
有關CCSVI(靜脈血管窄化及手術的資訊)可在相關連結以及相關MS blog內

推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2010年8月20日 星期五

新的MS治療手術(CCSVI, Liberation treatment)將在加拿大展開

New MS Treatment May Be Started in Canada

It is expected that Quebec may soon join various other provinces in a clinical trial that will be initiated to test the effectiveness of a new revolutionary multiple sclerosis treatment. It promises to provide relief to patients who are suffering from multiple sclerosis.

加拿大的 魁北克省 將加入其他省,展開臨床的實驗手術

Theresa Oswald, Manitoba’s Health Minister sent a letter to all the federal and territorial health ministers and she urged all of them to support the nationwide trial of the new treatment that is called liberation treatment.

加拿大的 馬尼托巴 的衛生局長Theresa Oswald 給各個省的衛生局長敦促開始全加拿大的實驗手術(靜脈擴張術)

This new treatment has been developed by Italian doctor Paolo Zamboni. He stressed that he has been able to find the way in which MS is caused in human beings. He pointed that the disease is caused by blocked veins in the neck and this leads to an excessive iron buildup in the brain.

Health experts across Canada are already supporting this revolutionary treatment. They feel that this treatment can significantly benefit the people who are suffering from multiple sclerosis.

But, some feel that no medical study has yet established the benefits of this new type of treatment. They stress that more research is needed to ensure that the treatment will prove beneficial for multiple sclerosis patients.

The new treatment is already being provided to patients in clinics in the countries like Poland, Bulgaria and India. People from various countries including Canada are going to these clinics for getting the treatment.

Many people who have received this treatment have also posted responses on the internet that the treatment has really helped in improving their condition.


3 則留言:

  1. Thank you Jimmy for the info. However, it usually takes several years for people here to actually do something after talking for long time. For example, in Montreal, the government has been talking about building two supper hospitals, one English and one french for ten years. Now, starting 2010, the English super hospital starts on construction, but the french one still not starts yet. More than 10 years!!

    Same thing for the liberation treatment. Now they only talk about it. I assume that it takes at least 3 to 5 years till they actually open the clinics.

    We just can not wait that long.


  2. Dear Mengjing:

    I believe what you said. I still encourage you keeping in touch with Dr. Hu. When the time comes(I believe soon), your dream will be fullfilled!
    Believe in yourself! It may be a little bit harder for you to achive this. But trust me, if you believe in yourself just like me, you may make it come true!

  3. Nova Scotia - 新斯科舍省 也加入了!

