
有關CCSVI(靜脈血管窄化及手術的資訊)可在相關連結以及相關MS blog內

推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2010年8月5日 星期四


還記得之前文章提到的病友Luck lady嗎?



4 年 Avonex, (干擾素1a)
2 年 Rebif, LOTS of 'roids, 干擾素
3 年 Tysibri
6個月, Zenapax.
在今年3/3/10做了靜脈擴張術Liberation ,
在今年7/30/10 再度做了靜脈擴張術ReLiberation


So how am I feeling just under 48 hours afterwards? In a word: Great! I had so many benefits from the first procedure, the results have been less dramatic, but no less wonderful the second time around.

1. My feet are still pink, although they are warmer than they were before. They had slowly gotten colder over these last 5 months I now realize in hindsight.

2. My swallowing is back to excellent. It improved dramatically post procedure #1. It has gotten noticeably worse over the past month, although it still never got close to as bad as before #1. 吞嚥再度變好

3. Cognitive never really declined as far as my husband and I can tell. I continue to enjoy clear thinking. 認知能力變好,思緒相當清楚

4. Fatigue did get worse over these months. Never near the levels before treatment #1, but I still faded earlier in the evenings than just after the first treatment. I was up watching movies with my man until after 11:00 the past two nights. That's solid evidence I'd say.

5. I can get out of a chair very easily! Over these months I have begun to struggle mightily to push up or grab onto something to haul myself to standing.

6. My balance is significantly better. My legs are still very weak, but I can walk without the cane in the house with increasingly greater confidence.

7. I can lift my legs higher. When I got into bed last night I laid down with my feet on the ground and lifted them one at a time high off the floor and rested them on the bed. Three days ago I had to drag them onto the bed with my hands.

8. I walked up and down a flight of stairs today. Because of the weak legs it is still not pretty, but coming up is much easier now that I can lift my legs more easily.

她是我從網路上找到做了2次氣球擴張手術的MS病友 (目前有做到兩次擴張的經驗者不多)

1. 靜脈是會再度狹窄的,而靜脈的再度狹窄會導致某些症狀的再出現,所以:證明了關聯的症狀和靜脈狹窄的連結關係

2. 和靜脈狹窄的相關連的症狀至少有a,疲累, b,下肢的顏色和溫度, c,吞嚥能力, d,認知能力, e, 平衡能力, f,下肢的力氣恢復 (我的經驗中就有了兩項)

3. 靜脈要如何才能不讓她再度輕易的窄化回來呢? 非得用支架才行嗎?-->這真的是傷腦筋的問題...

因為手術在同一個病人身上重複了兩次,前後的對照,就可以初步結論。實驗的 再現性 就是相當有利的證明。

I had the pleasure of attending a symposium on CCSVI in Brooklyn, NY on July 26th. The auditorium was filled with Interventional Radiologists, a few, a vascular surgeon or two, and about 30+ CCSVI patients who also have MS-like symptoms.
她在7/26參加了在紐約布魯克林所舉辦的CCSVI 研討會:
該研討會有來自 放射醫師; 神經醫學醫師; 靜脈手術醫師; 還有超過30位具有CCSVI的病人(這些病人也有著MS的症狀)

1 則留言:

  1. 認知能力?...發病到目前,覺得自己記憶力嚴重衰退,理解力也是,覺得自己愈來愈笨,如下手術能改善我的認知能力,那就太好了!...不知何時會排手術?

