你基本上是在同一方向去的小腸為你按摩:由肚臍下方開始,向右按摩,然後往上(到肚臍上方的位置),再向左, 最終左側骨盆正上方。就是畫圓圈並且給予一致的壓力。重複數次。建議,在空腹-或 至少飯後2小時後按摩。
I did a little research on recommendations for abdominal massage and the general instructions seem pretty simple. You are basically are going in the same direction as the small intestine as you massage: start below your navel, to the right; move up, across (right above the navel); move down the left side and end up right above your pelvis. Use fairly small circles or strokes with consistent pressure - some people recommend light pressure, others say firm pressure is the way to go. Repeat several times. I saw several recommendations that this be done on an empty stomach - at least 2 hours after eating.
不知道你現在還有沒有服用亞麻籽,我想告訴你我買到了亞麻籽粉,像芝麻粉一般,比較難吃==但比魚油香吧我想。 因為我比較擔心拉肚子而不是便祕,我買亞麻籽粉和亞麻籽油,都是為了取代魚油的功用。 如果你想試看看,我再給你訂購電話,一大包才150元。 薇
回覆刪除我之前去有機店有看到亞麻籽,和油, 沒有看到粉,現在有在服用亞麻籽油, 但是不知道是不是喝的不夠多, 你一天服用多少的量?
我沒有便祕問題 不過對血管是好的 薇