Well, the catheter is inserted in the groin(導管由腹股溝進入). You will be awake but they do freeze the site with a local anesthetic.(會作局部麻醉,但人是清醒的)I wasn't given any pain killers just something to relax me.(我沒有使用止痛藥,只有放鬆的藥) You will hear a crackling sound as they inflate your veins, disturbing to hear but only minimal discomfort.(當醫師擴張氣球的時候,你會聽到一陣破裂的聲音,干擾你的聽覺,但是只是很輕微的不舒服而已) (因為頸靜脈窄化處很接近聽神經)
The catheter is guided up to the jugular vein and the balloon inserted and inflated. (導管會被引導至頸靜脈,爾後會開始進行氣球擴張)Both of my jugulars were done and the balloon was inflated many times. (在過程中,我的兩個頸靜脈都被擴張了許多次,確保血液流通順暢後才取出導管)I did not need a stent, my veins stayed open. (我沒有使用支架)
It's a simple procedure, not to worry. You will do fine. (這是一個很簡單的過程,別擔心,你會ok的!)