從有這個病至今至少也約半百年的歷史, 但是研究仍然如火如荼的進行著。原因依舊不明,就有如隨時發作的不確定感一般。公說公有理,婆說婆有理。只能夠看相信的人或者是取樣數據的比例如何。
Neurology:首次證實EBV病毒與多發性硬化症存在關聯 2012-1-11
英國倫敦大學研究人員的一篇新研究表明一種特定病毒如何欺騙免疫系統促發炎症,並對大腦中神經細胞造成傷害,而這些已知能夠導致多發性硬化症(multiple sclerosis)。
以前的研究提示著愛潑斯坦-巴爾病毒(Epstein-Barr virus, EBV)與多發性硬化症存在關聯,但是它一直充滿爭議,因為科學家一直不能證實這種關聯。
該研究通信作者Ute-Christiane Meier博士解釋道,“EBV是受多發性硬化症影響的病人大腦中一種相當聰明的病毒,甚至是當它在細胞中隱藏自己的時候。”
另一種可能性就是使用抗病毒治療,也將在Gavin Giovannoni教授和同事們當前準備的臨床試驗中接受測試。
Association of innate immune activation with latent Epstein-Barr virus in active MS lesions
JS Tzartos, DPhil, G. Khan, PhD, A. Vossenkamper, MD, M. Cruz-Sadaba, PhD, S. Lonardi, MSc, E. Sefia, MSc, A. Meager, PhD, A. Elia, PhD, JM Middeldorp, PhD, M. Clemens, PhD, PJ Farrell, PhD, G. Giovannoni, PhD and U.-C. Meier, DPhil
Objective: To determine whether the activation of innate immune responses, which can be elicited by pathogenic and endogenous triggers, is associated with the presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection in the multiple sclerosis (MS) brain. Methods: White matter postmortem MS (n = 10) and control tissue (n = 11) was analyzed for the expression of the proinflammatory cytokine interferon α (IFNα) by immunohistochemistry and for EBV by using the highly sensitive method of EBV-encoded RNA (EBER) in situ hybridization . Results: We detected overexpression of IFNα in active areas of white matter MS lesions but not in inactive MS lesions, normal-appearing white matter, or normal brains. The presence of IFNα in macrophages and microglia (expressing human leukocyte antigen class II) is suggestive of local production as part of an acute inflammatory process. Interestingly, EBERs were also specifically detected in areas where IFNα was overexpressed in these preselected active MS lesions. EBER+ cells were also found in CNS lymphoma and stroke cases, but were absent in other control brains. We next addressed a potential mechanism, eg, the role of EBERs in eliciting IFNα production, and transfected EBERs into human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. We used HEK cells that stably expressed Toll-like receptor-3, which recognizes double- stranded RNAs, associated with many viral infections. EBERs elicited IFNα production in vitro. Conclusion: These findings suggest that latent EBV infection may contribute to the inflammatory milieu in active MS lesions by activating innate immune responses, eg, IFNα production. Unraveling the underlying mechanisms may help in uncovering causal pathways and developing better treatment strategies for MS and other neuroinflammatory diseases.
第37屆世界介入放射性治療年會3/25在美國舊金山召開, 其中美國 Albany Medical Center in Albany, N.Y.的研究指出:
在4個月中,擴張靜脈,治療了213 個案. (72男性, 141女性; 平均年齡 49 歲) 其中包含了96 復發緩解型, 66 位 次要退化型 , 30位主要退化型. 多數症狀能夠消除
"復發緩解型中和主要退化型有大於75%的病人在肢體回復上有明顯的進展. 心理健康指數有70%進步. 次要退化型在肢體和心理健康指數進步比例有 59% 和 50%"
附上快速圖解 CCSVI 和MS的總整理說明連結 很棒 容易了解
還有下一個影片 把過去3年來對於CCSVI的總結做了一個最好的歸納整理
回覆刪除近年來,美國一些MS病人使用一種酶,叫Serrapeptase ,它的作用主要是可以清楚血管中的異物,比如血栓,脂質沉澱,纖維疤痕等,使用的人都反映有幫助。另外許多人使用它治療動脈狹窄的冠心病。如果MS是一种血管狹窄疾病,如果這種狹窄是因為血管中的異物所致,根據原理這種酶顯然應該有幫助。
嗯 這種酶 會不會有副作用呢?
回覆刪除Serrapeptase seems to be safe for adults when taken by mouth, short-term (up to 4 weeks). The long-term safety of serrapeptase is not known.
回覆刪除Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of serrapeptase during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
Bleeding disorders: Serrapeptase might interfere with blood clotting, so some researchers worry that it might make bleeding disorders worse. If you have a bleeding disorder, check with your healthcare provider before using serrapeptase.
Surgery: Serrapeptase might interfere with blood clotting. There is a concern that it might increase bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using serrapeptase at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
回覆刪除During 1997, Ann Romney began experiencing severe numbness, fatigue, and other symptoms,[12] and just before Thanksgiving in 1998, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.[15][19] Mitt Romney described watching her fail a series of neurological tests as the worst day of his life.[12] He later said: "I couldn't operate without Ann. We're a partnership. We've always been a partnership so her being healthy and our being able to be together is essential."[15] She initially experienced a period of severe difficulty with the disease,[1] and later said: "I was very sick in 1998 when I was diagnosed. I was pretty desperate, pretty frightened and very, very sick. It was tough at the beginning, just to think, this is how I'm going to feel for the rest of my life."[21]
Since then, she credits a mixture of mainstream and alternative treatments with giving her a lifestyle mostly without limitations.[1] She initially used corticosteroids, including intravenously, and credited them with helping stop the progression of the disease.[21] She then dropped them and other medications due to counterproductive side effects.[18] She has partaken of reflexology, acupuncture, and craniosacral therapy, and has said, "There is huge merit in both Eastern and Western medicine, and I've taken a little bit from both."[21] She is a board member for the New England chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society,[17] and has been given the MS Society's Annual Hope Award.[11]