多發性硬化症 有新藥救了
【休士頓訊 聖安東尼奧】
麗莎卡普斯(Lisa Capps)一年前生下一名女兒後,被診斷出患了多發性硬化症,由於這種疾病逐漸發展,最終會造成失明、無法行走、大小便失禁、失去平衡感等嚴重問題,令她對未來相當恐懼。
麗莎卡普斯不久之後將在聖安東尼奧神經中心(Neurology Center of San
Antonio)開始接受蘭特拉達療法,該中心的多發性硬化症專家安巴斯醫師(Dr. Ann
在接受療程的頭兩年,病人每年住院一個星期,每天花七個小時以靜脈注射(intravenous injection)的方式,讓蘭特拉達把身體免疫系統的各種細胞摧毀,然後讓免疫系統重新開機,把免疫系統再一次建立起來。
附上Lemtrada 蘭特拉達 藥物經過美國FDA的核准以及藥物使用說明
附上Lemtrada 蘭特拉達 藥物相關資訊以及說明
Lemtrada蘭特拉達的推薦劑量為12毫克/天,2個療程給予靜脈滴注:第一療程:12毫克/天 連續5天(60毫克總劑量;二療程:12毫克/日 連續3天(36毫克總劑量)的第一個療程12個月後執行。Lemtrada可以與其他藥物發生相互作用。
SAN ANTONIO - A groundbreaking new
treatment for multiple sclerosis is now available in the United States
and is being used to treat patients in San Antonio.
drug Lemtrada was initially denied approval by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration but the decision was reversed several months ago, after a
big outcry from the MS patient community.
Lisa Capps was excited
to try the new treatment. She'll spend the week hooked up to an
intravenous treatment of Lemtrada for about seven hours a day for five
However, she believes the time spent will be worth it. Other
treatments for MS haven't worked for her and said she believes the new
treatment could give a fighting chance.
"This was the newest thing out there and what they call the closest to a cure that we can get to MS right now," said Capps.
Capps was first diagnosed about a year ago, shortly after he daughter was born.
have to walk with a cane now and I also have cognitive problems, so I
have difficulty thinking, focusing, holding attention," she said.
the disease progresses, it could lead to vision loss, complete
inability to walk, urinary and bowel disfunction, the inability to sense
arms and legs, dizziness, loss of balance, and other disabilities.
Treatment with Lemtrada is expected to slow progression of the disease and reduce relapses.
physician, Dr. Ann Bass, a neurologist and multiple sclerosis
specialist at Neurology Center of San Antonio, said Lemtrada works by
rebooting the immune system and is similar to rebooting a computer.
She said it wipes out the immune system, then allows it to rebuild over time.
"The immune system kind of rebalance itself and it can last for several years," Bass said.
first, patients need close monitoring, especially for kidney and
thyroid function. During the time the immune system is low, patients
require frequent health checks.
However, according to Bass, clinical trials have had ground breaking results
have patients in 10 years remission after two years of treatment," she
said. " It improves their prognosis and really, most importantly, it
just really improves their quality of life."
"It gives me lots of hope because I have a daughter who is 15 months old and I want to be able to keep up with her," said Capps.
Lemtrada is also unique because of the dosing.
to Bass, other treatments include daily pills or injections several
times a week, while Lemtrada is given intravenously for a five-day
period the first year and then a three-day period for the second year.

新藥資訊:Lemtrada 蘭特拉達