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推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2009年12月24日 星期四

你能逆轉MS嗎? 有一位女性說: 可以的, 來看看他的說法

Can You Reverse Multiple Sclerosis? Yes, Says One Woman. Here's How.

How do you cure an incurable disease? Ask Kate Milliken. The 37-year-old New York City video producer was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis -- the autoimmune disease that causes everything from muscle weakness to complete paralysis -- three years ago. Today, she's better. And she has before-and-after MRI scans, as well as testimony from bigwig doctors at Mt. Sinai, to prove it.
Kate Milliken 一位37歲的製片 3年前被診斷出來為MS, 而且癱瘓, 而今天,他好多了. 由MRI 前後對照就可以證實.

Her story is controversial for several reasons. First, MS is considered by the medical community to be irreversible, so her claim gets dismissed as "power of positive thinking" nonsense.

他的故事一直以來都受到許多的爭論,因為一直以來,醫學界總是認為這是不可逆的過程! 所以他的正面思考也就被視為無稽之談!!

Milliken credits an intensive traditional medical regime, combined with yoga, holistic vitamin treatments and a Japanese "Reiki" healer. But she does also firmly believe that the power of the mind played a major role. "I taped a piece of paper to my bedroom mirror that said: Reverse it," Milliken tells Marie Claire in the magazine's January issue. "I started repeating those words to myself a thousand times a day: Reverse it. Reverse it. Reverse it."

她結合了傳統療法:瑜伽, 全面的維他命療法,以及日本"Reiki"治療方式.
最重要的,她相信自我的信念扮演了一個很重要的角色. 她打了一句話貼在臥室的鏡子上:
"我要逆轉MS" 然後她一天內告訴自己 超過上千次
Reverse it. Reverse it. Reverse it."

Talk like this isn't always welcome in the community of people who have the disease. "Once," Milliken says, "a woman who had suffered from multiple sclerosis for 30 years said to me from her wheelchair: Don't tell me to put a Post-it note on my mirror. Give me a break."

但是這樣似乎在MS的群體裡似乎不太受歡迎, 她說:有一次 一個患病30多年的而且坐在輪以上的女病患告訴她: 要我貼便條紙在鏡子上? 你嘛幫幫忙, 不可能啦....(無言)

嗯!看來這個故事只能告訴我們, 心裡的想法會真的影響身體,而且很嚴重!!

你要逆轉勝? 還是 "你嘛幫幫忙, 不可能啦..." 一切全決定在你
Reverse it, or Give me a break! It's up to you!!

或者, 兩者都行~ 累了就Give me a break, 睡飽了就來Reverse it !!

你又感覺到身上的小宇宙了嗎? 我在打字的同時, 我已經感覺到了!! 那你呢?

Let's make impossible nothing!!


2 則留言:

  1. 我都跟自己說:



  2. 嗯 不錯喔, 很正面!!

