"Spasticity means stiffness. It often occurs when demyelination occurs in the nerves that regulate muscle tone. Because many of the nerves in the brain and spinal cord regulate movement and any of them may be affected by demyelination, spasticity is a common problem in MS."
意思是說 抽筋/痙攣 發生的時候可以代表脫鞘(demyelination)狀態所反映出來的現象之一. 當然, 不是只有脫鞘才會導致 抽筋/痙攣 的發生, 肌肉缺乏或過多 特定離子(如鉀,鈣等離子)的時候, 也有可能出現. 之前3/29當天的衛教中, 來自加拿大的Dr.Giles 也說到 : 脫鞘情形隨時都在發生, 只是情況較為嚴重的時候, 就會在臨床上顯現而已. 當然相對的, 髓鞘再生也是持續在發生.
對於 抽筋/痙攣 的緩解, 該書也提出了最簡單也最有效的非藥物方式: "The simplest and often most effective way to reduce spasticity is passive stretching, in which each affected joint is slowly moved into a position that stretches the spastic muscles."物理的復健-->肢體肌肉和關節的伸展(被動式的復健:需要第二人協助).
至於復健的動作, 各位可以參考我在2008/12月份的文章當中, 有一些提到我的復健的影片, 是主動復健的部分. 之後會再針對這個部分多做一些說明.