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推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2009年10月20日 星期二


日前聯絡上Bioness這家公司, 這是一家能夠讓MS病患雙腳順利走路和雙手自如活動的醫療器材公司


有一個想法, 看看是否有病友想要和我一起去嘗試這一項裝置的, 或許可以揪團一同出去(亞洲沒有據點, 要也要一兩年後). 想要的人就留個言或寄mail給我吧!!

NESS L300 Foot Drop System and MS

We often hear from people with MS who are able to use the device that it is nothing short of life changing! They are enjoying an increase in mobility1 and social participation2.

NESS L300 users like the fact that the device is lightweight and attractive, not heavy and cumbersome like an AFO. They also like the quick results they see and how easy it is to use.* The NESS L300's unique Gait Sensor means that a wearer may be able to walk on uneven surfaces and go up and down the stairs faster and with greater confidence.

The NESS L300 is designed to help correct foot drop by stimulating the nerves in the leg that lift the toes with a technology called Functional Electronic Stimulation or FES. While FES has been used therapeutically for years, the NESS L300 is one of the first devices to make it easy to apply and use in a home setting.

Lorrie - A Life Changing Experience... For the Good!*

Lorrie is a wife, mother, and grandmother who has Multiple Sclerosis.

Life before the NESS L300

"[My niece and nephew] would come to the house and they would want to go outside and play or go for a walk or something—my husband would take them. It was just too fatiguing for me to even think about doing that."

The AFO just wasn't right

[The AFO] helped prevent some of the falls, but I can remember opening the front door, going to step out, and just swinging out the door and landing in the bushes instead. Then it wasn’t fitting right because of atrophy."

Lori shows her doctor the NESS L300

"The L300, I saw it in a magazine, I went to the doctor and I said, ‘This is what I want.’ I had a normal appointment to go in for a checkup and I said to [the doctor], ‘This is the device that I had talked to you about that I had wanted.’ And I started to explaining it to her and showing her how it worked. Well she got so excited."

Life with the NESS L300

"The L300 has changed my life. My husband says he can walk with me now. Before, he was walking six feet ahead of me. Now we can walk together, whether it be in the mall, whether it be just outside taking a walk. You don’t have the fatigue from swinging the leg."



