希望大家都能夠繼續不斷的走下去, 永不放棄直到最後, 一起加油!
本網誌設立的目的在於提供MS多發性硬化症的相關醫療資訊,並且以一過來人的身分分享自己發病過程和對抗這個罕見疾病的經驗和心路歷程. 希望我的個人經驗能夠讓同樣遭受這種疾病的人獲得身體上或者是心理上的幫助,而這將是我最大的快樂!! 我更希望這種病不要發生在正常的人身上,希望能夠藉由我的網誌來換醒更多人對於健康的重視!!
"My fatigue level has improved greatly. I continue to amaze my husband Darren when he gets home from work and I'm still on the go. Unheard of before!!! My sensory or nerve pain has improved greatly. I wonder how I ever lived with it. I feel so much more alert and pulled together. I have been very busy these days. I have been feeling very well since my return home and I have been working very hard on my physiotherapy and am determined to strengthen this leg.
(Dawnia was liberated January 14 - dmcleod@wightman.ca This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
PIERO SCARSELLA (Toronto, Ontario, JAN, 2011)
“I find that my leg strength is a little bit better, I am able to peddle my stationary bicycle longer. My balance is better so that now I can stand up straight, more or less, and keep my balance for a minute or two. My head feels clearer and playing with ideas and numbers is easier. This is good news for me because if all works out as we hope, one day I will go to work and pay taxes, so I will have to become a student again. If everything works out taking courses should be easier for me. Piero can be reached at pieroscarsella@rogers.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
“My head feels more clear.My blood circulation has improved and my hands, legs, and feet actually warm up now!!!I (Contact Diana at diana@dianazimmer.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or through her website at www.DianaZimmer.com )
綜合媒體3月2日報導,德國默克制藥公司(Merck KGaA)周三(3月2日)表示,美國食品和藥物管理局(U.S. Food and Drug Administration,FDA)沒有批準其口服多發性硬化症治療藥Cladribine的上市申請。
作為Cladribine的競爭對手,瑞士制藥商諾華公司(Novartis AG)生產的Gilenya已經在美國與俄羅斯獲批上市,并且上個月獲得了歐洲藥物監管機構的肯定意見。