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推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2009年12月15日 星期二

使用成人幹細胞成功治療多發性硬化症 Multiple Sclerosis Treatment with Adult Stem Cells

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment with Adult Stem Cells
使用成人幹細胞治療發性硬化症 December 14, 2009

The latest success story comes from Australia. Ben Leahy, 20, was in a wheelchair and experiencing vision problems when he was treated earlier in 2009. Ben is now walking after treatment with adult stem cells. The treatment involves isolating the patient’s bone marrow adult stem cells, giving the patient mild chemotherapy to destroy the rogue immune cells that are attacking the nervous system, then re-injecting the patient’s adult stem cells.

之前最新的報導指出 一位罹患多發性硬化症的20歲澳大利亞小孩Ben Leahy, 他視力受損且無法行走只能坐在輪椅上.而在今年2009稍早的時候進行了成人幹細胞治療. 該治療包含了隔絕他的骨髓幹細胞, 並且給予溫和的化療來徹底摧毀不正常的免疫細胞, 然後再注入他自身的成人幹細胞.

While the Australian group has not yet published their results, the technique mirrors the treatment results published in 2009 in Lancet Neurology by Dr. Richard Burt’s team at Northwestern, where they reported that they had reversed the neurological dysfunction of early-stage multiple sclerosis patients. As Dr. Burt noted:

“This is the first time we have turned the tide on this disease.”

在澳洲的例子之前,Dr. Richard Burt 已經發表過類似的結果, 證明該治療能夠在早期發做的MS病患中予以回復. 而那是第一次人類能夠完全戰勝這個疾病.

The group is now engaged in a larger, randomized clinical trial for multiple sclerosis.

Edwin McClure was treated with his own adult stem cells for MS.

以下是另一位接受過自身成人幹細胞治療的病患Edwin McClure的影片

In a previous clinical review published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2008, the evidence indicated that adult stem cells were showing success for many diseases, including multiple sclerosis.


Barry Goudy is one of the MS patients who was helped by adult stem cell treatment.

以下是另一位接受過自身成人幹細胞治療的病患Barry Goudy的影片

Dr. Mark Freedman of the University of Ottawa has also reported similar success treating MS patients.

Burt and Voltarelli have also published successful results treating patients for other autoimmune diseases, including type I (juvenile) diabetes.


屬於自身就所擁有的幹細胞, 不需要臍帶血. 可由骨髓抽取出.


9 則留言:

  1. 感謝您又為大家增加了一個好消息!
    不過” 靜脈血管窄化理論”與”幹細胞治療理論”(……摧毀不正常的免疫細胞, 然後再注入他自身的成人幹細胞…..),好像完全是不同的理論!看來答案又不只一個,說不定第三種.第四種……答案又會出來了!這樣好像又變的沒有答案了哦?

  2. 對啊, 有更多的解決方法不是更好嗎?



  3. 真希望台灣的醫學界可以來些回應....

  4. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  5. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  6. 我是在美国的华人,很高兴来到你的blog,有许多好的信息。

    Cure for multiple sclerosis now possible

    Multiple sclerosis is an auto-immune disease in which the body's own immune response attacks the central nervous system, leading to progressive physical and mental deterioration.

    Led by Jacques Galipeau, researchers at the Jewish General Hospital Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research and the McGill University in Montreal, in an experimental treatment for multiple sclerosis, managed to completely reverse the auto-immune disorder in mice.

    Calling the new treatment GIFT15, the researchers said it might put multiple sclerosis in humans into remission by suppressing the immune response.

    The new treatment might also be effective against other auto-immune disorders like Crohn's disease, lupus and arthritis, and could also control immune responses in organ transplant patients, a university statement said Wednesday.

    The researchers said unlike earlier immune-suppressing therapies that rely on chemical pharmaceuticals
    , this new approach is "a personalised form of cellular therapy which utilises the body's own cells to suppress immunity in a much more targeted way".

    The new treatment, or GIFT15, involves two proteins, GSM-CSF and interleukin-15, fused together artificially in the lab.

    Under normal circumstances, the individual proteins act to stimulate the immune system, but when they are fused, the equation reverses itself.

    "You know those mythical animals that have the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. They are called chimeras. In a lyrical sense, that is what we have created," said research leader Galipeau, who is a world-renowned expert on cell regeneration.

    "GIFT15 is a new protein hormone composed of two distinct proteins, and when they're stuck together they lead to a completely unexpected biological effect," he said.

    This effect converts B-cells - a common form of white blood cell normally involved in immune response - into powerful immune-suppressive cells, he added.

    The Canadian said naturally-occurring immune-suppressing B-cells are almost unknown in nature and the notion of using them to control immunity is very new.

    He said: "GIFT15 (the new treatment) can take your normal, run-of-the-mill B-cells and convert them into these super-powerful B-regulatory cells.

    "We took normal B-cells from mice, and sprinkled GIFT15 on them, which led to this Jekyll and Hyde effect. And when we gave them back intravenously to mice ill with multiple sclerosis, the disease went away."

    He said there were no significant side-effects in the mice, and the treatment was fully effective with a single dose.

    The research leader said multiple sclerosis must be caught in its earliest stages to be reversed by the new treatment, though clinical studies are needed to test its efficacy and safety in humans.

    The research has been published this week in the journal Nature Medicine

  7. 成人干細胞療法與靜脈血管手術看起來好像二个東西不搭界,實際上二个東西是有聯系,而且可能互補。




    from Peng

  8. 附上一個成人幹細胞治療的歐洲醫療中心連結

    Stem cell treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
    Multiple Sclerosis

    Because myelin aids the conduction of nerve signals, damage to myelin results in impaired nerve signaling and may impair normal sensation, movement, and thinking. This damage occurs in patches that appear as distinct lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The patches cause different symptoms, depending on their location within the nervous system.

    Currently there is no cure for MS. There are treatments available that may slow its progression and alleviate associated symptoms. Stem cell therapy is among these treatment options.
    The XCell-Center Multiple Sclerosis treatment

    The XCell-Center's MS treatment differs from standard methods because, in contrast to temporarily masking symptoms with drugs, it is a drug-free alternative focused on affecting physical changes that can improve a patient's quality of life.

    MS patients are treated by lumbar puncture; injecting the stem cells into the cerebrospinal fluid which transports them up the spinal canal and into the brain. Lumbar puncture is an outpatient procedure that requires patients to stay in Germany 4 or 5 nights.
    Bone Marrow Collection
    On the first day, bone marrow is collected from the patient's iliac crest (hip bone) using thin-needle mini-puncture under local anesthesia. Although some pain is felt when the needle is inserted, most patients do not find the bone marrow collection procedure particularly painful. The entire procedure normally takes about 30 minutes.

    Once the bone marrow collection is complete, patients may return to their hotel and go about normal activities. Patients who receive general anesthesia must lie down for a short recovery period before returning to their hotel.

    Laboratory Processing

    Laboratory ProcessingThe next day, the stem cells are processed from the bone marrow in a state-of-the-art, government approved (cGMP) laboratory. In the lab, both the quantity and quality of the stem cells are measured. These cells have the potential to transform into multiple types of cells and are capable of regenerating or repairing damaged tissue.

    Stem Cell Implantation

    On the third day, the stem cells are implanted back into the patient by lumbar puncture or surgical implantation.

    A spinal needle is inserted between L4 and L5 vertebrae and a small amount of spinal fluid is removed. A portion of that spinal fluid is mixed with the stem cell solution which is then injected into back into the patient's spinal fluid, not the spinal cord.

    After the stem cells have been implanted, the patient will lie down in the recovery room for a few hours before returning to his or her hotel room. The lumbar puncture procedure is performed under local anesthesia for adults. Under normal circumstances, procedures performed under local anesthesia are not painful.
    Following Treatment

    Patients who are treated by lumbar puncture are required to stay in town on the day after their procedure for general safety purposes. They may return home on the fifth day.


    The price for the intrathecal treatment is 7,995 Euros.費用很高!

