新年快樂!! Let's reverse MS!! 讓我們2010年都痊癒吧!
本網誌設立的目的在於提供MS多發性硬化症的相關醫療資訊,並且以一過來人的身分分享自己發病過程和對抗這個罕見疾病的經驗和心路歷程. 希望我的個人經驗能夠讓同樣遭受這種疾病的人獲得身體上或者是心理上的幫助,而這將是我最大的快樂!! 我更希望這種病不要發生在正常的人身上,希望能夠藉由我的網誌來換醒更多人對於健康的重視!!
Her story is controversial for several reasons. First, MS is considered by the medical community to be irreversible, so her claim gets dismissed as "power of positive thinking" nonsense.
他的故事一直以來都受到許多的爭論,因為一直以來,醫學界總是認為這是不可逆的過程! 所以他的正面思考也就被視為無稽之談!!
Milliken credits an intensive traditional medical regime, combined with yoga, holistic vitamin treatments and a Japanese "Reiki" healer. But she does also firmly believe that the power of the mind played a major role. "I taped a piece of paper to my bedroom mirror that said: Reverse it," Milliken tells Marie Claire in the magazine's January issue. "I started repeating those words to myself a thousand times a day: Reverse it. Reverse it. Reverse it."你能逆轉MS嗎? 有一位女性說: 可以的, 來看看他的說法
日前我報名了此項的檢驗, 所收到的回應如下, 看來報名的人數相當多, 還需要一段時間來做甄選吧~
Thank you for your continued interest in the Combined Transcranial and Extracranial Venous Doppler (CTEVD) Evaluation in MS and related Diseases study.
Thank you for taking the time to provide your personal health information by completing the online questionnaire.
We are diligently processing all requests for information and the data that has been provided. You will be notified if you are eligible for further screening. We will also send notification to people who will not be eligible to participate in the current study. Due to the number of responses, it will take 1-2 months to process.
Please do not make any travel plans until your enrollment is confirmed. All testing procedures are paid for by BNAC. However, there is no financial compensation for your participation, or travel and related expenses.
Please only use the ctevd@bnac.net email address to communicate with our study.
No Doppler or MRV reports will be given to participants or their physicians. Research MRI reports of the brain can be made available upon request.
Thank you in advance for your patience.
Kind regards,
Cheryl Kennedy, LMSW, MPH
Clinical Trial Manger/Senior Project Coordinator
Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center來自水牛城神經影像中心 (都卜勒超音波檢驗)的回應
新式幹細胞治療法 硬化症青年手術後可走路
國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院神經部現在正在對於經歷首次臨床症狀且有高風險轉變為多發性硬化症的患者進行臨床試驗。在參與試驗的期間,受試者仍可維持原來的日常生活,不需改變生活形態,歡迎患者及其家屬向本院神經部洽詢。 試驗中將提供定期的血液、生化、心電圖、核磁共振造影、神經學評估等檢查,並接受台大醫療團隊細心又專業的照顧。
| |||
本計劃主持人:楊智超醫師 | 分機:65345 | 研究助理:衛聿柔 |
諮詢電話 :(02) 23123456 轉65345 0966-315-010
| Email:bluejou@yahoo.com.tw |
徵求:首次臨床症狀且有高風險轉變為多發性硬化症的患者進行臨床試驗 from台大醫院
The latest success story comes from Australia. Ben Leahy, 20, was in a wheelchair and experiencing vision problems when he was treated earlier in 2009. Ben is now walking after treatment with adult stem cells. The treatment involves isolating the patient’s bone marrow adult stem cells, giving the patient mild chemotherapy to destroy the rogue immune cells that are attacking the nervous system, then re-injecting the patient’s adult stem cells.
之前最新的報導指出 一位罹患多發性硬化症的20歲澳大利亞小孩Ben Leahy, 他視力受損且無法行走只能坐在輪椅上.而在今年2009稍早的時候進行了成人幹細胞治療. 該治療包含了隔絕他的骨髓幹細胞, 並且給予溫和的化療來徹底摧毀不正常的免疫細胞, 然後再注入他自身的成人幹細胞.
While the Australian group has not yet published their results, the technique mirrors the treatment results published in 2009 in Lancet Neurology by Dr. Richard Burt’s team at Northwestern, where they reported that they had reversed the neurological dysfunction of early-stage multiple sclerosis patients. As Dr. Burt noted:
“This is the first time we have turned the tide on this disease.”
在澳洲的例子之前,Dr. Richard Burt 已經發表過類似的結果, 證明該治療能夠在早期發做的MS病患中予以回復. 而那是第一次人類能夠完全戰勝這個疾病.
The group is now engaged in a larger, randomized clinical trial for multiple sclerosis.
Edwin McClure was treated with his own adult stem cells for MS.
以下是另一位接受過自身成人幹細胞治療的病患Edwin McClure的影片
In a previous clinical review published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2008, the evidence indicated that adult stem cells were showing success for many diseases, including multiple sclerosis.
Barry Goudy is one of the MS patients who was helped by adult stem cell treatment.
以下是另一位接受過自身成人幹細胞治療的病患Barry Goudy的影片
Dr. Mark Freedman of the University of Ottawa has also reported similar success treating MS patients.
Burt and Voltarelli have also published successful results treating patients for other autoimmune diseases, including type I (juvenile) diabetes.
屬於自身就所擁有的幹細胞, 不需要臍帶血. 可由骨髓抽取出.
使用成人幹細胞成功治療多發性硬化症 Multiple Sclerosis Treatment with Adult Stem Cells
妻罹癌或多發性硬化症 2成夫離婚
Ben Leahy, 20, was diagnosed with the disease in 2008 and ended up in intensive care at one point with respiratory failure after his condition deteriorated rapidly.
He was in a wheelchair and also had sight problems when he underwent the procedure earlier this year but today he is walking and recovering well.
Australian doctors removed stem cells from Ben's bone marrow, then used chemicals to destroy all the existing immune cells in the body before re-injecting his stem cells.
ACT neurologist Dr Colin Andrews says the positive results in Ben have surprised doctors.
"At the moment there's a good chance we may have arrested the disease," he said.
"He walks pretty well, there's only some mild weakness in his right leg and some visual loss in one eye and apart from that he's very intact," he said.
Dr Andrews says health professionals had been reluctant to use the technique because of the risk of death was at around 8 per cent several years ago.
He was unable to get consensus from his peers to go ahead with the treatment in Canberra and could not try the treatment on Ben until he found a specialist in Sydney who was doing similar work on people with other conditions.
He also had to get Ben well enough to be able to undergo the stem cell treatment and this took several months.
The risk of death from the procedure has now been reduced to 1 per cent and Dr Andrews says the outstanding results on Ben means it can now be an option for more people as a last resort if other treatments have not been successful in stopping the progress of the disease.
"I've told some of my MS friends in our association, they're quite pleased about it all," he said.
"It sets another landmark for people to work towards."
Mr Andrews hopes to start offering it to some patients, whom he describes as "special cases" in Sydney and Melbourne.
He says for some patients there will be a 60 to 80 per cent chance the progress of the disease can be stopped and for others a good chance it can be reversed.
Ben's mother Prue, who was afraid he was going to die, says it was beyond her expectations to have him walking again.
"What I got was more than I could have ever imagined or hoped for," she said.
Ben says he will now return to school and hopes to study physics.
Multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system and stop nerve impulses travelling to the brain, spinal cord and eyes and those with the disease suffer from episodes which are unpredictable, with varying symptoms.
Almost 20,000 Australians have the disease.
A small trial done early this year overseas stopped symptoms and in a few cases reversed neurological damage of multiple scerosis.
又一個令人感到希望的曙光!!幹細胞治療之後 MS患者可以走路了
謝謝您關注組合和顱外靜脈經顱都卜勒(CTEVD)評價在MS及相關疾病的研究。慢性腦靜脈功能不全(志願服務協調委員會)是一個持續的問題時,大腦的血 液流向正確有困難的心臟因堵塞或狹窄(變窄的血管)。其主要目標是CTEVD研究的目的是調查患病率(頻率)的志願服務協調委員會患者多發性硬化(MS) 相比,健康對照組(HC)和控制與其他神經系統疾病(神經系統疾病)。另一個重要目的是CTEVD研究的目的是探討志願服務協調委員會之間的關係和臨床, 磁共振成像(MRI)和環境,遺傳的結果MS患者中,並控制與神經系統疾病。
我們已經收到了很大的反響,最近媒體報導說,我們的研究。由於申請者的數目和經費有限,我們為您提供一些詳細的資料,我們的研究,並要求有關您的一些細節,以幫助我們評估您是否有資格參加。 目前,報名將會封閉,直至2010年1月下旬,以評估的初步研究結果,首次招收500名學科。 如果你想被認為這項研究或任何未來的研究,請按照以下說明。
2)請只使用 ctevd@bnac.net電子郵件地址來與我們的研究。
請注意,這是一個研究診斷性研究-沒有治療干預計劃在這項研究。 這項研究程序包括都卜勒/超聲波測試,血液採集,臨床檢查,並完成了環境問卷。有興趣的參與者也可以進行核磁共振檢查。一個子集,這些人也有與磁共振成像的頸部靜脈。
如果你正在寫代表親屬或朋友,請告訴他/她直接與我們聯繫在此電子郵件地址: ctevd@bnac.net
沒有都卜勒或MRV報告將給予參加者或他們的醫生。 研究報告的磁共振腦可應要求提供。
通過https:/ /vovici.com/wsb.dll/s/8727g41a07
CTEVD(組合和顱外靜脈經顱都卜勒) 檢驗徵求MS病患志願者
2009「讓愛走動 生命傳頌」身心障礙者影展 歡迎罕病病友索票~ | ||||||||||||||||
2001年起,由廣青文教基金會主辦的「圓缺之間」障礙影展至今已邁入第九屆,主要期望透過影像教育,讓身心障礙族群與其家屬能學習接納障礙、並借鏡他 人成功經驗,走出障礙陰霾。今年,配合2009年「愛很大 礙不怕」國際身心障礙者日系列活動,特別於12月4日至12月6日推出「『讓愛走動,生命傳 頌』身心障礙者影展全國巡迴映演宣導活動。
1. 共有30位名額,請有興趣觀賞的病友們於12月4日前向本會病服組登記索票。 2. 其他影展相關資訊請參考圓缺影展活動網站http://www.kuang-ching.org/modules/tinyd5/index.php?id=61 北部的病友或者是其他在北部的朋友, 有空可以利用明天, 去看看下午場有關描述多發性硬化症的電影(迎戰轉捩點). 瞭解何謂多發性硬化症! |
一部介紹多發性硬化症的電影: "迎戰轉捩點"
German pharmaceutical company Merck KGaA on Monday said its application for U.S. approval of cladribine tablets for multiple sclerosis treatment has been rejected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The FDA issued a "refuse to file letter" to the company, which it does when it decides a new drug application isn't sufficiently complete.
"It is the worst of all possibilities," Sal. Oppenheim analyst Peter Duellmann said. "Until now, the question was whether the drug will get a priority review or not. Now the FDA won't even look at it."
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, inflammatory condition of the central nervous system that can be disabling in its advanced stages. Cladribine, according to Merck KGaA, is a small molecule that may interfere with certain white blood cells, particularly lymphocytes, which are thought to be involved in the pathological process of MS.
At the end of September, Merck KGaA applied for U.S. approval of cladribine tablets as a potential short-course therapy for multiple sclerosis.
The move gave it a lead over Swiss competitor Novartis AG, which plans to file for European Union and U.S approval of FTY720, also known by its generic name fingolimod, at the end of this year.
"The company will work closely with the FDA to fully understand the FDA's concerns and define a path forward for a successful resubmission of this application at the earliest point in time," Merck KGaA said in a statement.
Merck had applied to the European Medicines Agency for EU approval of the drug in July, in a bid to bring to market the first oral treatment against the nervous-system disease.
Write to Natascha Divac at natascha.divac@dowjones.com
最新消息:美國FDA 駁回 Merk藥廠的MS 藥物申請