
有關CCSVI(靜脈血管窄化及手術的資訊)可在相關連結以及相關MS blog內

推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2010年6月9日 星期三


雖然重點都是強調CCSVI 為MS(多發性硬化症)的只要原因,
Venous stenosis-->Stroke--->Disable
不管我是不是MS病人,我希望能夠將窄化的靜脈予以擴張,就 能夠減少中風的可能性。

What is CCSVI?

Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) is a condition discovered by Dr Paolo Zamboni from the University of Ferrera in Italy. It refers to a reduction of flow of blood from the brain to the heart due to the narrowing of various veins along the spinal chord from the head down to the upper chest.

It is believed that this condition is what causes build-ups of iron to form in the brain. Eventually, these would then cause the development of the lesions and MS symptoms.

How is it diagnosed?

Although perhaps not the only possible method for detecting the condition Dr Zamboni and his team used combined technique of high resolution echo-colour-Doppler (ECD) and transcranial colour coded Doppler sonography (TCCS). Combined they are referred to as an ECD-TCCS

Which according to his paper this test is non-invasive, repeatable and cost effective. Most importantly it is effective for investigating the outflow of blood from the brain.

Unfortunately, right now there isn’t a standard method of performing this test. Because of this information being highly specialized there are only a few locations that are capable of performing it.

An outline of what Dr Zamboni and his team performed is available in his research paper: Doppler haemodynamics of cerebral venous return. However, the full text off this paper is currently only viewable by the research and medical community.

How is it treated?

Precise details are not known (at least by the author), however currently the only treatment that has been developed for treating CCSVI is involves first identify the veins that are blocked using a procedure such as the ECD-TCCS stated previously.

After this an appropriately qualified surgeon would be required to operate on the affected veins. The technique employed by Dr Zamboni’s team was to insert what he called a balloon into the vein and expand it effectively stretching the vein. For most of his patients the expansion was permanent and once the blockage/restriction was removed their MS symptoms began to dissipate.

It is hoped by many in the MS community that this is the miracle they’ve been hoping for.


Italian doctor may have found surprisingly simple cure for MS

重 大的醫學發現: MS的原因找到了?!

專 訪Dr.Zsmboni :靜脈窄化導致MS原因的發現者

CCSVI - Multiple Sclerosis多發性硬化症手術
全 世界目前有CCSVI 靜脈擴張術的地點
feature on CCSVI BBC news
印 度也提供了CCSVI的手術
史 丹佛大學Dr. Michael Dake 對於CCSVI和MS的看法
波 蘭有關CCSVI手術的報導
英 國也加入了CCSVI的行列
又 一位MS病人重獲新生!!
重 生的MS患者再加1"Chris Alkenbrack"
靜 脈擴張手術改變了我的人生"Wendy Sturek神奇的旅程-
另 一位國外的MS病友在執行靜脈擴張手術後的經驗分享
提 供給病友國外醫師聯絡資訊
醫 生說: 病人沒有時間再等待了
更 多靜脈窄化和靜脈擴張術的新聞fromCBC news
美 國將開始計畫執行對靜脈血管窄化相關研究
To Poland with hope 懷著希望到波蘭
為 了爭取實驗性的手術,加拿大MS病患上街聲援遊行
多 發性硬化症新研究頸靜脈異常疑為元兇(來自水牛城500名MS病患

國 外手術中以及scan的影片,分享給大家

印 度也提供了CCSVI的手術

再 看一個國外手術後成功的例子

又 一位國外的MS病友手術後的經驗分享

另 一位國外病友Lucky Lady 手術過程分享

聽 聽更多MS人的手術經驗吧





1. 容易疲憊的問題,精神變更好
2, 平衡感的問題,走路不再跌跌撞撞
3. 感覺神經恢復,不再對冷熱敏感,
4. 排尿較為自主,不會有漏尿的問題
5. 體力變好,肌耐力變強,病人由拄兩枝拐杖變成一隻,原本foot drop,之後不會,之前蹲下後站不起來,之後可以自行蹲下站立
6. 行動變靈敏,敏捷,不再遲鈍,遲緩
7. 下肢皮膚呈紫色轉變為原來的紅潤顏色
8. 頭不會發脹了,也不會頭痛
9. 原本身體疼痛的部位也不再疼痛
10. 感覺全身變溫暖許多
11: 手和腳的行動更靈活
12. 行走的距離變長了
13. 甚至可以騎腳踏車

所以對於病患 本身而言是相當有幫助的,除非該病人並未檢查出靜脈窄化的情形。

沒 有人想要一輩子都注射它,我也服用類固醇長達兩年的時間,
I've been tired of taking medicine.
國外的病人即使年紀高達50 歲以上(患此病超過20年)都還願意做此手術,




