
有關CCSVI(靜脈血管窄化及手術的資訊)可在相關連結以及相關MS blog內

推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2010年5月30日 星期日



其中,針對搜尋到的結果中(各位可以點選這個連結分別去看相關的文章),特別是 "腦血管阻塞引起的中風(stroke)" 的症狀部份,似乎有些存在於我自己本身的症狀內,同時這些症狀與MS某些的症狀也相同。我認為因為同屬於中樞神經組織壞死或病變或發炎所引起的症狀均相同所致





1.動脈硬化阻塞性中風-例如頸動脈、脊椎動 脈等大血管或分支因為動脈硬化而阻塞。


3.小洞中風-和腦出血有很大關係,小血管壁因高血壓而變得又厚又脆,甚至有點像小血管瘤,它可能被塞住或破裂。如果被塞住會形成小小梗塞,看起來便一個 洞一個洞。因為範圍較小,雖不致造成死亡,卻可能導致殘障、半身不遂,甚至癡呆症。在東方人身上最常見。


而現在發現的頸靜脈Jugular vein血管窄化或阻塞 (Venous Stenosis) 相同的也會造成腦部的缺血或缺氧,動脈和靜脈本屬於同一個流動系統,任何一支流只要阻塞或窄化,就一定會引起其他的血管流量增加和壓力上升。 所以中風的機率也就相對變大了!

而且另外其中一份資料如 下提到:


半側(左或右)急性肢體癱瘓無力麻木突發性講話障礙口齒不清等等徵狀,嚴重的甚至會 產生重度昏迷或者是呼吸困難的情形。因此,只要遇到忽然發生有以上所提的腦神經缺失徵狀,就有可能是腦中風的情形。


我們可以發現這些症狀與MS某些的症狀也相同。我認為因為同屬於中樞神經組織壞死或病變 或發炎所引起的症狀均相同所致


*Chung CP, Hsu HY, Chao AC, Hu HH:Re:Detection of intracranial venous reflux in transient global amnesia--Ultrasound study.Neurology.2007.68(2):163

*Chung CP, Hsu HY, Chao AC, Sheng WY, Hu HH:Transient global amnesia: cerebral venous outflow impairment- insight from the abnormal flow patterns of internal jugular vein.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.2007

*Chung CP, Hsu HY, Sheng WY, Hu HH:Flow volume in the jugular vein and related hemodynamics in the braches of the jugular vein.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.2007.33(4):500-505

* Hsu HY, Chen YY, Yang FY, Chung CP, Sheng WY, Yen MY, Hu HH* :Reflux of jugular and retrobulbar venous flow in transient monocular blindness.Annals of neurology.2007


腦血管疾病的輔助性檢查,如杜普勒超音波血流檢查(Doppler ultrasound blood flow studies),可顯示大血管,包括頸動脈﹙carotid artery﹚與基底脊椎動脈﹙basilar and vertebral arteries﹚,的動脈硬化斑塊(atheromatous plaques)與狹窄。血管攝影(angiography),可以更精確地找出大血管的狹窄或阻塞、動脈瘤、動靜脈畸型、及其他如動脈炎等血管疾病。除 此之外,磁振血管攝影(magnetic resonance angiography, MRA) 與磁振靜脈攝影 (MRV),可用來檢視顱內的大動脈與大靜脈,並且沒有輻射線,安全性較高;但對較小的血管,準確度不如血管攝影。

北榮腦中風小組待命醫師都是資深神經內科、神經外 科與神經放射科主治醫師,團隊高度整合、氣氛和諧,「我們是全台灣協調性最好的腦中風中心,」而神經放射科在1985年完成台灣第一例頸動脈血管擴張術,治療嚴重頸動脈狹窄。

參與完成台灣第一例頸動脈血管擴張術,治療嚴重頸動脈狹窄的鄧木火主任說,多年前,台灣醫療界已經將支架應用在身體其他部位,但頸動脈部位還沒人做,北榮 放射線科透過參加國外相關課程與邀請國外專家來台指導,慢慢發展研究,終於挑戰成功。

「使用支架治療頸動脈狹窄、放射線治療在其他醫學中心多由心臟科做,但我們認為放射科更適合做,因為放射科最熟悉腦部血管分布,這也是中風病人的特性,」 胡漢華剖析,並不是血管有點阻塞就要治療,須仰賴團隊評估病人將來中風的機率及現在接受手術的風險,如果單由心臟科負責,未必了解中風的自然過程。


1. 若只要發現顱內靜脈血管窄化或阻塞(Venous Stenosis),就有可能增加中風的機會!

2. 所以既然發現了這個現象,就該立刻處理並且解決這個問題!以免進一步造成悲劇的發生!

3. 既然北榮團隊在1985年就能夠完成第一次頸動脈的血管擴張手術,我想對於頸靜脈應該不是很難的事!

4. 若MS的病人當中真的有此一情形存在,那無疑是雪上加霜(多發性硬化症+潛在中風)!禍不單行!更需要解決這個潛在的問題以避免MS病患步入無法復原的道路。

胡醫師,北榮團隊I believe in you! 我相信您和北榮團隊一定能夠解決顱內靜脈血管窄化或阻塞(Venous Stenosis)的問題的!

2010年5月28日 星期五

重生的MS患者再加1"Chris Alkenbrack"

Treatment liberating for MS sufferer - Nova Scotia News - TheChronicleHerald.ca


又一位在5/18號做完 Liberation treatment 的MS病患的分享

Treatment liberating for MS sufferer
Valley man who travelled to Poland for experimental liberation therapy says his health improved immediately, dramatically

Chris Alkenbrack walked down the driveway, a leash in one hand and a neon green cane in the other.

A tiny pug dog at the end of the leash jumped up in friendly fashion to greet a visitor.

Alkenbrack was just back from a walk along the quiet roads of Forest Hill, a hamlet nestled on South Mountain near Wolfville.

He soon had a pot of coffee brewing and kept up a lively conversation as he moved around the kitchen of the rustic bungalow he and wife moved into when they came to Nova Scotia from Ontario in 2006.

Two weeks ago, he said, this kind of mobility would have been impossible.

Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1992, Alkenbrack’s disease had progressed to the point where two canes and a wheelchair were necessary for him just to get through the day.

"Before, when I was walking with my canes, the minute I would lift up my head, the room would spin," said Alkenbrack, 42, a former school principal.

He recently underwent a controversial procedure known as liberation therapy in a clinic in Poland. Liberation therapy is an angioplasty type of surgery, in which a balloon-catheter is used to widen blocked veins.

It’s controversial because the procedure has been touted as an extremely effective treatment for MS, even though medical trials have not been done to verify the claims.

Alkenbrack agrees more research must be done but for him, the evidence is clear.

"I’ve stepped back in time five or six years, and that’s significant," he said.

Over the past several years, his MS developed from "relapsing, remitting" type, when symptoms such as double vision and fatigue would come and go, to secondary progressive.


"I had more and more lesions on my brain," he explained. "It’s a really slow progression downhill."

When the side-effects of his medication, which most recently included chemotherapy, began to adversely affect his heart, Alkenbrack had enough last August.

"My wife and I discussed it and I said, ‘I know what MS can do and I can accept that, but I still want to be alive to see my grandchildren someday,’ so I stopped."

After hearing of liberation therapy in the news and through Facebook contacts, they didn’t hesitate to cash in $15,000 in RRSPs. The money paid for travel, accommodations and all medical work at a clinic in Katowice, Poland.

The improvement after his half-hour surgery on May 18 was immediate and dramatic, he said.

他說:5/18號做完Liberation treatment後有了重大的改變!!

After he and his wife returned from Poland, they picked up his 13-year-old daughter at the airport. She had been in Quebec on a school band trip during that time.

"I was walking with my cane with my wife, at a pretty good clip," he recounted. "My daughter recognized my wife; she didn’t even know it was me. When she realized it was me, she came running to me, threw herself in my arms and cried like a baby. She said, ‘Dad, I’m so happy for you.’ "

Under the new theory, advanced by the Italian vascular surgeon Paolo Zamboni, MS is caused by something called chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency, or CCSVI, which leads to blood with too much iron being diverted to the brain because of narrow veins.

Zamboni’s theory challenges the long-held belief that multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease, caused by the immune system attacking the myelin sheath that covers nerve tissue.

Groups such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society have urged MS patients to be cautious about putting life savings into travelling to countries such as Poland, Bulgaria and Kuwait that offer the procedure.

Maureen MacDonald, Nova Scotia’s health minister, has said the province needs to be sure the risks and the benefits of the treatment are clearly established.

"It’s still a very experimental therapy that requires more research," she told the legislature in early May, when Alkenbrack and others gathered in Halifax to call on the province to provide the treatment.

"We need further research to determine what the impact of this treatment will be."

But Alkenbrack points out that even if liberation therapy simply halts the progression of MS for some people, it will be worth it.

"There are over 3,000 people in Nova Scotia with MS, about 30~40 % on disability," he said. "Can you imagine the savings if this just worked for just 30 per cent of them?"




An outstanding video.
Our logic is irrefutable.
Why deny us this treatment?
This makes no sense.

史丹佛大學 Dr. Michael Dake 對於CCSVI和MS的看法

附上史丹佛大學 Dr. Michael Dake 對於CCSVI和MS的看法,供給病人以及醫師們做參考




可至上述網站瞭解 並且Dr. Michael Dake會更新他的研究結果
Dr. Dake gives update on where they are with research.

2010年5月27日 星期四

全球組織MS Society 在英國舉行了CCSVI 線上meeting

MS Society 2010 MS-CCSVI-UK meeting

各位請透過以下連結 直接在網路上見證這個討論

Click " view" to view the complete archive of the meeting.



Val Hoenecke said she was virtually bedridden with MS earlier this year, but now she feels great after having an operation to open her neck veins. (CBC)

A Rosetown, Sask., woman says she feels "150 per cent better" after receiving a much publicized, but controversial, treatment for her multiple sclerosis.

"I'm a different person today than I was four weeks ago," said Val Hoenecke, a math teacher from the town southwest of Saskatoon who went to Poland last month for an operation to have veins in her neck unblocked.

Val Hoenecke說:去波蘭靜脈擴張之後,人生截然不同。以前幾乎是臥床不起的。

"I have nothing but energy, when all I could do [before] was stay in bed."

Hoenecke was one of about 20 people who met in Regina Tuesday night to talk about a treatment pioneered by Italian surgeon Paolo Zamboni for a condition he calls chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency or CCSVI.

As she flitted around from table to table talking to people at the event, Hoenecke showed no outward sign she has MS, a disease of the nervous system that can cause severe physical impairment and affects some 3,000 people in Saskatchewan.


For years, many scientists have described MS as an autoimmune disease, with drug therapy the standard treatment.

However, Zamboni believes MS is caused by blocked veins in the neck and has pioneered a novel treatment where angioplasty is used to open up the veins to help blood flow more easily.

MS patients around Canada have been clamouring for the treatment, but in most cases, neither the ultrasound used to diagnose the condition or the procedure itself are covered by provincial health insurance.

Some doctors say Zamboni's theories haven't been properly tested, and they're worried MS patients are moving too fast to get the operation.

People like Hoenecke have been traveling out of country and spending their savings to get the operation, which can cost $10,000 or more.

Hoenecke said she has no regrets after receiving her treatment on April 28.

"I have no pain now," she said. "I feel 150 per cent, and I can't even give you proper words to tell you how I feel."

Hoenecke說: 我現在感覺不到任合痛苦了我一點也不後悔做了這個手術(4/28)我覺得我感到150%的好!!

Lori Lumax, who has MS, writes about the procedure online and planned the event for patients Tuesday night, said it's been a long time since people have had this much hope.

"Since I've started this — we'll call it this chase — I've discovered that the people are very smart, very educated and very active," she said, "considering that many of them can hardly do the things they normally would do."

Lumax said she wants to continue pushing the message and rallying support for the procedure, so people searching for information know they're not alone.


2010年5月24日 星期一



目前在台灣,政府公告的罕見疾病目前211種,全台共有近6,000個罕見疾病家庭,70%以上的罕見疾病尚無積極治療方法。罕見疾病藥物由於治療藥物與 特殊營養品研發製造需要大量經費,但是使用人數過少,研發經費龐大,廠商在利潤的考慮下,往往不願投入開發、製造或引進。幸運獲得有效藥物治療的罕見疾病患者,可謂少之又少。所以願意長期投入研發工作的人與團隊,更是罕見!







看了這部電影之後我們就會相信,只要努力,只要還存著一絲希望,我們的孩子都會在不知道哪一個時刻,出現一個像陳博士這樣 的一個天使。

愛的代價 邀您一塊見證生命奇蹟

「愛的代價」Extraordinary Measures在台灣並無公開上映計畫,僅由得利影視獨家代理發行DVD,為了讓更多人共同見證罕見的生命奇蹟,罕見疾病基金會在得利影視公司與威秀影 城大力支持,除了記者會當天的首映會外,更在5月24日晚間及5月29日上午於威秀影城進行兩場特映會,以嘉惠更多的罕見疾病病友與相關領域的專業人員。






Somewhere there's a river
Looking for a stream
Somewhere there's a dreamer
Looking for a dream
Somewhere there's a drifter
Trying to find his way
Somewhere someone's waiting
To hear somebody say

I believe in you
I can't even count the ways that
I believe in you
And all i want to do is help you to
Believe in you

Somewhere there's an angel
Trying to earn his wings
Somewhere there's a silent voice
Learning how to sing
Some of us can't move ahead
We're paralyzed with fear
And everybody's listening
'cause we all need to hear

I will hold you up
I will help you stand
I will comfort you when you need a friend
I will be the voice that's calling out

I believe in you
I can't even count the ways that
I believe in you
And all i want to do is show you
I believe in you
And there are just so many ways that
I believe in you
Baby, what else can i do but believe in you - believe in you
All i want to know is you believe - believe in you
那裡有條河流, 他在尋找他的小溪,
那裡有個夢想家, 他在尋找他的夢,
那裡有位流浪者, 正式著再找出他的路,
那裡有人在等待, 等待著有人說,
我相信你, 不論怎樣, 我全然相信你
而我所想要做的事情,就是幫助你, 相信你自己
那裡有位天使 , 為了她的雙翅而努力,
那裡有個寂靜的聲音, 正學著怎樣歌唱,
我們有些人無法向前走, 因為害怕而感到無力,
現在所有的人仔細聽著, 因為我們都需要聽見,
當你需要朋友時候, 我會讓你感到安心,
我可以當你的聲音, 大聲的喊出去,
我相信你, 不論怎樣, 我全然相信你
而我所想要做的事情, 就是告訴你, 我相信你
然而就是有那麼多的方法, 我相信你.
寶貝, 除了相信你我還能做什麼 - 全然的相信你
我只想知道你相信 - 我相信你





我們還要再繼續等待嗎?950人(台灣) 和 2500000人(全球) 的等待

CCSVI 已是醫學上熟知的現象,而氣球血管擴張術也已經行之有年!



續-國外病友Karla Tuck 手術後復原的情形(靜脈擴張術對於行走能力的改善)


Heels! Heels! Heels! Oh yea!!!

I guess you know what I'm going to say. Today I wore 3 inch wedge heels!!! No staggering, no falling over, no dragging my foot, no going over on my ankle. I just walked : ))
I was able to stand for a longer period of time as well. Yes this is a big deal to the females who suffer from MS and are unable to wear them so this is a huge deal for me today!

SUCCESS follows the Liberation Procedure and I still can't believe with all the amazing stories out there that Canada still chooses to ignore us. I'm still disgusted with my country. It was my son's Final parade for Army Cadets that I went to today and found it hard to stand for our national anthem not because of my legs but because they lack the ability to help their fellow Canadians. I still wonder how they sleep at night know the suffering that is happening, yet they do!! Makes me sick!


2010年5月23日 星期日

國外病友Karla Tuck 手術後復原的情形(靜脈擴張術對於行走能力的改善)

手術後的走路情形,已經不再跌跌撞撞/踉踉蹌蹌 的了!

Right after the procedure I could walk like this. It happened that fast :) This is 22 days post op and I can still walk. Not Placebo!!!!
I didn't get around to doing this video....so this is me today walking unassisted in a park, on uneven ground. I'm still experiencing tightness and pain in my lower leg and at the end of this walk my upper left thigh was paining as well. I did have to sit and rest on the park benches a couple of times. Not for very long though.

The last time I came here was last year and it was a slow go and had to stop many times to rest. I also had to hold on to my husbands arm for support because my leg just didnt want to work for me. Then it wasn't a walk in the park.....haha now it is! : )

You have so much more freedom when you don' have to rely on others to walk and when you don't get exhausted after walking a few feet. Life is good.



2010年5月19日 星期三










如果我的人生可以因為一個手術而重來,I will say: This is great!

就像影片中的 Jack Soli 一樣, 那你的選擇呢


2010年5月18日 星期二

免費諮詢資源Liberation Treatment, CCSVI Procedure,CCSVI Screening,Venous Angioplasty

Liberation Treatment India,CCSVI Procedure,CCSVI Screening,Venous Angioplasty

印度提供了一個免費諮詢的網站供大家針對CCSVI還有靜脈擴張術 做進一步的資詢

更多靜脈窄化和靜脈擴張術的新聞 fromCBC news

CBC - Calgary - CCSVI

國外病友 Calgary的經驗

國外病友Ducan Thornton talks about his trip (Ducan的經驗)

CBC - Ducan Thornton talks about his trip - CCSVI e Sclerosi Multipla - 2010-03-18
Author embark on hopeful trip - Ducan thornton talks about his trip to Poland for an experimental treatment he hopes will change his life and health.

國外病友Ottawa的經驗: man with multiple sclerosis cashing in his retirement savings to go to Poland for controversial. He hopes will relieve his symptoms.


專訪Dr.Zsmboni :靜脈窄化導致MS原因的發現者

Interview wit Dr. Zamboni - 14/04/2010 - about CCSVI from CBC news

後段有病人的心聲,It's really expired!

feature on CCSVI BBC news

11 February 2010.
Features a brief interview with Dr Doug Brown, Biomedical Research Manager from the MS Society.


2010年5月17日 星期一

罕見多發性硬化症 她高二發病如中風…

罕見多發性硬化症 她高二發病如中風…中時電子報 2010-05-17 中國時報 【張翠芬/台北報導】


 台灣現有九百五十多位多發性硬化症罕病患者,由於健保規定病患須發病兩次才能申請重大傷病卡,多發性硬化症協會十六日呼籲,應簡化審核程序,因為第一次發病的病友就應積極接受治療,才有機 會再次站起回歸社會。


 六十九年次的鈕小姐昨天由母親陪同出席病友會,她高中曾是景美女中樂儀隊,高二時發病,媽媽發現她像中風一樣,拖著腳在爬樓梯,醫 院診斷是多發性硬化症,她中斷學業,封閉自我心靈,甚至得了憂鬱症

 鈕小姐病情一度嚴重到上廁所、洗澡無法自理,還好媽媽不放棄,鼓勵她到景文科大假日進修班,支持她踏出家門,透過身心障礙者就業方案,成 為中科院約聘人員。

 現在,紐小姐一周要自己打三次干擾素(Rebif),身上處處都是結痂硬塊,常因重心不穩摔倒,視野受限、動作思考較遲緩,她努力的獨立生活,但媽媽擔心約聘人員今年底合約到期, 是否會續聘?

 台北榮總周邊神經科主任蔡清標表示,多發性硬化症是中樞神經系統的髓鞘病變,神經髓鞘如同電線外層的絕緣皮,一旦發生病變,就像電線破損 漏電無法正常運作。患者多在廿至四十歲發病,女性與男性比例約為五比一。

 蔡清標說,多發性硬化症的症狀,從缺乏平衡、視力模糊、口齒不清、吞嚥困難、記性變差、頻尿漏尿,到癱瘓甚至死亡等,所以有「千面女郎」 的外號。目前醫學上只要一次發作,加上核磁共振即可確診,越早治療,病情控制得越好。

 中華民國多發性硬化症協會理事長雷蕾說,估計全台灣應該有一千五百多個患者,但只有九百五十多人領有健保重大傷病卡,還有六百人未確診或 未二度發病無法領卡


若一個小小台灣就有將近1500位MS病患,看來靜脈擴張手術有可能會是這些病患的救星!目前醫師 (除神經內科外) 對於此病並不熟悉,若要第一次就確診的確有其困難,而病歷無法流通造成需要在同一醫師診斷下發病兩次,才可確診對於病人實在是很嚴重的打擊,兩次發病很有可能就在也無法站起來了。更遑論這種病發生在家庭中的經濟支柱身上!



2010年5月16日 星期日

另一位國外病友Lucky Lady 手術過程分享

另一位國外病友Lucky Lady 手術過程分享

Where do I begin? Yesterday(2010/3/10) I was the first person to have Dr. Zamboni’s Liberation Treatment performed at Georgetown University Hospital.
Lucky Lady是第一個在Georgetown University Hospital進行氣球擴張手術的病人

We (my wonderful husband and I) arrived at 6:30am. Went up to the cardiac cath lab holding room, and had to explain to the wonderful nurses exactly why we were there. I don’t think that they believed me when I told them that we were going to be making history that day. I guess they hear that a lot, or just thought I was a crazy lady.

Then Dr. Neville called them in for a meeting. They came back all excited! That’s right, ladies. I don’t lie!

They wheeled me into the cath lab and I met Dr. Laredo. He is another vascular surgeon at G-town who was observing Dr. Neville. In addition to the techs and nurses, there was also an Interventional Radiologist from NIH there to observe. Interesting, huh?

The nurses gave me Fentanyl and Versed to make me a little loopy (yeah, yeah, I know you all think I’m already a little loopy, but they don’t know me that well!). Dr. N. numbed the insertion site in my groin, and we were off! It was hard to pay attention, cause the drugs wanted me to just close my eyes and lay there. But I wanted to hear everything that was going on! (同樣的導管由腹股溝進入)

At the point when he first saw the stenosis in my right internal jugular he said, “I’m excited! And I don’t get excited.”

Someone else in the room said, “Yeah, he doesn’t get excited.”

To which I (still loopy, but, being 40 and all, felt the need to acknowledge my ability to excite a man) replied, “I’m flattered!”

The right IJV was 95% stenosed (narrowed), and I definitely felt the balloon being inflated on that side. It didn’t hurt, but it was an odd sensation.

Here's the "before" picture of the right side. It's supposed to be a thick black line all the way from the top to the bottom, but notice that about 2/3 of the way down, it just stops. That's where the stenosis is! The greyish area below is empty vein where the blood/dye should be flowing.


Here's the "after" picture, just as the blood/dye was beginning to flow through the open vein. So cool, huh?!?


The left side was 75% stenosed, and I didn’t feel the ballooning at all.
He looked at the azygos vein and he thought he saw a small amount of blood reflux. He looked from many different angles, but couldn’t find any obvious causes, so he left it alone. Then they were done!
醫師同時檢查了 azygos vein(胸腔靜脈),醫師看到了有些小部份的血液回流,但是從很多角度觀察並沒有很明顯的阻塞,所以醫師沒有對azygos vein(胸腔靜脈)作擴張
I went back to the holding room, and within 15 minutes my neurologist was there with a big grin on his face. Dr. N. had called him right after it was done and gave him the glowing report. He was practically giddy!

I had to lay flat for the first hour so that the insertion site could clot properly. The next hour I was at 30 degrees, then finally I was able to sit all the way up. Most importantly I was able to go do what a girl’s got to do to get rid of all of that damn saline they had been pumping into me!

My brother showed up with enough yummy food from Balducci’s to feed us and all of the nurses, too. Thanks, bro!

We lounged around the holding room until about 5:00 waiting to be moved to a regular room. At that time it was determined that there were still no beds available for me, so they sent us home!!!!!

We signed all the of the papers, and high-tailed it home, arriving a few minutes before the kids got home from dinner out with my mom. Thanks, Mom! Lots of hugs and kisses, and then the exhaustion set in.

I am officially on Plavix for the next two years, or until the doctors decide to stop. We’re making history here, people! Things are going to change as more info comes out.

I have a follow up appointment with Dr. Neville next Friday 3/12. I will also have an ultrasound to confirm that my blood is only flowing DOWN my veins, not up.

So... Everything went perfectly yesterday. I could not have scripted it better.

The only immediate improvement that I have noticed is warm hands and feet! This may not seem like that big a deal to you regular people, but for a girl who has spent the last million years with constantly cold extremities, this is HUGE!

Other improvements that may show up soon include: less fatigue, less sensitivity to heat, and less "cognitive fog". Or maybe not. Other improvements may take longer. We will just have to wait and see. I am a patient woman. It took me 20 years to get here, and I am willing to work for the next 20 to get back whatever I can!

所以,簡單的小結論,當確認動手術了,就要同時針對兩側的頸靜脈Internal Jugular Vein作擴張,而且最好同時檢查 azygos vein(胸腔靜脈) 是否有窄化,若有就可以同時作擴張!



對於整個手術過程,經由詢問了國外病友Karla Tuck 她的回覆如下:

Well, the catheter is inserted in the groin(導管由腹股溝進入). You will be awake but they do freeze the site with a local anesthetic.(會作局部麻醉,但人是清醒的)I wasn't given any pain killers just something to relax me.(我沒有使用止痛藥,只有放鬆的藥) You will hear a crackling sound as they inflate your veins, disturbing to hear but only minimal discomfort.(當醫師擴張氣球的時候,你會聽到一陣破裂的聲音,干擾你的聽覺,但是只是很輕微的不舒服而已) (因為頸靜脈窄化處很接近聽神經)
The catheter is guided up to the jugular vein and the balloon inserted and inflated. (導管會被引導至頸靜脈,爾後會開始進行氣球擴張)Both of my jugulars were done and the balloon was inflated many times. (在過程中,我的兩個頸靜脈都被擴張了許多次,確保血液流通順暢後才取出導管)I did not need a stent, my veins stayed open. (我沒有使用支架)
It's a simple procedure, not to worry. You will do fine. (這是一個很簡單的過程,別擔心,你會ok的!)



2010年5月15日 星期六


以下為波蘭醫師Dr. Marian Simka and Dr. Jacek Kostecki有關CCSVI手術的影片

有沒有人可以翻譯的? 都是波蘭文(還是俄文?)....

CCSVI-1 這個影片當中感覺上氣球 (balloon catheter)似乎是由病人的腹部以下的部份進入,不知道是由那一條靜脈?

Video 1:
Why does MS occur?
- because blood going to the brain can not flow away from the brain which then causes the buildup of iron. Eventually inflammation occurs and this leads to MS
因為血液滯留在腦部而推積了"鐵" 最後就造成中樞神經系統發炎而導致MS的產生!
The surgery for the patients in this video cost about 12,000zl because they needed some additional tests to be performed. On average the operation should cost about 9,000zl. This cost is fully paid by the patient.

In the interview with the doctor, the doctor mentions that the operation is not easy but it is not the most difficult procedure in vascular surgery. Basically what they do is put in a stent into the internal jugular vein. 醫師提到此手術並不容易,但並不是靜脈手術中最困難的。基本上他們把支架放到頸靜脈中。
Then a question of why has such an operation not been done before was asked. The answer that the doctor gave was that no one before looked at the vein to be the problem until recently.
They also mentioned that in the procedure that they were doing that the problem was with the valve(靜脈瓣膜) in the vein which caused venous stasis. This usually is the problem with the lower extremities(下肢靜脈也有窄化的問題).

CCSVI-2 內部有對於手術中所使用的氣球和支架(stent)等 balloon catheter有詳細的說明

Video 2:
During the procedure the patient is fully conscious and is able to watch the procedure on the screen.

So far it's only been a couple of months of post-op observation but they see that the overall state of the patient improves. However it is still hard to say what the long term effects will be.目前手術後的並人在數個月之內都有進步。

Question: Is there a chance of total remission of the disease after the procedure?
Answer: patients from the states who had the operation performed in the early phase of the disease had almost complete remission of symptoms. When the operation is done in the late phase, total remission can't be expected but the patient does get better.

In Italy they did only balloon angioplasty but in 50% of the patients there was a restenosis of the vein this is why it is better to use the stent. The stent itself is very elastic and flexible.
Patient then mentions that for 2 months after the procedure he has to take heparin.



2010年5月14日 星期五


幾個國外手術中以及scan的影片,分享給大家,各位可以從Youtube上用關鍵字 :
Liberation procedure CCSVI 就可以搜尋到很多

Liberation Day - Interview with Diana Price

Liberation Procedure, CCSVI



CCSVI Jugular Venoplasty - Scans & Commentary


2010年5月13日 星期四


Multiple sclerosis patient  Kornelija Valentic of Surrey is all smiles after undergoing a  'liberation procedure' that has relieved many of her MS symptoms.

Multiple sclerosis patient Kornelija Valentic of Surrey is all smiles after undergoing a 'liberation procedure' that has relieved many of her MS symptoms.

Canwest News Service

A Surrey woman is crediting an experimental procedure performed at Victoria General Hospital for clearing up her multiple sclerosis symptoms, even if the treatment earned her doctor a professional rebuke.

Kornelija Valentic, a 38-year-old mother of three who is nearly disabled by MS, said all she hoped to get from the procedure was an end to her constant headache.

幾乎癱瘓的38歲的Kornelija Valentic 只希望藉由此手術能夠解決他的頭痛問題。

But within 48 hours of the procedure, which involves widening veins in the neck, she was walking better, her vision improved, she recovered feeling her hands and feet and regained control of her bladder.



However, last week it was learned the Victoria radiologist who performed the procedure, along with one other, had been chastised by medical officials at Vancouver Island Health Authority for performing what's considered an experimental procedure outside of an approved trial.

The treatment, known as "liberation procedure" has unleashed enormous pressure from MS patients and their supporters on doctors and health administrators ever since it was first reported in 2008.

"I wanted the headaches gone," said Valentic in a telephone interview. "My little bonus is being able to make it to the bathroom, being able to see, hand-tremors that are gone and I can drink my coffee without spilling anything.


I wasn't expecting it. But you know what? I'll take it."


Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/health/Surrey+woman+praises+experimental+procedure/3016451/story.html#ixzz0nnC9ZZeB


CCSVI Surgery for Multiple Sclerosis in India

在印度的Medical Tourism Corporation提供了全面,完善,可以負擔(USD6500)的手術套餐供給需要的MS病患。

Dr Zamboni’s Liberation Procedure for treatment of multiple sclerosis is a new but increasingly popular approach. Medical Tourism Corporation’s India Liberation surgery package is comprehensive, affordable, and makes no compromises.

(I-Newswire) May 12, 2010 - Liberation procedure for Multiple sclerosis in India is bringing new hope to patients suffering from a disease that was previously thought incurable. It is being facilitated by Medical Tourism Corporation, a popular provider of medical tourism services from Texas, US.

Also known as Zamboni Procedure India (http://www.medicaltourismco.com/neurosurgery/venous-angioplasty-stenting-abroad.php), surgery for multiple sclerosis is a revolutionary new approach to treating the disease. Dr Paolo Zamboni from Italy is credited with coming up with the idea that multiple sclerosis was probably a dysfunction of drainage of the veins, a condition which he called Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI). Hence, he argued that endovascular surgery would restore flow in these vessels and lessen MS symptoms. As his concept was to free up the flow of blood in cervical and thoracic veins, the procedure came to be popularly known as Liberation procedure.

Initial trial results have been very satisfactory and Dr Zamboni’s theory is now being actively studied by Canadian and US researchers. CCSVI procedure in India is being offered by experienced and highly qualified neuroradiologists (endovascular neurosurgeons) who are considered among the best in the country.

Medical Tourism Corporation provides all information related to multiple sclerosis surgery abroad and the choices available to you. Its India package for multiple sclerosis is extremely affordable and covers 5 days stay in a hospital private room where a companion can stay with the patient, Venous Angioplasty (Liberation Procedure), nursing care, procedure fee, tests like a post op jugular Doppler and 2 neurology consults, patient's food and airport pick up and drop.


Apart from the hospital stay, the patient has to stay in a nearby hotel for three more days for post-operative checks. The hotel stay is at the cost of the patient.

The hospitals in India where the surgery is offered have the latest cutting-edge equipment like flat panel Biplane DSA (digital subtraction laboratory) that provides ultrahigh resolution (2048 matrix) of cranial (brain) and spinal blood vessels. This unit is one of the most advanced units installed in this part of the world.

Its features include biplane technology, that is, its two C arms help in visualization in two planes simultaneously; flat-panel technology which achieves high-resolution images with much less radiation exposure; 3D technology, which helps in precise assessment of the vascular anatomy and pathology; and advanced DynaCT, which has an angiographic suite built in a CT scan-like facility for early detection of any complication during the procedure.

To qualify for the surgery, the patient is evaluated first by using Doppler Ultrasound and MR Venogram for Cranial Venous putflow pattern. If there are indications of abnormality then further transfemoral venographic study is also required. Treatment is then done by angioplasty (opening of narrowed or blocked veins) of the stenosed veins and placing of stents if required.

Multiple sclerosis surgery in India is an increasingly attractive option for patients in an otherwise bleak scenario. The surgery may not make people in wheelchairs get up and walk, but it has been known to stop further degeneration or disability.


Venous Angioplasty Stenting for Multiple Sclerosis (Liberation Procedure)

Venous angioplasty stenting for multiple sclerosis (Liberation Procedure) is the most advanced procedure for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). CCSVI or Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency syndrome is considered to be primary cause of multiple sclerosis disease. CCSVI syndrome is caused due to insufficient blood flow between central nervous system and heart through cervical and thoracic veins.

Venous angioplasty stenting for multiple sclerosis 手術室圖片

Diagnosis and treatment:

Patient is evaluated first using Doppler Ultrasound and MR Venogram for Cranial Venous putflow pattern. If there are indications of abnormality then further transfemoral venographic study is also required. Treatment is then done by angioplasty (opening of narrowed or blocked veins) of the stenosed veins and placing of stents if required.

Venous angioplasty stenting  abroad病房圖片

Venous angioplasty stenting for multiple sclerosis Costs and Packages:

The cost of the Liberation procedure is 6500 USD (with one stent) and patient will require a hospital stay for 5 days. Post discharge patient will require 3 days hotel stay before flying back home.


The package cost includes 5 days stay in a hospital private room where a companion can stay with the patient, Venous Angioplasty (Liberation Procedure), nursing care, procedure fee, tests like post operation jugular Doppler, 2 neurology consults, patient's food, airport pick up and drop etc.


2010年5月11日 星期二


MRV結果 初步:


1. 兩側的靜脈(Jugular vein)都有窄化

2. 其中之一甚至有阻塞的現象


看來靜脈擴張手術是 勢在必行了!



My Liberation Adventure

謝謝病友 IrisLucky Lady的BLOG做了完美的詮釋~

3 月4號 我動完了手術 依顯影顯示我的血管是有擴大的(75%) 然後我不會感覺那邊有個東西存在

3月9號 我覺得有點小改善 我以前發紫的右腳變成身粉紅色(我想是血液循環有變好一點) 還有我現在可以站著切菜15-20分鐘 以前我通常都是做著做這些事

3月12號 他提到到他雙腳已經是粉紅色的。 提到 Dr. Zamboni 推論
鐵質是免疫系統攻擊的目標 然後我之前的檢查顯示我手術前鐵質累積在我的腦內比較多

3月17號 我有溫暖的腳趾跟手指了!而且平衡也有了改善
(當 中有提到另外一位病人也做了手術 他已經變冷加變紫好幾年的腳現在是溫暖而且是正常的顏色)

3月22號 1.手指跟腳趾還是溫暖的 2.平衡還是有改善的(有在做復健 建議大家也去做復健)3.我吃東西不會噎到了 手術前我一個禮拜會噎到幾次

3月26號 我比以前開郎多了(我覺得這也是大改善 心情好進步得會更快吧XD)
3 月30號 好像玩太兇 後來平衡跟走路都變差甚至更容易累但休息了一兩天有好了(重點是不能把自己累壞 要懂得量力而為)
4 月6號 1.手指跟腳趾還是溫暖的2.平衡沒變差3.疲勞問題有變好一點 4. 34天內只有噎到一次5.抽筋問題沒改善其他的也沒變 他還是需要拿拐杖輔助

4月16號 1.手指跟腳趾還是溫暖的2.沒噎到3.比較沒有認知疲勞4.平衡變好但雙腳還是很虛弱

4 月29號 他可以騎腳踏車連續8分鐘 以前大概3-5分鐘就累了

5月5號 他現在可以騎十分鐘

以上 大有改善!

2010年5月9日 星期日






先附上她的BLOG 連結(內有她本人手術前後的平衡感測試影片,以及她的MRV的影像)
MRV Scan from False Creek.

My CCSVI Liberation Procedure

我前往索非亞,保加利亞的靜脈擴張手術治療 4月28日被對待 Grozdinski博士和他的團隊在德田醫院。

我 的症狀,我現在正在遭受(左邊)。我的改進(右邊):))

1。在我右手麻木的手腳。 1.Hands ....一點點的感覺已經回來了。我打字速度可以更快。他們工作的更好:)
2。視力問題。 2。我的眼睛已經大為改善,但仍然不吃藥的一半多。
3。走路困難。 3。我的腳不再觸發器進行到一邊,但我仍然有肌肉緊張和有點痛。雖然改進。
4。 疲勞。 4。我的頭已不再是在一個霧,我有一點更多的精力...仍在恢復!
5。肌肉無力 5。慢慢地恢復了一點力氣。
6。膀胱問題。 6。改善。
7。頭痛 /偏頭痛。 7。沒有像我以前每日頭痛。
8。平衡問題。 8。現在幾乎是完美的平衡 !!!!!!!
9。 冷的手和腳。 9。手和腳冷,但仍然沒有得到只要。
10。抑鬱症/情緒波動。 10。給我一些時間。
11 ..言猶在耳。 11。似乎並不壞,因為它被視為一次了。
12。肌肉疼痛/僵硬。 12。一些改善。!
13。慢詞召回。 13。提高
14。我不能忘記熱敏感.... 14。我終於能夠在英國首次泡溫泉了!!!!!!! :)))



2010/05/09 聯合報
多發性硬化症患者郭惠恩,小時因病導致近盲,憑些微視力學唱、畫畫;不料,中年病症再來侵襲,讓她癱瘓,也失去視覺、嗅覺、味覺和觸覺,她的妹妹郭 臨恩從小就是她的「導盲犬」,兩人共同向多發性硬化症纏鬥幾十年,仍不低頭,並以「生命如此豐盛」一書,寫出姊姊和生命搏鬥的故事。


四十二年前某天早上年僅七歲的郭惠恩跟爸爸說:「我什麼都看不見了!」身為牧師的爸爸初期以為是小孩厭學的藉口,但後來發覺問題嚴重,遍尋醫師,答案都 是:「失明了,但查不出原因,帶回家吧!」

郭惠恩透過蔣夫人宋美齡資助,到日本醫治,恢復少許視力,媽媽擔心她長大無法謀生,想辦法教她學唱,和妹妹彈琴伴奏「雙人組」,在台灣軍事院校巡迴一系列 音樂會。



郭惠恩接受台北醫學大學附設醫院團隊治療,主治醫師康峻宏跟她解釋,這個病是身體免疫系統攻擊神經,就像電線失去絕緣外皮,會漏電走火,神經沒有髓鞘,無 法傳導,所以郭才會癱瘓,夜晚因神經痛難以入眠,甚至膀胱得靠尿管解尿

她也跟醫師說:「我會努力的,其他的事就拜託你了!」常認真復健好幾周,才做到正常人眼中的一個小動作,毫不氣餒的進行一年多,現已可拿柺杖走路,且不用 靠尿管如廁。


2010年5月8日 星期六




大發作: 4次



類固醇注射計量:約 10000 mg

類固醇口服計量:平均一天6~8 mg (total: 4380~5840 mg)

Rebif注射計量 : 22 mg x 33 = 66 mg


體重由原本的65kg 下降至現在的 53kg















新華網倫敦5月6日電(記者黃堃)英國研究人員日前報告說,他們利用骨髓幹細胞治療多發性硬化症的試驗取得成效, 病人沒有出現不良反應,症狀也顯示出改善跡象。

  英國布裏斯托爾大學等機構研究人員在新一期美國《臨床藥理學與治療學》雜志上報告說,他們對6名多發性硬化症患者進行了這項試驗。研究人員在病 人麻醉狀況下抽取他們的骨髓幹細胞經過處理後注射到病人的靜脈中。隨後一年的觀察顯示,病人沒有出現嚴重的不良反應,而多發性硬化症的症狀也有所改 善。

  領導研究的布裏斯托爾大學教授尼爾‧斯科爾丁說,試驗結果令人振奮,這一療法的安全性得到證實。在療效方面,雖然相關分析仍在進行中,但相信是 注入靜脈中的幹細胞在保護神經係統和免疫調節方面發揮了作用,使病人症狀出現改善。他表示,接下來將開展大規模試驗,進一步確認這一療法的效果。

  多發性硬化症是一種神經係統疾病,患者自身免疫細胞會錯誤攻擊神經元髓鞘,造成患者出現視覺障礙、肌肉無力等症狀。目前還不清楚其具體病因,也 還缺乏有效的治療手段。


Bone marrow stem cell therapy offers hope to multiple sclerosis patients

The research team, led by Neil Scolding, Burden Professor of Clinical Neurosciences for the University of Bristol and North Bristol NHS Trust, completed the trial in patients with MS to begin translating the findings from the laboratory to the clinic.

The Bristol team report on this pioneering trial in an article published online in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

The paper, 'Safety and feasibility of autologous bone marrow cellular therapy in relapsing-progressive multiple sclerosis' was performed at the Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol and the Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre.

The study explored the safety and feasibility of cell therapy in patients with MS. Participants had a general anaesthetic during which bone marrow was harvested. The marrow cells were filtered and prepared so that they could be injected into the patient's vein later the same day.

The procedure was well tolerated and the participants were followed up for a year. No serious adverse effects were encountered. The results of clinical scores were consistent with stable disease. The results of neurophysiological tests raised the possibility of benefit.

Professor Neil Scolding said: "We are encouraged by the results of this early study. The safety data are reassuring and the suggestion of benefit tantalising. A larger study is required to assess the effectiveness of bone marrow cellular therapy in treating MS. We are hopeful that recruitment to this phase 2/3 study may begin towards the end of this year.

"Research into the underlying mechanisms is ongoing and vital, in order to build on these results. We believe that stem cells mobilised from the marrow to the blood are responsible, and that they help improve disease in several ways, including neuroprotection and immune modulation."




2010年5月6日 星期四

為了爭取實驗性的手術,加拿大MS病患上街聲援遊行CBC News - Canada

CBC News - Canada - MS patients rally for experimental treatment(原始連結)
Canadians with multiple sclerosis appear on Parliament Hill in  Ottawa as part of nationwide rallies to demand access to an experimental  treatment.
Canadians with multiple sclerosis appear on Parliament Hill in Ottawa as part of nationwide rallies to demand access to an experimental treatment.
(Robyn Burns/CBC)

Canadians with multiple sclerosis rallied across the country Wednesday to demand access to a controversial procedure not available in Canada or covered by provincial health insurance policies.

The procedure, developed by Italian researcher Dr. Paolo Zamboni, involves angioplasty to help ease the flow in neck veins of blood from the brain to the heart. Zamboni believes narrowed or blocked veins force blood to move backwards or reflux back into the brain and spine, causing damage.

He's termed the condition chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency, or CCSVI.

Rallies were planned for Halifax, Ottawa, Toronto, Regina, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria and elsewhere. 超過7個城市都有相對的聲援遊行活動

"With this kind of an illness, there isn't time for them to take three years to find out something," said Jennifer Noriega of Edmonton, a 38-year-old mother of two who has been living with MS for 11 years.

Multiple sclerosis patients and their supporters rally in Halifax  for funding for a new treatment.
Multiple sclerosis patients and their supporters rally in Halifax for funding for a new treatment.
(Jean Laroche/CBC)

Noriega, who can no longer walk, tried many different medications, including chemotherapy drugs, and now plans to travel to Bulgaria for the treatment.

"The risk might be that it works and then three months later it doesn't work," Noriega said. "But at least I'll have those three months."

More than 20 Canadians travelled to a clinic in Poland between February and April for the treatment.

今年2月到4月之間,有超過20個加拿大MS ers 遠赴波蘭動手術

Many MS specialists say Zamboni's procedure is experimental at best and could be dangerous.

Studies are underway to show how common CCSVI is in MS patients, those with other neurological conditions and healthy people, as well as to explore its potential role as a major risk factor in MS.

But despite the specialists' hesitation, some Canadian patients are travelling overseas, paying for tests and surgery out of their own pocket. Others are lobbying for the Canadian health-care system to cover the diagnostic tests to look for blocked veins in people with MS.

"I've been fixed," Steve Garvie, 53, told the crowd gathered at Queen's Park in Toronto. Garvie was one of five people who had the procedure at Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie before the surgeon voluntarily stopped.

"What they're doing is criminal," Garvie added in an interview. "Every person that wants the operation should have it."

About 150 people gather at Queen's Park in Toronto to demand that  multiple sclerosis patients get access to a controversial new surgical  treatment.

About 150 people gather at Queen's Park in Toronto to demand that multiple sclerosis patients get access to a controversial new surgical treatment. (Mike Crawley/CBC)

"With any new treatment, whether it's drugs or technology, we need to ensure that it is thoroughly researched before it is approved for use," said Andy Weiler, a spokesperson for Alberta Health. "It needs to be an evidence-based decision that it is a safe and effective treatment."

Likewise, Nova Scotia's Minister of Health, Maureen MacDonald, met with protest organizers in Halifax for about 30 minutes on Wednesday but was not swayed by their arguments.

"We still don't know what the risks or the evidence are of the treatment," MacDonald said. "At this stage, it would be premature to have kind of a mass testing process for a treatment that is still unproven."

MacDonald said no other province is funding this kind of testing or treatment for MS.

$10 M in federal funding sought

In a release Wednesday, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada called on the federal government to provide $10 million for research into CCSVI and MS.

The MS Society proposes that the $10 million be appropriated to the budget of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and earmarked for CCSVI research.

MS Society representatives were to meet with MPs in Ottawa on Wednesday and Thursday to discuss other major issues:

  • Creating a nationwide income security program for people affected by MS that would replace what the society calls "the current hodgepodge of disability pensions, social assistance programs and tax credits, some of which cannibalize each other, resulting in less money for people with disabilities."
  • Increasing funding for health research with a focus on "innovative health research that can be translated rapidly into therapies that can benefit people with MS and other chronic conditions," including research into CCSVI.

Last month in Toronto, Zamboni and his collaborator, Dr. Robert Zivadinov, associate professor of neurology at State University of New York at Buffalo, cautioned people with multiple sclerosis to not rush to seek out the surgical procedure to unblock veins unless it was through official clinical studies.


2010年5月5日 星期三


CCSVI - A Major Breakthrough in the treatment of MS
英國的London and Glasgow也動起來了

he radical new theory of venous drainage being a major contributory factor in MS could be one of the greatest breakthroughs in the history of medicine. Dr Paulo Zamboni’s discovery that a large proportion of MS patients have blocked jugular and azygous veins, what he terms Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI), opens up an entirely new way of thinking about the disease. Zamboni has published two landmark papers in 2009; the first describing the condition and the second showing the effects of the “liberation” treatment on 65 patients. Although these early results are encouraging, supporting research is needed before we can be sure that this is a major factor in MS. A major confirmatory study of 500 patients in the University of Buffalo, New York is due to present its findings in the near future but early indications are that this supports Zamboni’s hypothesis.

The implications of this new finding are huge, especially for Scotland which has by far the greatest incidence of MS in the world. Scientists think that the CCSVI abnormalities precede the onset of neurological symptoms. It may be possible in the future to screen first degree relatives of MS patients to identify and treat preclinical CCSVI. This is a truly remarkable breakthrough. It also makes sense of some of the previously unexplained findings in MS. The fact that lesions are centered round small veins fits this new theory. The beneficial impact of vitamin D, antioxidants and omega 3 also fits the CCSVI hypothesis. Vitamin D interacts with over 2,000 genes in the body and has a marked impact on vein pathology. Deep venous thrombosis is 50% more likely in the winter months and low levels are associated with increased inflammation in veins.

Glasgow Health Solutions is actively seeking to offer scanning for CCSVI in the UK in 2010 in both London and Glasgow. The Doppler ultrasound scan required to show the CCSVI abnormalities has been specially adapted and requires specialist training from Dr Zamboni and his team. It is vital to work with the recognised specialists in this field and we hope to have an ultrasound technician trained by Dr Zamboni later this year. The cost of the scans in the UK is still to be finalised but should be around £450. We are also liasing with intervention radiologists to develop treatment centres around the UK. If you wish to register your interest and be kept informed of these developments you can register your interest on our web site.

Venous Health – it now appears to be vital in MS to keep veins healthy and reduce the possibility of narrowing and blockage. One of the most useful treatments of varicose veins is an antioxidant complex – Daflon. This a flavanoid and several research projects show that it improves varicose veins and varicose ulcers. Other flavanoids have also been tested with pycnogenol ( pine bark extract) being more effective that Daflon.

Vitamin D has a major role in the development of vein inflammation and is also a major factor in the development of venous hypertension. The inflammatory process in veins is similar to that in the development of plaques in arteries and may explain the efficacy of omega 3 fish oils in improving outcomes in MS. In addition to the surgical “liberation” procedure, it makes sense to ensure all nutritional factors are optimised to reduce vein inflammation. Future research should also consider these factors including checking vitamin D and omega 3 levels in addition to regular antioxidant use.

Quote from Gianfranco Campalani (sent to Dr Tom Gilhooly in February 2010)

" I am 64 and I was diagnosed with MS in 1986. I have being working full-time as a consultant cardiac surgeon in Belfast for the last 17 years. I met Dr Zamboni in my home town of Ferrara over three years ago and, following a Doppler study, I underwent angioplasty of both jugular veins by his team with significant improvement of my condition. Last Summer I noticed a slight deterioration and a Doppler study in Ferrara revealed re-occurrence of the narrowing of the jugular veins. I underwent a second liberation procedure in Belfast last October, with consequent improvement. For the last three years I have been campaigning in favour of the theory of CCSVI amongst colleagues in my hospital with no avail. I believe that the medical establishment has to wait for further evidence to be produced before accepting this new and revolutionary approach to the understanding and the treatment of MS".

一位64歲的MS病患,做了兩次靜脈擴張術,皆有進步。 對一位年紀如此大的人而言,願意做這樣的手術只表示一件事:

2010年5月2日 星期日



Looking at Multiple Sclerosis DNA for Clues

Saturday May 1, 2010

A recent study published in the April 28th issue of Nature is befuddling to those looking for answers about multiple sclerosis (MS) on the genetic level.

Scientists recruited three pairs of MS discordant identical twins (one of each pair had MS and one did not) to provide samples of DNA. The researchers then sequenced the entire genome for each of the participants - 2.8 billion "base pairs" for each one, to be exact - and compared the twins' DNA to one another.

Guess what they found? No difference in the DNA. None at all.

The scientists even conducted a very detailed investigation of immune cells, as MS is though by most experts to be an autoimmune disease, basically sequencing those and looking for differences. Still, no differences.

Although it would be tempting to say that this study (which cost 1.5 million dollars and took 18 months to complete the sequencing) provided no information, the fact is that it did tell us something - that there is apparently no direct genetic cause of MS. Otherwise, there would have been a difference in the DNA between the twins.

This doesn't mean that genetics doesn't play a role in MS, however. It could be a situation where there is a genetic component that is "necessary, but not sufficient" and requires an environmental factor to start the process that leads to MS, like an infection that one twin was exposed to and the other wasn't.

It is estimated that the likelihood of an identical twin developing MS if the other twin has MS is 30%. This falls to 4% likelihood in a non-identical twin and less than 3% in a non-twin sibling.

This is the first time that the entire genome of twins with autoimmune disease has been sequenced.

Source: Sergio E. Baranzini, Joann Mudge, Jennifer C. van Velkinburgh, et al. "Genome, epigenome and RNA sequences of monozygotic twins discordant for multiple sclerosis." Nature 464, 1351-1356 (29 April 2010).



英國《自然》雜誌是一本刊登科學論文的學術刊物。4月29日出版的《自然》雜誌的封面是兩名女性的剪影,一人站著而另一人坐在輪椅。封面論文講的 是這對基因完全相同的同卵雙胞胎姐妹不同的生命故事:她們一人罹患多發性硬化症,而另一人完全健康。論文得出的結論是,基因並不決定一切



   今年是首個人類基因組草圖公布十周年。十年來,基因測序技術飛速發展。繪制首份基因組草圖需要多國科學家聯手,耗時十年、耗資數十億美元。現在,一個小 規模的研究小組可以在幾個月之內以一兩萬美元的成本測出一份基因組。

  技術的巨大進步導致基因研究工作在 全球迅速鋪開。目前這方面研究以發現某種疾病的致病基因為主。如去年澳大利亞和新西蘭研究人員在《自然·遺傳學》上報告發現了兩個與多發性硬化症有關的基 因。

  但是這類研究經常受到大眾的錯誤解讀。如《自然·遺傳學》曾刊登與吸煙有關的基因研究報告,隨後大 眾媒體上出現了諸如“吸煙易上癮都是基因惹的禍”、“戒不掉煙,可怪基因”之類的標題。這種論調否定了後天環境和個人生活習慣對健康的影響。本次研究及時 揭示了問題的另一面:雖然基因對人類健康影響重大,但並不決定一切



所以,對於已經生病的MS病友們,我們目前可以做的就是把後天的環境調整好,把引信和雷管拆除!靜脈擴張也許也是一種方法之一 ~