藉由扶著其他的物品來支撐站起來。整體行動力變較好。
因為只有擴張一部分的左側頸靜脈(左腦的血液回流狀態較好,所以左腦所控制右半邊的大腿有了正面的反應)。擴張前後窄化處的兩邊壓力差由17 / 13 cm H2O 降成 16 / 12~13 cm H2O (與文獻稍有點差距)
目前已經有3種症狀有 出現改善的情形。至於我的左腿,依舊沒有好轉,因為我的右側頸靜脈並沒有擴張。
我的排便/排氣狀況依舊困難,因為大腸最後的出口(肛門)位於軀幹的左側,所以該括約肌我想也是受到右腦的控制,也因為我的右側頸靜脈並沒有擴 張,自然也就沒有改善。(肛門並不是位於身體的中心喔,和心臟一樣,位於身體的左側)。這個部份是相當困擾我的其中一部分。
這 個症狀目前沒有改善,依舊,早上約莫10點就會想睡,中午不睡就會很累,下午約莫4點就會累。需要再觀察,也許是手術後的恢復期也說不定.....
右 大腿的力量增強有助於平衡的改善,但是目前在行走上還是會有不穩的情形,仍然需要拐杖預防跌倒,此外,無法走一直線!
下肢麻 木、刺痛、或灼熱的感覺依舊。左腿依舊對冷熱敏感,對冷水會感到刺痛。右腿對於冷水的感覺較手術前正常,對冷水感覺不像之前刺痛。走路後下肢麻 木、刺痛感覺較強烈。
Overall, it works!
下次回診將在和醫師做進一步的討論~ 右頸靜脈擴張的可能性。Re-Reborn?
2010年6月28日 星期一
人因為有夢想而偉大,而我卻因為仍懷抱有夢想而堅強!和其他罕病病友一樣,我將繼續堅強的走下去,不僅是懷抱著這種簡單的夢想如此而已,我也正在逐夢的過程當中。有人說:有夢最美。但是我不僅要有夢,更要勇敢的逐夢踏實! 近2年來,上網搜尋國外針對多發性硬化症的研究並且和病友分享已經成了我人生當中的點點滴滴,這當中不只讓我自己覺得快樂同時也也帶給大家一些鼓舞或希望。現在的我都活在逐夢的當下,因此每天都活的很快樂。我覺得人生無論處於何種狀態,不論是順境還是逆境,都不能沒有夢想,若一旦失去了夢想,生命將失去了他原有的光彩!
這些年來的日子中依舊充滿著風浪和起伏,但不變的是真心,不變的是理想,不變的是希望,無論夢想是大是小,無論夢想是否改變,都不能讓夢想的火苗消失! 我還有微不足道的夢想要去完成,還有很多明天要走,就讓我們繼續邁出步伐向前行。Let’s keep walking!
2010年6月27日 星期日
2010年6月26日 星期六
該手術由Dr. Michael Dake 於Stanford Hospital Medical Center完成
Images from my diagnostic MRV showing jugular stenosis, and corrective stents/angioplasty.
更多閱讀以及病人術後追蹤請見: More at http://healingpowernow.com
2010年6月25日 星期五
一個顱內頸靜脈和我類似的病患Blake Lemberg的手術前後照片和資訊
一個顱內頸靜脈和我類似的病患Blake Lemberg的手術前後照片和資訊
2010年6月23日 星期三
國外IJV stenosis 的情形似乎多在頸部?
My right jugular vein before the balloon angioplasty 6/1/2010
http://www.youtube.com/watch?My right jugular vein after the balloon angioplasty 6/1/2010
http://www.youtube.com/watch?Liberation Procedure, CCSVI
http://www.youtube.com/watch?CCSVI: Jugular Venoplasty - Scans & Commentary
http://www.youtube.com/watch?CCSVI 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?國外IJV stenosis 的情形似乎多在頸部?
2010年6月22日 星期二
Overheating a multiple sclerosis threat
DALLAS, June 22 (UPI) -- Summer heat can cause the recurrence of MS symptoms for people with multiple sclerosis, a U.S. neurologist warns.
"Heat -- whether from infection, air temperature, prolonged exercise or even consuming hot liquids or foods -- can provoke the return of old MS-related symptoms such as numbness, stiffness, weakness or even vision loss," Dr. Elliot Frohman, director of the Multiple Sclerosis Program and the MS Clinical Center at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, says in a statement.
Researchers found the heat can slow down the speed of nerve messages for people with MS but heat alone does not cause a new attack or any additional nerve damage, Frohman says.
"Most patients can manage their heat sensitivity by avoiding situations that could be dangerous such as being out in severe heat without assistance, taking hot baths or showers, ingesting ice-cold beverages and, in some cases, drinking hot liquids like coffee and tea," Frohman adds.
寫給病友 很重要
Knowledge is Power知識就是力量
每個人靜脈的情形都不盡相同,像我的部份就比較棘手,所以處理起來會有困難度,若是窄化的部份位於腦部的話,也不用太擔心,因為未來一定會有方法可以解決。只要將身體的狀態維持在一定的穩定度,醫學的進步一定會創造奇蹟,你就會等到那一刻。就像Dr. Zamboni一樣。以後仍有幹細胞治療獲其他的藥物等著我們呢。
寫給病友 很重要
3 days after liberation 手術後3天
3 days after liberation 手術後3天
2010年6月20日 星期日
45hrs After Liberation treatment 術後45小時
我可以站著小便了!!而且流量比以前大, 雖然還是會稍有中斷,不過整體而言有排空的感覺,完成小便的時間縮短了!!
45hrs After Liberation treatment 術後45小時
These are very important videos. You will be able to listen to the doctors that are supporting Dr. Zamboni's research in the United States and Canada. They are all amazed by Dr. Zamboni's work and his discovery! He deserves the Nobel prize! We all agree about this, right? :)
This video is in Italian ONLY: 2010-06-11 Alessandra Ferlini - Genetica e CCSVI - CCSVI nella Sclerosi Multipla
To listen to Dr. Sclafani:
Part one: http://www.youtube.com/wat
Part two: http://www.youtube.com/wat
To listen to Adnan Siddiqui, State University of New York -- Buffalo: http://www.youtube.com/wat
To listen to Sandy McDonald, Toronto South Medical Center Canada: http://www.youtube.com/wat
To listen to Dr. David Koff, from McMaster University Hamilton, Canada: http://www.youtube.com/wat
又一位國外病友獲得重生 恭喜他
2010年6月19日 星期六
1. 兩邊的Internal Jugular veins both narrowing
2. Stenosis point in left Jugular vein was found 左側頸靜脈有找出窄化點(窄化兩邊呈現不同的壓力差)
3. Concern about damage to brain due the distance of stenosis point very close to the brain. Onlu part of left Jugular vein was inflated. 考量到左側頸靜脈窄化點非常靠近腦部,所以為了怕傷害到腦部,故只有擴張一部分的左側頸靜脈.
4. Azygos Vein shows no narrowing 胸腔靜脈沒有窄化現象。
5. 在針對右側頸靜脈注射顯影對比劑時,左腿同時出現一陣麻痺的感覺
看來我的情況似乎更棘手... 再和醫師討論吧!
A magic Angiography and Liberation journey 一段神奇的旅程
一段神奇的旅程 (我永遠不會忘記這一天6/18)
Due to the 1st CCSVI studay in MS patient in Taiwan. All related doctors of Taipei Veteran General Hospital were focusing on it. As I said in last post:
所以手術的過程長達了近4個小時(辛苦了神經放射科張醫師以及他所領導的每位醫師),一般而言國外的例子來看多為一小時就可以結束(因為國外只做 Venography and venoplasty)只需從靜脈穿刺即可,而不需要從動脈。
而且術後恢復的時間也比較短(4 hrs), 少於動脈的6hrs.
Great news 好消息:正面的消息
1. 我的例子已經證實了MS病患中Internal Jugular Vein 具有窄化的現象(Azygos Vein ok!)。所以大家可以盡量做檢查,看看倒底靜脈窄化的比例是否超過 50%!
2. 台灣榮總已經首先為MS病友展開這方面的服務,病友們可以放心,在蔡主任,胡主任,以及放射科張醫師的聯合關懷之下,病友應該會獲得很好的照顧。
3. 我已經做過動脈和靜脈攝影的比較了,我想對於以後做手術的病友應該可以不用再做動脈攝影。
手術完後,覺得Relief~ 若是能夠藉由我的一小步來完成台灣對CCSVI的一大步甚至能夠讓其他病友症狀好轉的話,我心已無憾。
有點累, 我該去休息了。
A magic Angiography and Liberation journey 一段神奇的旅程
2010年6月18日 星期五
I am ready~
No matter the result is, I will always keep walking.
And before the treatment, I have to thank all the doctors devoted themselves to my case(A possible cure for MS patients or potetial stroke patients)!
Special thanks to
Dr. 胡漢華,Dr. 張豐基,Dr. 蔡清標
I am ready~
Ruth's CCSVI treatment in Bulgaria(保加利亞)
2010年6月17日 星期四
Before Angiography and Liberation 在血管攝影和氣球擴張之前
必須服用Plavix或和aspirin(Bokey阿斯匹靈) 主要用來預防血栓的形成
Clopidogrel (Plavix®)為一新型血小板凝集抑制劑 (platelet aggregation inhibitor) ,是屬於 thienopyridine derivative 類的抗血小板藥物;主要是藉由強而專一的抑制ADP與血小板上之感受器(platelet receptor)相結合,為一種競爭性不可逆的作用;其機制是經由阻斷ADP接受器,以抑制血小板的凝集。
於進行穿皮侵入性治療前3-24小時服用Clopidogrel 300 mg
當侵入性治療完成,服用clopidogrel 75 mg觀察。
Before Angiography and Liberation 在血管攝影和氣球擴張之前
Status report 目前情形
所以會同時進行Arteriography 和 Venography
(一) 什麼是頸動脈及椎動脈血管攝影檢查?
(二) 頸動脈及椎動脈血管攝影檢查的優缺點:
(三) 適應症:
相同的,若是靜脈的部份,就必須從鼠蹊部的股靜脈穿刺後,在放射線透視監視下,把導管導入頸靜脈近端,再注射對比劑,之後同上 .........
Which means I have to stab 1 Artery and 1 Vein at the same Angiography!
也因為術後為了傷口的癒合,必須平躺至少6小時(因為動脈的緣故), 觀察一天, 所以在無法坐起的情形下,必須施打點滴維持營養和水份的供給。
希望這是我最後一次插導尿管 !
畢其工於一役! 希望我一次就完成!
Status report 目前情形
2010年6月16日 星期三
Patient! Be patient! 病人,請耐心!
"Patient" 代表病人,也同時代表耐心
我是病人, I am a patient.
我想很多人也和我一樣 迫不期待的想要趕快知道結果並且被解放,urge to be liberated~
So, let patients be patient. We can have the compact and complete care!
這不容易,不過一切都會過去的。Let your mind be peaceful!
Patient! Be patient! 病人,請耐心!
'Liberation procedure' for multiple sclerosis sparks debate
By Marie McCullough Inquirer Staff Writer
But the 40-year-old Reading resident also knows the "placebo effect" can't explain her transformation. Practically overnight, she went from being homebound - disabled by foot numbness, fatigue, balance problems, and painful bowel spasms that left her incontinent - to being able to complete a three-mile fund-raising walk for MS.
"I know there's a lot of controversy about this, but I don't know why," Smith said. "The procedure was so simple, yet life-changing."
The procedure, balloon angioplasty, is routinely used to open clogged heart arteries. But MS patients around the world are seeking what they call "the liberation procedure" to widen veins.
Groundbreaking research by an Italian vascular surgeon suggests that narrowed veins are common in MS patients, causing blood to drain improperly from the brain.
For a disease long blamed on out-of-control immune cells that attack the central nervous system, the blocked-vein theory is a radical departure - one that experts say remains speculative. To begin to confirm it, the National MS Society and the MS Society of Canada on Friday awarded $2.4 million to seven groups. They will study the diagnosis and frequency of poor vein drainage but will not treat patients who have the problem.
"We certainly feel the patients' sense of urgency," said Patricia O'Looney, vice president of the National MS Society. "But there are conflicting reports from scientists. The appropriate action is to bring clarity to the question" of whether veins play a role.
Patients are not waiting for more clarity. Dissatisfied with the marginal benefits and serious side effects of standard therapies, they are turning to interventional radiologists like Lankenau's Joseph Bonn, who treated Smith.
At least, until hospital lawyers step in.
In April, they ordered Bonn to stop performing balloon angioplasty on MS patients pending approval by officials at the Wynnewood hospital.
Zamboni's discovery
It's not clear who coined the catchy term liberation procedure, but it stems from the work of Paolo Zamboni, a vascular specialist at Italy's University of Ferrara.While trying to help his wife's MS, he discovered that the three main veins that channel blood from the brain back to the heart - the jugulars and the azygos - are often twisted, bent, compressed, or otherwise constricted in MS patients. He gave this abnormality a distinctly uncatchy name, "chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency," or CCSVI. His first paper on the condition was published only a year ago.
Neurologists, the specialists who usually treat MS, as well as others, see holes in his out-of-the-box thinking.
For one thing, poor vein drainage doesn't bother everyone who has it. Zamboni found it in the majority of MS patients, and few of the healthy people he checked. But then he and University of Buffalo neurologist Robert Zivadinov did a larger study of 500 patients. CCSVI showed up in 60 percent with MS, 43 percent with other neurological conditions, and 22 percent of healthy controls.
Another thing: Not all MS patients get better after angioplasty. And the veins often re-narrow within a year. Zamboni found this happened in up to 47 percent of jugulars, although azygos veins usually stayed open.
Stanford University researchers tried to combat the re-narrowing with stents designed to prop arteries open. One patient needed open-heart surgery when the stent dislodged, and another died of brain bleeding while taking a blood thinner prescribed with the metal devices.
Still, Zamboni's maverick work offers a neat explanation for the central mystery of MS: why immune cells run amok, attacking nerves in the very body they are supposed to protect.
Zamboni found that blood backs up in the brain, or "refluxes," as it creates new drainage patterns to circumvent the blocked veins. Iron settles out of refluxing blood and, like toxic pollution, irritates delicate brain tissue. In theory, this signals immune cells to seep out of the blood and try to clean up the mess.
Normally, vessels in the brain are impermeable, so immune cells can't access that all-important organ. But the constricted veins develop high blood pressure, making them stretch and spring microscopic leaks. In theory.
Angioplasty techniques are so well-established for treating vessel abnormalities that MS patients feel they are being discriminated against. In their view, they have little to lose and much to gain from trying to get better blood flow.
CCSVI is diagnosed with ultrasound imaging, followed by special X-ray and MRI imaging. Balloon angioplasty, performed under sedation, involves inserting a tube through a small incision, threading it deep into the vein, and inflating the balloon tip to expand a narrow spot. Serious complications - rupturing the vein or a dangerous blood clot - are rare.
Bonn, who does procedures on heart, kidney, and cancer patients, knew virtually nothing about MS until two months ago. Then, at a medical convention, he vaguely heard about the blocked-vein theory and made a note to learn more. Just two days later, he saw Janet Grieco, 53, an MS patient who had called out of the blue seeking treatment for CCSVI.
"He pulled out his BlackBerry and showed me the note he made at the convention," the Chalfont resident recalled.
Soon, Bonn was getting calls from MS patients near and far as their online community added him to the list of doctors willing to help.
He treated only three MS patients, including Smith, but the results were good.
Relief from headaches
Grieco had suffered from chronic migraines, balance problems, and fatigue that was intensified by insomnia."By the time I got to recovery after the procedure, I didn't have a headache," she said. "When you have a headache for three years and then it's gone, it's remarkable."
That day, she strolled her neighborhood with her husband and stopped needing her nightly sleeping pill.
Denise Graff, 43, of Somerset, N.J., experienced a phenomenon that other patients have reported.
"My toes were like icicles" because of foot numbness, she said. "During the procedure, I could feel them warm up just after he ballooned the first vein."
Bonn's fourth patient, Paulette O'Leary, 41, of Toronto, was minutes from being wheeled into the angioplasty suite when the hospital lawyers interrupted.
"I don't know who was more shocked - Dr. Bonn, or me and my husband," O'Leary said.
Bonn is now designing a clinical trial, the gold standard for studying safety and effectiveness. Patients with CCSVI would be randomly assigned to balloon angioplasty with - or without - the inflation that opens veins. The trial must be approved by the hospital's review board.
As a scientist, Bonn sees the need for rigorous studies. But he also understands patients' frustration.
"They suffer for decades on a slow downhill course," he said, "with few options in terms of medications or procedures. So this has been a real roller-coaster ride for them."
O'Leary stayed on the roller coaster. Last month, she paid $13,000 for liberation at Albany State Medical Center, where a trial was already under way.
Now, she said, she no longer uses a cane, clings to a wall to climb stairs, or suffers from incontinence.
Balloon angioplasty is not a cure, not even close, she said. But it offers quality-of-life improvements that are impossible with any of the seven approved MS drugs, as well as a new one, Novartis' fingolimod, that was recommended for approval last week. All the drugs modify the immune system.
Still, as patients travel to India, Bulgaria, Poland, and other countries for angioplasty, they may underestimate the skill and savvy it requires.
"I did my first MS patient at the end of last year. It didn't work out too well," said Salvatore Sclafani, chair of radiology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn. "The anatomy was much more complicated than I expected. I did the balloon, but she developed a [blood clot]. I sent her home on anticoagulants and said, 'I'll try again after I get more experience.' "
Since then, he's done about 20 patients - a few with "miraculous" results - and become beloved for contributing to an online MS forum.
Indeed, when he was ordered a few months ago to stop doing the procedure outside of a clinical trial, "there was an outpouring of grief, and of compassion for me," he said. "Then they got angry. So we started to dialogue about the trials and what we want to learn from them. Now they're participating in the development of the research.
"I was ready to retire," added Sclafani, 63. "But this has touched me. Now my practice will be all MS."
Contact staff writer Marie McCullough at 215-854-2720 or mmccullough@phillynews.com.
Read more: http://www.philly.com/inquirer/local/20100616__Liberation_procedure__for_multiple_sclerosis_sparks_debate.html?viewAll=y#ixzz0r0YLKfhI
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MS in Hong Kung 香港約有三百多名MS患者
多發性硬化症五成或癱瘓 | |||
2010-6-15 | |||
圖:陳灌豪呼籲多發性硬化症患者及早求醫\本報攝 【大 公報訊】實習記者陳珮婷報道: 多發性硬化症是神經系統疾病,嚴重患者會全身癱瘓及失明。香港大學腦內科臨床助理教授陳灌豪估計現時香港約有三百多名患者, 他說,及早診斷可緩解病情,惜每月的藥費昂貴,最高可達八千元。因此病人組織建議檢討現時又高又苛刻的藥物資助申請門檻。 多 發性硬化症是中樞神經系統疾病,患者的免疫系統會攻擊神經線的髓鞘和軸突,使患者的神經發炎及硬化,導致神經訊號傳遞速度減慢百倍。病徵包括視覺模糊、吞 嚥困難、語言及協調障礙及四肢無力等,徵狀一般會維持五至七日。現時全球有超過二百萬名患者,本港每十萬人就有五點五名患者,發病率在二十年間上升超過五倍。 陳灌豪表示,約八成半患者初發病時,病情相對輕微,但若經歷多次復發,有大約五成患者或會嚴重殘障如全身癱瘓及失明等。至今,多發性硬化症的成因仍然不明,亦沒有根治方法,只能靠用藥減少復發機會。 年約二十歲的鄭小姐(化名),在○八年首次病發,感到視力模糊及頭暈。她雖已順利畢業,但仍擔心因病不獲聘用。她說,現時每個月的治療費用為七千元,增加了家庭的財政壓力。 調 查發現,超過六成七多發性硬化症患者因病影響工作。香港肌健協會組織幹事蘇美英稱:「患者可向醫管局轄下的撒馬利亞基金申請藥物資助,但是門檻太高;批出 藥物資助時,又要考慮患者家庭的總收入,而非患者的個人經濟狀況。」她建議政府可提升對多發性硬化症患者的配套,例如調低藥物資助門檻,只考慮患者的個人 經濟狀況;並對特別個案行使酌情權。 [都市日報] 多發性硬化症是一種能嚴重影響患者活動機能的神經系統疾病,不僅影響患者五感,嚴重更可致身體殘障,該症患者的數目有上升趨勢。 香港的病友為數不少呢!為台灣的1/3, 地狹人椆的香港,是否因為壓力而造成此現象呢? |
MS in Hong Kung 香港約有三百多名MS患者
Two days BEFORE ccsvi/veinoplasty in Frankfurt (Germany)手術前2天
Four days AFTER my ccsvi / veinoplasty in Frankfurt (Germany)手術後4天
I had the treatment on June 10th,2010 in Frankfurt (Germany, Pr M.Vogl, working with Pr Haacke,Sclafani,Zamboni...).
Angioplasty: balooning in my left vein (thiner than the right one). Lasted 30mn, then 4h rest laid in bed, without moving my right leg. After that another check screening (5 mn) of my neck. Endly a quick briefing with Dr Vogl who gave me a survey to fill in during the next 3 months. He said I am part of a pilot study...He asked me to visit him in December 2010. He gave me the images of the whole surgery.
I fill really different. Before I was an elephant and now I am a "gazelle" ;-). I can stand up and sit down more easily, my balance is better. I do not suffer pain in my back. I had headache during first night and the morning after. I only had to take baby aspirin during 6 months daily. I am confident in further improvments, I will post them as well.
2010年6月13日 星期日
別以為只有老人家才會中風,二、三十歲就中風 的年輕人,已愈來愈多。
文.林芝安 2007/01 康健雜誌 98期
在台北榮總162病房(中風病房)擔任護理長的林春梅,18歲即進入榮總工作,至今已30年,最近四、五年來她觀察到,中風有年輕化的趨 勢,男女皆然,有些才20、30多歲就中風了。
台北榮總神經內科資深主治醫師陳昌明也發現,以前一年頂多遇到一、兩位50歲以下的中風患 者,「現在每個月都有好幾個。」
很多年輕人中風多有家族史,但自認年輕,不注意警訊,林春梅護理長不禁搖頭,「有人根本不知道自己有高血 壓、糖尿病。」
他連開兩家連鎖便利商店,經營管理的壓力過大,常常失眠、長期抽菸,免疫力持續下降。當免疫力不好,血液循環自然差,血管容易硬化,在毫無警訊情況下中風了, 左半邊癱瘓。為了剛出生沒多久的寶寶,他憑著意志力忍受疼痛,很認真復健。
腦中風長年來盤據台灣十大死因,根據衛生署統計,2005年因腦 血管疾病死亡人數達13139人,高居十大死因第二,僅次於癌症。
台北榮總神經血管病科主任胡漢華教授曾進行台灣首次腦中風發生率與盛行率 比較研究,結果顯示,台灣腦中風每年發生率3~5萬人,盛行率10~15萬人。都會地區35歲以上中風盛行率每一千人有18.9人,鄉村地區則為13.0 人。都會區中風的年輕人比鄉村地區高。
這項研究指出,台灣腦中風死亡率雖有趨緩跡象,發生率卻不降反升。甚且,發生小中風的機率有上升趨勢,卻不被國人注意。即使連衛生單位至今才開始做 全國中風登記,約一年後才能呈現較完備的資料。
根據統計,20~50%的腦中風患者在中風之前,曾經發生過暫時性腦缺血,即俗稱的「小中 風」。小中風患者日後發生中風的機率是一般人的10倍。
國民健康局研究也顯示,台灣地區65歲以上,每12人就有1人發生過小中風,如果把 年齡降到40歲以上,那麼平均每9人就有1人發生過小中風。
中風跟其他疾病最大的不同在於,必須花費相當時日做復健,如果一個社會的中壯年 人口愈來愈易腦中風,人口出生率又不斷下降,難以想像將對社會的生產力與國力造成何等影響。
2010年6月12日 星期六
報告人 | 翁文章醫師 | 鄧木火主任 | ||
現職(2001) | 神經血管病科主任 | 神經血管病科主治醫師 | 神經放射線科主任 | 神經放射線科主治醫師 |
台北榮民總醫院近年(2001)來成立「腦中風加護中心」為台灣第一個創設治療急性腦中風的加護病房,除了具備完善的設備,加上堅強的腦中風治療小組成員,提供國內罹患急性中 風最先進及最有效的治療服務。主要收住病患對象為:使用血栓溶解劑或放射科施行頸部動脈支架植入後需密切觀察者,有進行性腦中風或發作頻繁之暫時性腦缺血,需使用抗凝血劑者亦為收住院對象。
腦中風是常見的疾病,好發於中老年人。大多為突然發作,造成肢體運動、言語或神智的障礙。其死 亡率仍占十大死因的第二位,亦為造成殘障的主要原因,成為家庭、社會的重大負擔,目前對付腦中風疾病是預防重於治療。腦中風的預防,除注意去除危險因素 (如高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、高血脂)外,可使用藥物(如抗血小板凝聚劑或抗凝血劑),亦可使用外科手術(頸動脈內膜摘除術)。近年(2001)來放射線科或心臟科醫 師可使用血管支撐架(stent)撐開狹窄的血管,以防腦血管阻塞。但因放置支架於頸部動脈後半天至一天內,有可能發生暫時的血壓、心率不穩,以及腦中風,需有一加護病房做緊密的觀察。
近年來針對急性腦梗塞患者已有比較有效的治療藥物,即血栓溶解劑。它可把阻塞的血管打通而改善 症狀,但必須在症狀發作三小時內用藥,否則較會有腦出血的併發症。使用血栓溶解劑後亦需緊密觀察患者的各種狀況,若有腦出血病情惡化,則需馬上會神經外科 做開顱手術,否則死亡率更高。目前歐美使用之血栓溶解劑,衛生署尚未通過使用於腦梗塞患者。台北榮總神經血管病科正進行一項國人自製的第二代血栓溶解劑的 試驗,受試病人均需住院於腦中風加護中心做緊密的觀察。
原來早在9年前,榮總就已經有過如此多針對急性中風的頸動脈支架擴張手術的完成經驗,那麼我想,對於靜脈擴張手術一定沒問題,I believe the team!
加美多發性硬化症協會周五 聯合宣佈,7個研究團隊將分享這筆資金,研究是否慢性腦脊髓靜脈血液不足(CCSVI)引起多發性硬化症(Multiple Sclerosis,簡稱MS),或是該病加重的原因。
加美多發性硬化症協會將合作,設立專家評審團,檢討研究計劃,以加速研究過程及避免重複。加拿大是全球多發性硬化症發病率最高國家之一。7項研究計 劃中的4項將在加國進行。這4項計劃所獲得的撥款總數為兩年之內大約700,000元。
The funded teams, which include an integration of MS and vascular experts, are led by:
- Dr. Brenda Banwell, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario: studying vein abnormalities in children and teenagers who have MS, and healthy controls of the same age. The team is seeking to determine whether the veins are abnormal at an early age among pediatric MS patients. These findings will add additional depth to studies of CCSVI in adult MS. More information: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/research/intriguing-leads-on-the-horizon/ccsvi/ccsvi-study-by-banwell-team/index.aspx
- Dr. Fiona Costello, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta: examining a cross-section of people with MS compared to other neurological diseases and healthy volunteers. The team is seeking linkages between vein abnormalities and different aspects of MS activity and tissue damage to gain insight into the significance of differences in vein drainage and their implications for the future treatment of MS. More information: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/research/intriguing-leads-on-the-horizon/ccsvi/ccsvi-study-by-costello-team/index.aspx
- Dr. Aaron Field, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison: using magnetic resonance (MRI) scans to generate detailed images of the head and neck veins in people with early and later MS, healthy volunteers, and controls with other neurological conditions. This team is also using the ultrasound techniques originally used by Dr. Zamboni. If they obtain similar results as those published by Dr. Zamboni, it would represent a powerful confirmation of the CCSVI hypothesis and help lead the way toward trials of appropriate treatment. More information: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/research/intriguing-leads-on-the-horizon/ccsvi/ccsvi-study-by-field-team/index.aspx
- Dr. Robert Fox Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland: studying people with MS or who are at risk for MS (CIS) and comparison groups including healthy volunteers and people with brain atrophy (shrinkage) from Alzheimer's disease. This team is using the ultrasound techniques originally used by Dr. Zamboni, as well as magnetic resonance studies of the veins (MR venography), MRI scans of the brain, and clinical measures to determine MS activity and atrophy. They are also examining neck and spinal cord tissue from MS patients at autopsy to provide a tissue-based evaluation of CCSVI and its possible relationship to MS. More information: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/research/intriguing-leads-on-the-horizon/ccsvi/ccsvi-study-by-fox-team/index.aspx
- Dr. Carlos Torres, The Ottawa Hospital, University of Ottawa, Ontario: employing powerful MRI technology to explore vein anatomy and assessing for iron deposits in the brains of people with MS and in age-matched healthy volunteers. These studies work towards mapping out normal variations in brain vein anatomy and providing insight into CCSVI in MS. More information: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/research/intriguing-leads-on-the-horizon/ccsvi/ccsvi-study-by-torres-team/index.aspx
- Dr. Anthony Traboulsee, UBC Hospital MS Clinic, UBC Faculty of Medicine and Dr. Katherine Knox, Saskatoon MS Clinic, University of Saskatchewan: studying the prevalence of CCSVI in people with MS and controls without MS, using catheter venography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance venography. Unique to this study is the inclusion of family members, such as identical twins of MS patients who have not developed MS, in control groups. They also hope to verify the usefulness of techniques that would make it easier to screen for CCSVI. More information: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/research/intriguing-leads-on-the-horizon/ccsvi/ccsvi-study-by-traboulee_knox-team/index.aspx
- Dr. Jerry Wolinsky, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston: replicating the ultrasound methods used by Dr. Zamboni to investigate the association of CCSVI with major clinical types of MS and in non-MS control groups. The team is also testing whether other imaging methods can confirm the ultrasound findings, while identifying the most reliable technique to screen for CCSVI. More information: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/research/intriguing-leads-on-the-horizon/ccsvi/ccsvi-study-by-wolinsky-team/index.aspx
意大利醫生桑伯尼(Paulo Zamboni)的妻子患有多發性硬化症,他在研究中發現,一些多發性硬化症病人存在頸部靜脈阻塞的現象(CCSVI)。
加拿大病患的發聲終於獲得了重視!! 恭喜他們!
信仰! Faith! Believe!
人之所以為人 就因為人有愛/會愛/能感受/也能夠感受愛
人之所以為人, 因為人會做選擇, 雖然不一定選擇就是對的
相信什麼? 相信自己願意相信的!
在電影駭客任務(The Matrix)中有一段對白:
Do you still believe prophecy ?
No, but I believe him!
Believe 是人的一個最重要的元素
No matter what you believe~
Believe it or not, I believe Love. Love is not just a word!
So, what do you believe?
向前望 看見火光
昂起頭 挺起胸膛
揮舞著 我流血的翅膀
迎著風 踏過浪
讓心臟(我們) 更加堅強
聽我唱 那生命的真相
痛和傷 又能怎樣
讓心臟(我們) 更加堅強
聽我唱 那生命的真相
迎著風 踏過浪
讓心臟 更加堅強
聽我唱 那生命的真相
迎著風 我踏過浪
讓心臟(我們) 更加堅強
聽我唱 那生命的真相
揮舞著 我流血的翅膀
愛是我 永遠的信仰
迎著風 我踏過浪
讓心臟(我們) 更加堅強
聽我唱 那生命的真相
揮舞著 我流血的翅膀
愛是我 永遠的信仰
其中自己對自己說了一段話:我, 也在尋找解藥......不論解藥是何種形式, 藉由我所具備的能力和知識, 甚至是直覺, 我都一定要找出來!! 標題下了:我要當神農氏。
揮動著流血翅膀的我,將會像聖鬥士星矢當中的 Phoenix 浴火重生,再度展翅翱翔!
信仰! Faith! Believe!
We are pleased to announce that we have now taken delivery of our Premium Echo Doppler Scanner System. This scanner has been specially designed by Professor Zamboni and his team for the diagnosis of CCSVI. We are also proud to be the first clinic selected in the UK to have this equipment and we have been told that currently no other establishment in the UK and Ireland is using this sophisticated equipment.
Professor Zamboni devised five specific protocols for the detection of CCSVI and this equipment is programmed with the algorithms created to aid the analysis of these five protocols. These special measurements available with this equipment have recognised the needs of this type of scanning - and the fact that existing scanners may struggle without the specific measurements required.
More Good News!
We can also announce that within the next seven days we will be offering appointments for Doppler Scanning & Doctors Consultation to a large section of our waiting list. These will be available during September and October. We are also in advanced discussions with other leading Doctors, at prestigious medical facilities, to replicate the treatment protocols and standards that we are establishing in Scotland. This will enable us to have an increased capacity and reduce our waiting lists even sooner. More information will be given as soon as we have it available.
If you are not already on our waiting list, we strongly recommend that you reserve your place now. Click here for more information.
Testing and Procedures
If we find patients are demonstrating that some stenosis is present, our Doctors will discuss this with you and possibly recommend transfer to one of our Partner clinics; where a CT Venogram will take place to find the precise location of any narrowing, for intervention if necessary.
As part of the on-going research, patients will also be invited to have an MRI Brain scan (at no extra charge). This will then be repeated in six months when patients return for their follow-up Doppler Scan.
Details have also been finalised with our Partner clinic in Scotland for the CT Venogram, MRI Brain scan and Venoplasty procedure. Starting in August we aim to have the whole procedure from initial Doppler Scan completed within 3-5 working days. For those with appointments before August; the timescale might be slightly longer as we begin to fit all the procedures together.
Transport & Accommodation
We have been in discussion with a company who is interested in providing a bespoke transport service for our CCSVI patients, to and from hotels and clinics; in most cases for less than the cost of regular taxis. We expect this will be very popular, especially as they will have specially adapted vehicles to ensure that those with mobility difficulties are catered for.
For those people requiring information on accommodation in the area, we will have details on a number of hotels that we have used in the past. However we do strongly recommend that you search around on the internet as some excellent offers can be found with a bit of research.
More information on the transport facility and accommodation will be available on our website, as soon as we have it, with links through to them for booking. Please make all your arrangements direct with the companies concerned.
CCSVI Conference
CCSVI is one of the most talked about topics in medicine at the moment with twelve articles published in medical journals in April alone.
We have started preparations for a CCSVI conference at Glasgow in November 2010. This will bring together all the leading people in the world of CCSVI. It is vital to be involved in an international collaboration to collect similar data to strengthen the case for CCSVI. We are already working with these leaders to put this in place.
Contact Us:
Phone: 0800 027 4969
Email: Click Here
2010年6月10日 星期四
Azygos Vein 胸腔靜脈的角色不容忽視
In her case, the doctors found that though preliminary Doppler results indicated that she had blockage on both sides, only one side would be venoplastied. Their reasoning was that there was sufficient blood flow on one side during surgery while the other was blocked. After the venoplasty, doctors indicated that there was better blood flow in the vein, post surgery. After being moved to her bed, Dawna's hand were warm- something that hasn't been for some time. This was the good news so far. However, Dawna was in a lot of pain from the surgical site in her groin.
- Continued numbness on right side (and left arm)
- Body feeling constantly achy in the bones
- Weakness in my legs and especially arms & hands
- Right leg extremely sensitive to touch
- Bladder issues continuing
- Extreme fatigue
- Tingling throughout my body, much like I'm being poked with tiny needles
- I cannot bend my arms or legs for more than a few minutes without losing some circulation in them. ie. if I sleep with my arm bent at the elbow, my hand will become cold.
- Limp is still gone
- hands still fluctuate between cold and warm
It is so difficult to just take this one day at a time .. waiting to see if I physically improve. I have had to stop reading people's stories of their Liberation .. it's just so hard to constantly see people have these miraculous recoveries, while mine seems to have stagnated. Does treatment of the azygos vein mean the difference between increased recovery and plateaus? Would I have had greater recovery if my azygos vein had been treated? I wish I had the answers.
Dawna迫切的想知道,是否Azygos Vein 胸腔靜脈的擴張對於復原情形扮演著重要的角色,是否
Azygos Vein 胸腔靜脈的擴張會讓他更好?
Azygos Vein 胸腔靜脈的角色不容忽視
2010年6月9日 星期三
MS patients eagerly pursue their ‘liberation’
Controversial treatment overseas costs thousands of dollars
Donna Romanuik’s multiple sclerosis is so bad she has to cling to walls and countertops to walk around her house. She’s afraid to think how much worse she’ll be in six to 10 years.
That’s roughly how long it will be before a so-called “liberation treatment” for MS could become available here, if further research confirms it works, and if it meets all of Health Canada’s stringent requirements.
But the unproven therapy, which dilates narrowed or blocked veins from the brain to the heart, in the way balloon angioplasty unblocks coronary and other arteries, is already available in Poland, Scotland, India and elsewhere, and patients are reporting remarkable results.
So why wait to get it? Hundreds of people with MS have decided they can’t just sit and watch their mobility and independence ebb away, so they’re trying to pull together thousands of dollars to travel out of country for the controversial surgery.
Romanuik, a married mother of three teens from Edmonton, is among them. So is Crystal Phillips, a 2014 Olympic speed skating hopeful from Calgary. Both are booked for the surgery at a hospital in New Delhi, India, later this month.
Michelle Smith, another Edmontonian, is waiting for an opening to have the procedure done in Scotland.
“I don’t have six years to wait for (Canada) to test and approve (the procedure),” says Romanuik, 47.
“Six years ago, I was fatigued, but I could go anywhere by myself; I could walk on my own. In another six years, I’ll be done,” she says, tearing up.
Chris Romanuik, who will accompany his wife to India, supports her decision to get the surgery.
“If we come back and we can go for a walk for three or four or five blocks, hand-in-hand, like we used to seven or eight years ago, it’ll be worth it,” he says.
Phillips, a 24-year-old natural nutritionist, says she’s hoping for a rollback in the symptoms that are affecting her life and holding back her skating.
“You just can’t compete against the best (speed skaters) in the world with a numb left leg and a blind eye, really.”
Smith says she’ll be “like a vegetable” if her condition continues to degenerate at the same rate it has for the past 10 years.
She hopes the procedure can slow or stop the neurological disease from progressing. She’s tired all the time, walks with a cane and can’t play softball like she did 10 years ago, but she’s learned to live with these symptoms. She just doesn’t want them to get any worse.
The three women have been excited about the treatment since November, when they first heard of Italian neurologist Dr. Paolo Zamboni and his theory that a narrowing or blockage of veins in the neck that drain blood from the brain — a medical condition known as chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency or CCSVI — may cause MS symptoms.
Between 55,000 and 75,000 Canadians have MS. The exact cause is unknown, but environmental and genetic factors have long been suspected for somehow turning the body’s immune system against itself, damaging the nerves of the brain and spinal cord. Resulting symptoms include problems with balance and dizziness, difficulty walking, fatigue, muscle spasms, tingling and numbing sensations in feet and hands, and incontinence.
Using ultrasound, Zamboni’s team found all MS patients tested had circulation blockages in their veins. Sixty-five of them, including Zamboni’s wife, then underwent a PTA (percutaneous transluminal angioplasty) to remove the blockages and reported impressive improvements in their symptoms.
Skeptics note Zamboni’s findings haven’t been confirmed by other research labs. They also suggest the benefits patients have experienced from PTA are probably a placebo effect — the power of belief in the treatment, rather than anything related to improved blood flow.
But the theory and the treatment make perfect sense to Romanuik, Smith and Phillips. It’s the most plausible of the dozens of “miracle cures” they’ve seen come and go over the years, including diets, vitamins and stem-cell transplants.
“Don’t even get me started about the ostrich oil that you rub topically on your body every night, and sleep covered in plastic,” says Romanuik, who has never tried it.
“I’ve been on chemo three times to kill my immune system and all it did was make me lose my hair. I’ve been on drugs specifically made for relapsing or remitting. I’ve done steroids, IV treatments — they’re all Band-Aids; they don’t work.”
“This is something so simple, non-invasive. It has to work,” adds her husband Chris.
“We have optimism and we have hope.”
What they don’t have is $30,000 to cover their travel costs to India and everything to do with the treatment.
Family and friends have set up a website, liberatedonna.com, sent out e-mails and organized fundraisers to help.
It’s the first time Romanuik is on the receiving end of fundraising. She and her team, the Munnky Krunchers — currently on hiatus — are usually raising funds for the MS Society of Canada. In 2005 and 2006, they had the largest team and/or raised the most money of any team in the country in the annual Super Cities Walk.
Ironically, Romanuik was diagnosed after struggling to complete her first MS walk, which she and some of her family and friends decided to join because it seemed like a good cause and it was an opportunity to get some outdoor exercise.
“I didn’t even know what MS was then,” she says.
Phillips, who has raised $250,000 to date for the MS Society through the MS Bike Tour, is also fundraising to pay for her treatment in India.
She raised $10,000 in two weeks selling colourful eye patches at crystalpatches.com after losing the vision in her left eye. She hopes to raise another $15,000.
Thirty-year-old Smith, who was diagnosed 11 years ago, also raises funds for the MS Society.
Her costs for the PTA treatment are being paid for by her grandfather; otherwise she couldn’t afford it, she says.
The women all believe they have CCSVI — especially Smith, who says some of her first MS symptoms affected her neck — but won’t know for sure until they are tested once they arrive at the clinics where they will undergo treatment. If they don’t have blockages, they can’t be treated.
Canadian doctors could easily do the testing, called venous imaging, and the treatment, venous angioplasty, but aren’t allowed to do them on MS patients until there is a proven link between CCSVI and MS, even though it’s obviously not healthy to have a venal blockage, Romanuik says.
Last month, she rallied outside the Alberta legislature with 50 others in support of MS patients being tested and treated for CCSVI in Canada.
She promises to further lobby the government when she returns from India and hopes testing will be offered in Canada within three years.
Romanuik’s 19-year-old son Trevon says he understands the “liberation treatment” is supposed to stop and maybe even reverse some of what MS has taken from his mom over the past 15 years.
“She’s telling everyone, ‘I’m going to come back and just run and jump in your arms,’ ” he says.
“I don’t want her to come back and be disappointed.”
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/patients+eagerly+pursue+their+liberation/3124221/story.html#ixzz0qLE3zsIC
MS patients eagerly pursue their ‘liberation’
What is CCSVI?
Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) is a condition discovered by Dr Paolo Zamboni from the University of Ferrera in Italy. It refers to a reduction of flow of blood from the brain to the heart due to the narrowing of various veins along the spinal chord from the head down to the upper chest.
It is believed that this condition is what causes build-ups of iron to form in the brain. Eventually, these would then cause the development of the lesions and MS symptoms.
How is it diagnosed?
Although perhaps not the only possible method for detecting the condition Dr Zamboni and his team used combined technique of high resolution echo-colour-Doppler (ECD) and transcranial colour coded Doppler sonography (TCCS). Combined they are referred to as an ECD-TCCS
Which according to his paper this test is non-invasive, repeatable and cost effective. Most importantly it is effective for investigating the outflow of blood from the brain.
Unfortunately, right now there isn’t a standard method of performing this test. Because of this information being highly specialized there are only a few locations that are capable of performing it.
An outline of what Dr Zamboni and his team performed is available in his research paper: Doppler haemodynamics of cerebral venous return. However, the full text off this paper is currently only viewable by the research and medical community.
How is it treated?
Precise details are not known (at least by the author), however currently the only treatment that has been developed for treating CCSVI is involves first identify the veins that are blocked using a procedure such as the ECD-TCCS stated previously.
After this an appropriately qualified surgeon would be required to operate on the affected veins. The technique employed by Dr Zamboni’s team was to insert what he called a balloon into the vein and expand it effectively stretching the vein. For most of his patients the expansion was permanent and once the blockage/restriction was removed their MS symptoms began to dissipate.
It is hoped by many in the MS community that this is the miracle they’ve been hoping for.
Italian doctor may have found surprisingly simple cure for MS
靜脈狹窄以及擴張手術資訊CCSVI - Multiple Sclerosis多發性硬化症手術
全 世界目前有CCSVI 靜脈擴張術的地點
feature on CCSVI BBC news
印 度也提供了CCSVI的手術
史 丹佛大學Dr. Michael Dake 對於CCSVI和MS的看法
波 蘭有關CCSVI手術的報導
英 國也加入了CCSVI的行列
又 一位MS病人重獲新生!!
重 生的MS患者再加1"Chris Alkenbrack"
靜 脈擴張手術改變了我的人生"Wendy Sturek神奇的旅程-
另 一位國外的MS病友在執行靜脈擴張手術後的經驗分享
提 供給病友國外醫師聯絡資訊
醫 生說: 病人沒有時間再等待了
更 多靜脈窄化和靜脈擴張術的新聞fromCBC news
美 國將開始計畫執行對靜脈血管窄化相關研究
To Poland with hope 懷著希望到波蘭
為 了爭取實驗性的手術,加拿大MS病患上街聲援遊行
多 發性硬化症新研究頸靜脈異常疑為元兇(
國 外手術中以及scan的影片,分享給大家
印 度也提供了CCSVI的手術
再 看一個國外手術後成功的例子
又 一位國外的MS病友手術後的經驗分享
另 一位國外病友Lucky Lady 手術過程分享
聽 聽更多MS人的手術經驗吧
2, 平衡感的問題,走路不再跌跌撞撞
3. 感覺神經恢復,不再對冷熱敏感,
4. 排尿較為自主,不會有漏尿的問題
5. 體力變好,肌耐力變強,病人由拄兩枝拐杖變成一隻,原本foot drop,之後不會,之前蹲下後站不起來,之後可以自行蹲下站立
6. 行動變靈敏,敏捷,不再遲鈍,遲緩
7. 下肢皮膚呈紫色轉變為原來的紅潤顏色
8. 頭不會發脹了,也不會頭痛
9. 原本身體疼痛的部位也不再疼痛
10. 感覺全身變溫暖許多
11: 手和腳的行動更靈活
12. 行走的距離變長了
13. 甚至可以騎腳踏車
所以對於病患 本身而言是相當有幫助的,
I've been tired of taking medicine.
國外的病人即使年紀高達50 歲以上(患此病超過20年)都還願意做此手術,
Ruth Simonyi-Gindele and her MS story goes back over 20 years. By Dec. 09, she was in a desperate state. He husband took her to Europe at Christmas, and within 24 hours after being treated her MS symptoms had mostly gone. She was even taking 2 hour walks!
Ruth shares her experience.
Matthew Nomm, a retired General Practitioner, was diagnosed with MS in 1985. On March 24, 2010 he flew to India for his CCSVI treatment that included a vein grafting to correct a blocked jugular vein. He has found significant relief from his MS symptoms and continues to improve.
Hi everyone, here is my update on how I am feeling 20 days after having a venogram and ballooning of stenosed jugular veins.
I can jump after Liberation treatment
http://www.youtube.com/watch?This is the second of two videos done today,a little more than 24 hours after the blockage in my jugular veins were cleared.There was a 35% in the right jugular vein, as suspected. The left vein had a clot. It would not remain open ,so a stent was inserted.
Color me excited and slightly in shock and awe.