Perry Goodyear was scheduled to arrive in the United States over the weekend to receive the experimental ‘liberation treatment’ for MS. The 37-year-old Grand Bank resident, who was diagnosed with the disease in 2003, travelled to St. John’s Friday to give himself a chance to rest up before catching an early Saturday morning flight.
派瑞,37歲, 2003年被診斷出MS, 準備到美國 St. John’s Friday 接受靜脈擴張手術!
Falling into the Primary Progressive form of MS, which affects between 10 and 15 per cent of people with the disease, he requires a motorized scooter to get around and now has only 50 per cent function in one arm.
他需要一個電動車來代步, 現在他的手臂只剩下一半的功能是正常..
Since speaking with The Gazette in late August, he said the disease has further progressed to the point where he could no longer eat solid foods.
他說 他的病已經惡化到無法進食固體食物了!
He said participation would require several trips to Ontario for follow-up Doppler ultrasound tests. The province does not yet have that equipment.
Goodyear receives MS ‘liberation treatment’