上述的連結的內容提到, 在多發性的媽媽患者當中, 再沒有餵食母乳的病患中有87%會再復發, 而有餵食母乳的病患中只有36%會再復發.
另外 可以在我網誌中右下方:
本網誌設立的目的在於提供MS多發性硬化症的相關醫療資訊,並且以一過來人的身分分享自己發病過程和對抗這個罕見疾病的經驗和心路歷程. 希望我的個人經驗能夠讓同樣遭受這種疾病的人獲得身體上或者是心理上的幫助,而這將是我最大的快樂!! 我更希望這種病不要發生在正常的人身上,希望能夠藉由我的網誌來換醒更多人對於健康的重視!!
餵母乳能夠減少復發 另類療法?
MS 對性的影響-2
MS 對性的影響-1
2009/02/15 19:03
加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)副教授李柏曼(Matthew Lieberman)14日在芝加哥參加美國科學促進會(AAAS)會議時指出,透過文字表達感情,大腦自我控制情緒的相關區域便會開始作用,達到減少悲傷的效果。
在過程當中,研究人員注意到,受測對象以這種方式將情緒訴諸文字時,腹側前額葉皮質區(ventrolateral prefrontal cortex)變得更加活躍,而大腦的這塊區域就是負責抑制負面情緒。
舒壓另類療法: 寫出不滿情緒 可宣洩壓力
附上原文, 因為我覺得翻譯的實在不怎麼好....
Vitamin D, genetic variant interaction alters multiple sclerosis risk
London (PTI): Researchers have found that a direct interaction between vitamin D and a common genetic variant alters the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the central nervous system.
The Oxford University-led research, published in PLoS Genetics, suggests that vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and the early years may increase the risk of offspring developing multiple sclerosis (MS) later in life.
"Our study implies that taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy and the early years may reduce the risk of a child developing MS in later life," lead author, Sreeram Ramagopalan said.
"Vitamin D is a safe and relatively cheap supplement with substantial potential health benefits. There is accumulating evidence that it can reduce the risk of developing cancer and offer protection from other autoimmune diseases."
"If too little of the vitamin is available, the gene may not function properly," an expert said.
"We have known for a long time that genes and environment determine MS risk," said George Ebers of the Department of Clinical Neurology. "Here we show that the main environmental risk candidate – vitamin D – and the main gene region are directly linked and interact."
MS is the most common disabling neurological condition affecting young adults. More than 85,000 people in the UK and 2.5 million worldwide are thought to suffer from the condition, which results from the loss of nerve fibres and their protective myelin sheath in the brain and spinal cord, causing neurological damage.
The causes of MS are unclear, but both environmental and genetic factors play a role. Previous studies have shown that populations from Northern Europe have increased risk of MS risk if they live in areas receiving less sunshine.
This supports a direct link between deficiency in vitamin D, which is produced in the body through the action of sunlight, and increased risk of developing the disease.
The largest genetic effect by far comes from the region on chromosome six containing the gene variant known as DRB1*150 and from adjacent DNA sequences.
While one in 1,000 people in the UK are likely to develop MS, this number rises to around one in 300 among those carrying a single copy of the variant and one in 100 of those carrying two copies.
Now researchers at the University of Oxford and the University of British Columbia have established a direct relationship between DRB1*1501 and vitamin D.
The study funded by the UK's MS Society, the MS Society of Canada, the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council, found that proteins activated by vitamin D in the body bind to a particular DNA sequence lying next to the DRB1*1501 variant, switching the gene on.
"In people with the DRB1 variant associated with MS, it seems that vitamin D may play a critical role," said Julian Knight of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford.
Professor Ebers and colleagues believe that vitamin D deficiency in mothers or even in a previous generation may lead to altered expression of DRB1*1501 in offspring.多做做日光浴吧
賓西法尼亞州拉斐特學院心理學教授溫迪.希爾研究接吻對後葉催產素和皮質醇這兩個荷爾蒙水平的影響,她研究了15對夫婦牽手和接吻前後這些荷爾蒙水平的 變化,研究顯示,接吻導致了荷爾蒙的改變。那麼接吻怎樣誘使荷爾蒙發生變化呢?有研究人員推測,荷爾蒙的釋放可能由唾液中的性刺激信息素的交換所直接引 發。
一起來改善自己的健康吧!! 呵呵.
說實在的, 我發現自己在熱戀的時候幾乎都是精神飽滿的....
輕鬆小品 : MS 的另類療法 Kuso板
MS 的療法之一 : 血漿置換術
MS 人的感情世界-1