Launch MS clinical trials immediately, researcher urges研究人員急切的希望能夠立刻展開MS實驗性的手術
越來越多加拿大MS患者遠赴 保加利亞,波蘭, 印度, 墨西哥, 美國 去擴張他們狹窄的靜脈,
而所帶回來的消息都是立刻反應的結果如:手腳不再冰冷,變得溫暖, 視力更清楚, 疲累感大大的減少
即使沒有免疫細胞影響的情形下,髓鞘也會損壞, 這些現象讓他想知道是什麼原因造成髓鞘的損壞
Juurlink主要的研究是中風, 他知道當腦部的血流量減少的時候,首先大腦神經細胞組織所受到的影響就是髓鞘, 而髓鞘的損壞正是在MS病患中大腦被發現的主要徵兆
一位在Cameco MS Neuroscience Research Centre in Saskatoon的科學家假設 血流量的減少可能造成大腦的病灶(白色的班點),這些病灶能夠因為增加血流量而進一步被預防!
Juurlink提到:雖然目前的結果不是一個好的對照實驗的結果, 但是我不了解的是為何不趕緊展開MS實驗性的手術來做進一步的證實?
Bernhard Juurlink在1998就提出MS可能和腦部以及脊髓血流量減少有關的假設!
損害的原因可能有兩種 一為免疫細胞的攻擊 一為血流量減少
在未完全確定髓鞘損害的原因為何? 或者是那個原因所佔的比重比較大的情形下?
又目前對於 免疫細胞攻擊的控制 尚未到達一個完全的控制的情形下(免疫系統的機制太過複雜)
若能夠增加血流量(打開窄化的靜脈) 來先一步預防髓鞘的損害
何不讓MS病患減少一些對未來生活的恐懼, 保有一份順暢和愉快的生活品質呢?
Clinical trials of the controversial liberation treatment for multiple sclerosis should happen immediately, says a former University of Saskatchewan researcher who proposed an eerily similar theory more than a decade ago.
Bernhard Juurlink published a hypothesis in 1998 that MS is related to decreased blood flow in the brain and spinal cord.
Bernhard Juurlink在1998就提出MS可能和腦部以及脊髓血流量減少有關的假設
"It was very difficult to get anyone interested in this idea — the idea was easily testable by, for example, looking for blood flow in white matter in MS patients," Juurlink said in an interview this week. "I tried to first interest clinical colleagues to image brains of MS and non-MS patients, to look at blood flow, with no success."
Last year, Italian vascular surgeon Dr. Paolo Zamboni proposed that narrowed or blocked veins in the neck are related to MS and inflating the veins with a balloon angioplasty procedure can alleviate symptoms.
The procedure isn't available in Canada because it hasn't been scientifically validated, but Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall has called for clinical trials, which he'd like to see start soon.
Meanwhile, a growing number of Canadians with MS have travelled to Bulgaria, Poland, India, Mexico and the United States to have their veins widened. They bring back anecdotal reports of immediate results, such as restored warmth to their feet and hands, clearer vision and decreased fatigue.
越來越多加拿大MS患者遠赴 保加利亞,波蘭, 印度, 墨西哥, 美國 去擴張他們狹窄的靜脈,
而所帶回來的消息都是立刻反應的結果如:手腳不再冰冷,變得溫暖, 視力更清楚, 疲累感大大的減少
Juurlink was at the University of Saskatchewan from 1975 until 2008, when he moved to Saudi Arabia as a founding faculty member of Alfaisal University; he serves a professor of anatomy and cell biology.
He said his research into strokes intersected with MS research during the 1990s when he started looking at the development of the cells that form myelin, the fatty sheaths around the brain's axons — portions of nerve cells that transmit electrical impulses. Damage to the myelin sheaths caused by immune cell attacks is the commonly accepted cause of MS.
MS research has almost completely focused on the immune attack, but Juurlink found reports of myelin breakdowns in the absence of immune cells. That led him to wonder what else could cause the damage.
Because of his research into strokes, he knew the first tissues affected when blood flow in the brain is reduced are the myelin-covered nerve fibres — and that some of the changes caused in the brain resemble the changes in the brains of MS patients.
Juurlink主要的研究是中風, 他知道當腦部的血流量減少的時候,首先大腦神經細胞組織所受到的影響就是髓鞘, 而髓鞘的損壞正是在MS病患中大腦被發現的主要徵兆
While a scientist at the Cameco MS Neuroscience Research Centre in Saskatoon, he hypothesized that reduced blood flow could be the cause of MS lesions in the brain and, consequently, lesions may be prevented by increasing the blood flow.
一位在Cameco MS Neuroscience Research Centre in Saskatoon的科學家假設 血流量的減少可能造成大腦的病灶(白色的班點),這些病灶能夠因為增加血流量而進一步被預防!
"It wasn't covered up, but it went against the grain of what was considered to be common knowledge, that everybody knew, despite the evidence to the contrary. This was completely ignored," said Juurlink. "Once ideas are accepted, it's very difficult to get individuals to look at a problem in a different light.
"Despite what scientists claim — that they're open-minded — it's actually not the case, usually, because everybody says, 'Of course, it's an immune attack, we know it's an immune attack.' "
However, the relation of vein obstructions to MS won't be known without carefully controlled, double-blinded clinical trials, Juurlink said. "Personally, I don't understand why we don't have immediate clinical trials."
Juurlink提到:雖然目前的結果不是一個好的對照實驗的結果, 但是我不了解的是為何不趕緊展開MS實驗性的手術來進一步的證實?
Current work related to Zamboni's theory at Saskatoon's research centre focuses on whether the veins are restricted. The lead researcher, Dr. Katherine Knox, said this week her team is focusing on that work before moving on to any potential clinical trials.
The dean of the U of S's college of medicine, Dr. William Albritton, and provincial Health Minister Don McMorris have both spoken recently of clinical trials being fast-tracked.
from The StarPhoenix
