日前我報名了此項的檢驗, 所收到的回應如下, 看來報名的人數相當多, 還需要一段時間來做甄選吧~
Thank you for your continued interest in the Combined Transcranial and Extracranial Venous Doppler (CTEVD) Evaluation in MS and related Diseases study.
Thank you for taking the time to provide your personal health information by completing the online questionnaire.
We are diligently processing all requests for information and the data that has been provided. You will be notified if you are eligible for further screening. We will also send notification to people who will not be eligible to participate in the current study. Due to the number of responses, it will take 1-2 months to process.
Please do not make any travel plans until your enrollment is confirmed. All testing procedures are paid for by BNAC. However, there is no financial compensation for your participation, or travel and related expenses.
Please only use the ctevd@bnac.net email address to communicate with our study.
No Doppler or MRV reports will be given to participants or their physicians. Research MRI reports of the brain can be made available upon request.
Thank you in advance for your patience.
Kind regards,
Cheryl Kennedy, LMSW, MPH
Clinical Trial Manger/Senior Project Coordinator
Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center
Dr. Zamboni's study
My husband is 40 yr old with R&R MS, diagnosed in 1998. He have always knew something was not right in his neck. He even went to see an ear, nose and throat specialist in 1992 for a newly acquired constricting feeling in his throat that was not going away. The doctor told him that it was probably allergies due to playing music in night clubs. He was a proffessional drummer for 20 some years. We live in Ottawa Ont, Canada. His dissability is minimal but, progressing slowly. He have been on Interferon 1b for 10 years now. He have just graduated college with a degree in nursing. I came from Taiwan, My husband found your blog and would like to contact with you, our emial: carsonbymanor@rogers.com