今年45歲的薩米邱格,是英國某慈善團體的工作人員,但一生都在為慈善付出的她,卻在33歲時,被醫生診斷出罹患多發性硬化症,而隨著病情的發作下體漸 漸失去知覺,爾後就臥病不起。
不過,薩米並沒有因此而放棄重新站起來的念頭,她不僅積極接受治療,還委託醫生、朋友四處詢問有沒有最新的方法可以治療。就在2008年,薩米打聽到一 種鋒毒療法,在諮詢過醫生後知道這是一種可能會致命的治療,但薩米抱著冒死一試的心態,在歷經18個月的治療後,薩米一共被蜜蜂螫了1500次之後,薩米 突然覺得雙腿恢復知覺,竟奇蹟似的站了起來。
絕處逢生, 破釜沈舟吧... 一年半的1500次的蜂螫... 我自嘆弗如.... 之前也友朋有pass這個訊息給我.. 但實在是需要很大的勇氣... 我只能說 : 我們對於人體的所知有限, 奇蹟天天在上演!
Multiple sclerosis sufferer regains mobility - thanks to bee stings
London: Sami Chugg had been suffering from multiple sclerosis before she beat the disease with nearly 1,500 bee stings over 18 months.Chugg, 45, was diagnosed with the debilitating condition, which affects the ability of the body's nerve cells to communicate, in 1998.
Soon she could not longer move around and was permanently bed-ridden.
However, this charity worker from Bristol is now back on her feet, thanks to bee venom therapy.
The treatment involves holding a bee in tweezers and stinging an area of skin. According to experts, the venom eases the pain of MS symptoms while stimulating the body to fight the disease.
Chugg says the treatment restored her mobility.
"Most people would be terrified by the prospect of being stung by a bee," the Daily Express quoted her, as saying.
She went on: "But when you have a condition like MS that involves the numbing of the body, any kind of sensation is welcome - even if it's from a bee sting.
"You use a pair of tweezers and get hold of a single bee. Then you gradually desensitise your body to the sting by injecting it in and out of your skin a few times.
"You have to build it up slowly - you start with two, then four, then six.
"Ten to 14 was my average for each session. It has a kind of psychological, mental effect."
Chugg added: "I used to feel elated after the treatment. It's changed my life and my approach to life. It's manna from heaven."