埃文Thornton, 49,是一個繁忙的社区活动家、網上新闻社和父親。 但是MS減慢他的步幅。 情况留給他麻木在他的身体的右邊,並且他的頭疼和疲勞,共同的MS症狀,变得更壞。 Thornton说新的外科手术給了他希望。 治療根据在脖子或胸口的封鎖的靜脈防止血液適當排泄從腦子的理論MS與慢性腦脊髓多血脈性的不足連接,情况。 Paolo ・ Zamboni,产生理論的意大利血管外科医生博士,構想一種實驗性治療相似与血管成形術,在靜脈介入去除封鎖到/從腦子运送血液。 Zamboni獲取了國際关注,在他在建議的2009年之後出版了一項研究治療是非常成功在減少MS症狀。 手術在波蘭,根據Zamboni' s工作,將花費Thornton大约$10,000。 It' s沒报道在他的健康保险之下,作為治療在北美洲仍然被研究。 但是一些篡改國外提議執行它。 Thornton说he' 不願的s等待手術由北美洲医生接受。 " I' 今年轉動50和此的m是機會再開始許多事, " 他說。 做旅行的弟弟 Thornton won' 當他飛行到波蘭时, t是單獨的。 他的弟弟鄧肯,在溫尼培住並且有MS,去與他同一個做法的。 47歲的人溫尼培作者說做法禮物機會帶領正常生活。 " I' ve得到了二小孩和I' ve得到了其他書I' d喜歡寫, " 他說。 " There' s一個好機會I' ll继续長期有溫和的症狀,但是it' s變化莫測的disease." 像他的兄弟,鄧肯支付$10,000手術。 加拿大的MS社會起了反應對Zamboni' 小心地研究。 在2009年11月,社會說它在加拿大會提供研究員的津貼審查procedure' s安全和有效率。 同时,社會敦促有MS的人耐心和继续通过他們的規則治療,經常包括療程。 加拿大有其中一種多发性硬化症的最高的速率在世界上,根據一次國際勘測。 多发性硬化症2008年地圖集顯示了MS罷工133個人在每100,000外面在加拿大,在國家之中的第五種高速率被勘測在2004年和2005年之間。
閱讀更多: http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2010/03/18/ott-ms-surgery.html#ixzz0iagN6Ak6
他 们检查发现95%的MS病人有静脉狭窄(支持意大利医生理论),他们手术了90个病人,主要用气囊治疗(63%),支架只是必要时候使用(21%),气 囊+支架治疗(13%)。
治疗结果:大部分病人反映症状改善。总的来看,瘫痪程度轻的患者恢复比较明显。如果没有改善或者复发,通常意外静脉再次 出现狭窄。
手術費用USD10,000, 看來費用並不是想像中的高.
回覆刪除Ottawa man sees improvements after surgery to treat MS
An Ottawa man who has multiple sclerosis is experiencing immediate improvements after undergoing vascular surgery in Poland to help treat the disease.
Evan Thornton and his brother Duncan both have MS, the most common neurological disease among young Canadians.
The pair were inspired by a new approach to treat multiple sclerosis and travelled to Poland last week to undergo what's still considered experimental surgery.
"Nobody's saying that you go back to the way you were before you had MS. But the big thing for any MS patient is to stop the progression and I think that's what people are trying to get out of this surgery," said Thornton.
The surgery lasted about 25 minutes, opening up a vein in Thornton's neck. It was done without anesthetic.
He is now on blood thinning medication to ensure blood clots don't develop near the stent that's keeping his jugular vein open.
Improved walking, better circulation
Thornton saw improvements immediately. He can already walk better, and he has improved circulation.
"I've got warm feet, warm hands. That's been a big difference. That's what we noticed right from the beginning. Most people with MS, your extremities are ice cold in the morning," Thornton told CTV Ottawa.
Before the surgery, Thornton was taking one of five disease modifying therapies currently available to help slow down the disease. The treatment involved giving himself a needle every day.
Although he believes the drugs were helping him, the disease was still progressing -- affecting his ability to walk and type.
When he heard about a new approach to MS developed by Dr. Paolo Zamboni in Italy, Thornton jumped at the chance to learn more.
Zamboni's research suggests some of the symptoms of MS may be caused by blocked veins in the neck, which he believes leads to a higher density of iron deposits on the brain.
More research needed
Still, there is much to learn about the procedure and the lasting affects on patients who have MS.
Although patients who've undergone the surgery have experienced drastic improvements, doctors are unsure how long those improvements will last.
"We don't know what will happen after five or 10 years, so we cannot say for sure that it might be a treatment in the long-term," said Dr. Marion Simka, who performed the surgery on Thornton and his brother.
The procedure is not yet performed in Canada, where medical authorities are still studying Zamboni's research.
However, MS patients who want to have the surgery can travel to other countries, such as Poland, to pay for the procedure. Thornton paid $10,000 for the operation.