
有關CCSVI(靜脈血管窄化及手術的資訊)可在相關連結以及相關MS blog內

推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2010年10月11日 星期一

CCSVI 靜脈擴張術全球現況

A new treatment for MS from The Irish Times - Monday, October 11, 2010

A chara, – Multiple sclerosis has been known as a venous problem since 1863. This, however, had not been proven until recently when an Italian doctor Paolo Zamboni investigated the venous possibilities connected to his wife’s MS. With modern diagnostic equipment like ultrasound and MRV he found that her jugular veins were narrowed restricting blood flow from her brain and causing reflux where the used blood flows backwards into the brain depositing iron which causes MS disability and various symptoms. It is now called CCSVI – chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency. Research indicates that about 90 per cent of MS sufferers have CCSVI.

MS最早在1863就有人提出可能為靜脈的問題, 然而一直到義大利醫師Paolo Zamboni的研究發表(2009)之後才首次真正被證明. 藉由超音波和MRV觀察到他太太的jugular veins具有窄化情形而限制了由腦部回流至心臟的血流量, 進而導致血液中的鐵籬子進一步堆積而造成肢障和各式各樣的症狀.

To date around the world about 4,000 MS sufferers have had the simple angioplasty procedure done on their jugular veins and almost all have confirmed improvement in symptoms and have no use for the ultra-expensive medicines normally prescribed for MS sufferers. Some of the results are almost miraculous, with some patients going to get the angioplasty in a wheelchair and being able to walk within weeks. The procedure is called the Liberation Treatment.

節至今日, 全球已經有約4000名MS患者已經進行了簡單的"靜脈擴張術"擴張了他們的頸靜脈. 也有諸多的證明顯示了其症狀有改善, 也不需要花費在昂貴的藥物上. 其中一些例子更是奇蹟, 坐輪椅去, 而手術後幾星期就能夠自行走路.

Neurologists and MS societies are paid huge amounts of money by the drug companies to prescribe and advertise all the MS medications. They know if the Liberation Treatment gets approval then all this money will stop.

Some neurologists also say that the Liberation Treatment is too dangerous. The facts are that around 2.5 million angioplasties are performed around the world annually for various venous or arterial problems.

目前血管擴張術全球一年中約實施250萬次之多, 主要用在靜脈和動脈的問題上, 是相當成熟的醫療技術.

As with all procedures there are risks. Of the approximately 4,000 Liberated people around the world, one has died because of an adverse reaction to the blood thinning medication required. So the risk is 1/4,000 and lessening daily. The MS medication Tysabri prescribed by neurologists has a 1/1,000 chance of killing you and they have no problem recommending this once you sign a disclaimer stating the neurologist or drug company is not responsible for your death if it happens. Tysabri costs the State in the region of €35,000 annually per patient. The Liberation Treatment costs around €7,000 to have done in many countries around the world and has now even started in Scotland after their difficult battle to get approval.

當然所有的手術皆有其風險, 就像所有的藥物皆有其副作用一樣, 風險約為1/4,000. 相較於Tysabri的風險1/1000為低. 而Tysabri用於每個病人每年所需的成本高達 35,000歐元. 和靜脈擴張術的成本7000歐元比較起來. 高了5倍...

In the region of €100,000,000 could be saved by the HSE every year in Ireland alone.

I and some of the MS sufferers of Ireland are hoping to persuade the authorities to approve the Liberation Treatment soon and give us back our minds and bodies.


My time is running out now because I have stopped taking Tysabri and the neurologists have absolutely nothing else to offer me.

It appears that CCSVI may be one of the many causes of so many, so-called neurological diseases. A connection to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases is also being researched. – Is mise,


我閱讀到的其他風險參考值: 1/1000 (靜脈擴張術) 和Tysabri一樣....
所以 即使風險一樣, 為何不選擇靜脈擴張術?


