th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) and the 15
th Conference of Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS) which will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, 13–16 October 2010.
第26屆歐洲MS治療研究委員會議以及第15屆MS復健研討會將於十月13-16在瑞典Gothenburg展開In past years, Dr. Zamboni was allowed to present a poster for display on his research of CCSVI in MS and iron deposition in MS brains, as it related to chronic venous disease. He has never been invited to speak before. Dr. Zamboni will be presenting his research along with Dr. Zivadinov in the Main Auditorium as part of the Charcot Foundation presentation, as they go up against Dr. Omar Khan, co-author of the first negative opinion piece in the Annals of Neurology: To say that this is a big deal is an understatement.
予會邀請的醫師來自英國,德國, 波蘭, 義大利, 甚至美國, 各方的研究和觀察到的最新資訊,不同的結果.附上會議討論的議程特別針對CCSVI的研究現況如下:Wednesday, October 13, 2010 12:35 - 12:45 European Charcot Foundation Chronic cerebrospinal venous Insufficiency. Relation to multiple sclerosis? (Main Auditorium)
CCSVI: from hypothesis to reality P. Zamboni (Ferrara, IT) (義大利醫師桑伯尼的研究)
12:45 - 13:00 European Charcot Foundation Chronic cerebrospinal venous Insufficiency. Relation to multiple sclerosis? (Main Auditorium) CCSVI: relation to multiple sclerosis R. Zivadinov (Buffalo, US)
13:15 - 13:30 European Charcot Foundation Chronic cerebrospinal venous Insufficiency. Relation to multiple sclerosis? (Main Auditorium) Questions on CCSVI in multiple sclerosis O. Kahn (Detroit, US)
On Thursday, Dr. Zivadinov is presenting results from the BNAC MRI studies -(美國水牛城醫學中心的研究)
Thursday, October 14, 2010 15:30 - 17:00 Imaging 1 MRI results of blinded chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency study in patients with multiple sclerosis, healthy controls and patients with other neurologic diseases P 318
R. Zivadinov, G. Cutter, K. Marr, M. Ramanathan, R.H.B. Benedict, M. Elfadil, N. Bergsland, C. Morgan, E. Carl, D. Hojnacki, E. Yeh, L. Willis, M. Cherneva, S. Hussein, J. Durfee, C. Kennedy, M. Dwyer, B. Weinstock-Guttman (Buffalo, Birmingham, US)
Also being presented is the genetics research now completed at BNAC (美國水牛城醫學中心的研究)
15:30 - 17:00 Genetics/transcriptomics 1 Associations of HLA DR*1501 status and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in multiple sclerosis P 265
B. Weinstock-Guttman, R. Zivadinov, G. Cutter, M. Tamano-Blanco, D. Badgett , K. Marr, E. Carl, M. Elfadil, C. Kennedy, M. Ramanathan (Buffalo, Birmingham, US)
Dr. Zamboni presents results from his endovascular treatment study-(義大利醫師桑伯尼的研究)
15:30 - 17:00 Therapy disease-modifying - Others 1 Endovascular treatment for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in multiple sclerosis. A longitudinal pilot study P 508
P. Zamboni, R. Galeotti, B. Weinstock-Guttman, G. Cutter, E. Menegatti, A.M. Malagoni, D. Hojnacki, M. Dwyer, N. Bergsland, M. Hiennen-Brown, A. Salter, C. Kennedy, I. Bartolomei, F. Salvi, R. Zamboni (Ferrara, IT; Buffalo, Birmingham, US; Bologna, IT)
On Friday, a negative study is being presented by another Italian team who found no CCSVI in CIS patients.
Friday, October 15, 2010 09:45 - 10:00 Platform presentation of selected abstracts I (Congress Hall) No evidence of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of multiple sclerosis 81
C. Baracchini, P. Perini, M. Calabrese, F. Causin, F. Farina, F. Rinaldi, P. Gallo (Padua, IT)
Then Dr. Zivadinov will present on how the visibility of lower brain vasculature ties into CCSVI severity as shown by MRI
10:00 - 10:15 Platform presentation of selected abstracts I (Congress Hall) Presence and severity of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency is related to lower brain parenchyma venous vasculature visibility on susceptibility-weighted imaging in patients with multiple sclerosis 82
R. Zivadinov, G. Poloni, C. Schirda, C. Magnano, E. Carl, N. Bergsland, D. Hojnacki, C. Kennedy, F. Parker, M. Dwyer, B. Weinstock-Guttman (Buffalo, US)
Dr. Simka's research on endovascular treatment of CCSVI will be presented(波蘭醫師Simka的手術觀察研究)
15:30 - 17:00 Therapy disease-modifying - Others 2 Safety and complications related to endovascular treatment for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in multiple sclerosis patients P 914
M. Simka, T. Ludyga, M. Kazibudzki, M. Hartel, M. Swierad, J. Piegza, P. Latacz, L. Sedlak, M. Tochowicz (Katowice, Zabrze, PL)
Dr. Zivadinov's research on utilizing MRV to visualize the jugular veins after angioplasty-
15:30 - 17:00 Imaging 2 Use of magnetic resonance venography for visualisation of the internal jugular veins in patients with multiple sclerosis diagnosed with chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency and treated with percutaneous angioplasty P 773
A. Lopez-Soriano, R. Zivadinov, R. Galeotti, D. Hojnacki, E. Menegatti, C. Schirda, A.M. Malagoni, K. Marr, C. Kennedy, I. Bartolomei, C. Magnano, F. Salvi, B. Weinstock-Guttman, P. Zamboni (Buffalo, US; Bologna, IT) 15:30 - 17:00 Clinical assessment tools 2
BNAC's correlation of CCSVI to MS(美國水牛城醫學中心的研究)
Clinical correlates of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in multiple sclerosis P 653
B. Weinstock-Guttman, G. Cutter, K. Marr, D. Hojnacki, M. Ramanathan, R.H.B. Benedict, C. Morgan, E.A. Yeh, E. Carl, C. Kennedy, J. Reuther, C. Brooks, M. Elfadil, M. Andrews, R. Zivadinov (Buffalo, Birmingham, US)
Dr. Simka's correlation of severity of CCSVI with severity of MS(波蘭醫師Simka的手術觀察研究)
15:30 - 17:00 MS symptoms 2 Correlation of localisation and severity of extracranial venous lesions with clinical status of multiple sclerosis P 641
M. Simka, T. Ludyga, M. Kazibudzki, A. Adamczyk-Ludyga, J. Wrobel, P. Latacz, J. Piegza, M. Swierad (Katowice, PL)
A Beirut study that says CCSVI does not cause MS
15:30 - 17:00 Pathology 2 Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency is an unlikely cause of multiple sclerosis P 663
B. Yamout, A. Herlopian, Z. Issa, R.H. Habib, A. Fawaz, J. Salameh, H. Wadih, H. Awdeh, N. Muallem, R. Raad, A. Al-Kutoubi (Beirut, LB)
Dr. Zivadinov's study showing increase of iron in gray matter of MS/CCSVI (鐵離子的堆積)
15:30 - 17:00 Imaging 2 Multiple sclerosis patients with chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency present with increased iron concentration on susceptibility-weighted imaging in deep-grey matter P 774
R. Zivadinov, M. Heininen-Brown, C. Schirda, C. Magnano, D. Hojnacki, C. Kennedy, E. Carl, N. Bergsland, S. Hussein, M. Cherneva, L. Willis, M. Dwyer, B. Weinstock-Guttman (Buffalo, US)
And finally, the German neurological doppler study where they claim they found no CCSVI, but Dr. Zamboni says their results actually PROVE CCSVI.(德國觀察的現象)
15:30 - 17:00 Diagnosis & differential diagnosis 2 No evidence for cerebro-cervical venous congestion in patients with multiple sclerosis P 579
F. Doepp, F. Paul, J.M. Valdueza, K. Schmierer, S.J. Schreiber (Berlin, Bad Segeberg, DE; London, UK)
And of course, the pharmaceutical companies will be there, presenting all their positive findings, sponsoring lectures and discussions and hosting dinners and events. What fun!
I actually wish I could go, but it's too far away, and too much going on at home. I hope we can get some reports from attendees, and I promise to link to those and any other news that comes out of the conference. I really wish we could all be flies on the wall as Dr. Omar Khan "questions" Dr. Zamboni.
我很希望我能夠去, 只可惜太遠了. 希望與會者能夠把一些內容post出來.
ECTRIMS 2010: Gothenburg, 瑞典 · 13-16 October 2010