一個來自國外患有MS病症的女性: Donna Clark的故事~
Donna Clark是一位46歲的女性, 她因為得到了多發性硬化症而失去了她的男朋友, 並且和她的父母親住在一起. 但是他並不會老是在這些這些事情打轉. 相反的, 她對她的父母懷抱著感激之情, 而目前他仍然能夠走路..
在她17歲那年,她被診斷出罹患多發性硬化症: 一個自體免疫系統失調而攻擊中樞神經系統的疾病
神經的病狀從她16歲的那一年開始緩慢的發作, 其一就是她出現了複視(雙重影像)的症狀爾後視神經被診斷出發炎(脫髓鞘)的情形. 接著17歲那年, 她的笑容變得歪斜(顏面神經受損). 當時她的神經科醫師並不確定是因為腫瘤,病毒,或是MS所引起這些症狀...
她說: 即便如此, 我依然不以為意, 我並不擔心.
這麼多年來, 複視(雙重影像)的症狀直重複著發作, 左臉也持續出現肌肉微微顫抖的現象, 甚至眼睛抽動痙攣, 眼皮不由自主的上下翻動. 直到類固醇的幫忙才解決了這些惱人的症狀...
1993年, 她再度的遭受了更大的發作, 她無法控制下肢的移動並且無法走路(下肢癱瘓). 藉由藥物的控制使得他再度獲得4肢的控制權, 並且使用了腋下拐杖6個月..至今, 她能夠有較好的下肢控制能力, 而且能夠只用一根柺杖就能夠行走了.
她是如何讓自己維持行走的行動能力的呢? 他到底是如何做到的? 她不僅是借助藥物來降低或控制症狀, 並且持續的健身(藉游泳), 更重要的, 當她覺得壓力大的時候, 她一定保持安定的心境, 藉此來保持一個正面的態度.
她說: 藥物只是一個幫助, 但也只能夠阻止一切的再惡化. 你所能想到的能夠做的事就是就是讓你自己的腳步慢下來! 包含生活的步調 .
現在的她, 只需要一根手杖就能夠走一段長距離的路程, 但是較長的路程就因為會疲累必須要借助輪椅.
所以, 從17歲到46歲, 她不會因為獨自一個人或行動不便, 或必須和父母住在一起就產生任何負面的想法, 相反的, 我們只要心存感激, 並且藉由藥物的控制, 心情壓力的調適, 加上良好運動和復健, 一定也能夠進步的!! 我目前也正在這麼做, 那你呢? 就從現在拋開所有的憂慮焦慮和不安吧, 出去走走, 游泳, 健身, 讓自己的身體動起來, 啟動自身的療癒能力和組織再生的能力吧!!
Woman confronts multiple sclerosis with swim workouts, relaxation
LONGMONT — Donna Clark lost boyfriends and lives with her parents because of multiple sclerosis. But the 46-year-old Longmont woman doesn’t dwell on those things — instead she feels grateful for her parents and that she’s still able to walk.
Clark attributes her ability to stay mobile not only to medications, which reduce the symptoms, but also to staying fit, staying calm during stressful times and to keeping a positive attitude.
“The drugs are a help, but what you have to do is (just) stop,” Clark said. “You think about what has to be done and slow yourself down. “
At age 17, Clark was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the central nervous system.
Signs of the neurological illness began to creep up at age 16, when she was diagnosed with optic neuritis, an inflammation of the optic nerve, which caused the teen to experience double vision. By the time Clark was 17, she developed a crooked smile and was sent to a neurologist, who for a while wasn’t certain if a tumor, virus or MS caused her symptoms.
After suffering from a tingling of the left side of the face and completing more tests, Clark was diagnosed with MS.
“Even then, I didn’t worry about it,” she said.
Over the years Clark suffered more bouts of double vision, tingling in her face and eye twitching. Her eyelids would flutter up and down uncontrollably, until prescribed steroids stopped the annoying symptom.
In 1993, Clark suffered an attack which left her unable to control the movement in her limbs and also unable to walk. She was prescribed medication, which eventually led to her being able to control her legs and arms, but needed to use Canadian (forearm) crutches for about six months. Over time, the medication improved her limb control, and she graduated to a cane and then to walking again unassisted.
Today, Clark only uses a cane while walking long distances. Sometimes if the distance is too long, she resorts to a wheelchair because of the fatigue.