1/20, 下午於台北榮總, 我就進行了這一項檢查, 根據之前對於Dr. Paolo Zamboni論文內所提到的部份, 大概知道多數的MS病人在靜脈阻塞的部份為: jugular vein 和Azygous vein兩者.而 Azygous vein位於胸腔部份,較不容易檢測.
在北榮的部份,只能做頸部以上的檢測. 請參考下圖:

想要做此一檢查的病友, 可以直接掛蔡醫師的門診以排定都卜勒超音波檢查的時間, 或直接在我BLOG右方"台北榮總神經內科蔡清標醫師信箱"下有其聯絡方式以排定時間
我想, 若能夠藉由此一檢查發現出一些現象的話, 對於進一步的治療會相當有幫助, 結果尚未出來, 先和大家說一聲: 這是一個簡單無傷害的檢查, 病友大可以放心去做.
雖然不知道和Dr. Paolo Zamboni的結果會有多少差異, 不過, 就先放心的等待吧, 此外最近有來自北美洲華人(曉昌)的消息, 也很感謝他幫忙提供了更多的資訊, 病友可以在部份文章中的留言部份可以看到相關的資訊喔:
因為頸部的靜脈血管多且集中, 必須先確定是哪一條窄化,否則一旦下錯刀, 也是得不償失.
回覆刪除The majority of MS patients tested so far have it. Over 500 MS patients in Italy have it. They were tested by Dr. Paolo Zamboni. Sixty five MS patients in the US have it. They were tested by Dr. Michael Dake. Twenty MS patients have it in Poland. They were tested by Dr. Marian Simka. Two patients in Paris have it, they were tested by Dr. Claude Franceschi. 1700 patients and controls are being tested for it by Jacobs Neurological Institute at SUNY Buffalo.
None of the normal patients (controls) tested have it. None of the patients with other neurological diseases have it. Only people with MS.
我是2/3 做檢查
回覆刪除There are a few different protocols, depending on where you live and what is available. In Italy, Dr. Zamboni begins with a doppler ultrasound of the neck and brain, to see if the blood is refluxing. Then he performs a venography. This is where dye is injected into your veins to see the blood flow and possible stenosis. Jacobs Neurological Institute is following this protocol and also using MRV (magnetic resonance venography) Dr. Dake at Stanford was using MRV followed by endovascular venography to diagnose stenosis. Dr. Mark Haacke is using a combination of SWI-MRI technology and MRV, but he also recommends doppler testing to confirm reflux. In Poland, Dr. Simka is using doppler technology followed by venography.
太棒了,真的是非常有用的資訊, 事實上,我當天的檢查也有針對反流做檢測. 特別是呼氣的時候. 所以最全面的檢測方式應該就是 : 都卜勒超音波 + 核磁共振靜脈造影!