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推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2010年5月8日 星期六



新華網倫敦5月6日電(記者黃堃)英國研究人員日前報告說,他們利用骨髓幹細胞治療多發性硬化症的試驗取得成效, 病人沒有出現不良反應,症狀也顯示出改善跡象。

  英國布裏斯托爾大學等機構研究人員在新一期美國《臨床藥理學與治療學》雜志上報告說,他們對6名多發性硬化症患者進行了這項試驗。研究人員在病 人麻醉狀況下抽取他們的骨髓幹細胞經過處理後注射到病人的靜脈中。隨後一年的觀察顯示,病人沒有出現嚴重的不良反應,而多發性硬化症的症狀也有所改 善。

  領導研究的布裏斯托爾大學教授尼爾‧斯科爾丁說,試驗結果令人振奮,這一療法的安全性得到證實。在療效方面,雖然相關分析仍在進行中,但相信是 注入靜脈中的幹細胞在保護神經係統和免疫調節方面發揮了作用,使病人症狀出現改善。他表示,接下來將開展大規模試驗,進一步確認這一療法的效果。

  多發性硬化症是一種神經係統疾病,患者自身免疫細胞會錯誤攻擊神經元髓鞘,造成患者出現視覺障礙、肌肉無力等症狀。目前還不清楚其具體病因,也 還缺乏有效的治療手段。


Bone marrow stem cell therapy offers hope to multiple sclerosis patients

The research team, led by Neil Scolding, Burden Professor of Clinical Neurosciences for the University of Bristol and North Bristol NHS Trust, completed the trial in patients with MS to begin translating the findings from the laboratory to the clinic.

The Bristol team report on this pioneering trial in an article published online in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

The paper, 'Safety and feasibility of autologous bone marrow cellular therapy in relapsing-progressive multiple sclerosis' was performed at the Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol and the Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre.

The study explored the safety and feasibility of cell therapy in patients with MS. Participants had a general anaesthetic during which bone marrow was harvested. The marrow cells were filtered and prepared so that they could be injected into the patient's vein later the same day.

The procedure was well tolerated and the participants were followed up for a year. No serious adverse effects were encountered. The results of clinical scores were consistent with stable disease. The results of neurophysiological tests raised the possibility of benefit.

Professor Neil Scolding said: "We are encouraged by the results of this early study. The safety data are reassuring and the suggestion of benefit tantalising. A larger study is required to assess the effectiveness of bone marrow cellular therapy in treating MS. We are hopeful that recruitment to this phase 2/3 study may begin towards the end of this year.

"Research into the underlying mechanisms is ongoing and vital, in order to build on these results. We believe that stem cells mobilised from the marrow to the blood are responsible, and that they help improve disease in several ways, including neuroprotection and immune modulation."





