以及46歲住在紐約的 Marc 的故事 他被診斷出 Primary Progressive MS(這是MS當中最可怕的一型:一去不復返型) in March of 2003,通常坐著輪椅在紐約市狂奔...
本網誌設立的目的在於提供MS多發性硬化症的相關醫療資訊,並且以一過來人的身分分享自己發病過程和對抗這個罕見疾病的經驗和心路歷程. 希望我的個人經驗能夠讓同樣遭受這種疾病的人獲得身體上或者是心理上的幫助,而這將是我最大的快樂!! 我更希望這種病不要發生在正常的人身上,希望能夠藉由我的網誌來換醒更多人對於健康的重視!!
Jayne Thomas isn't concerned about the risks. She's willing to face the unknowns. She isn't willing to wait.
Jayne Thomas 不會考率任何風險,他願意面對未知的結果,更重要的是,他不願意再等待了!
Time and her body are Thomas' enemies. They've cursed the St. Catharines woman to a wheelchair, and she knows it will only get worse.
So she will travel to New York State in the fall for an operation that's purportedly able to treat her multiple sclerosis, the disease turning her body against her.
Thomas is unconcerned. She'll roll the dice, knowing that after travelling to the United States and spending $8,000, her condition might remain unchanged.
"Unless you have MS, you don't know. You can't know," said Thomas.
"You live in fear because you don't know when it is going to hit you. You just don't know when you will wake up in the morning and you cannot put your foot on the floor and stand up."
The operation treats chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency, or CCSVI. The Italian doctor Paolo Zamboni said in November that reduced red blood flow to the brain because of CCSVI may be associated with MS, an illness that attacks the brain and spinal cord.
Zamboni's idea is that the CCSVI could cause an iron overload in the brain and spinal cord, causing MS. Through angioplasty, a procedure that expands obstructed blood vessels, he said the condition of MS patients can be improved.
Thomas said she first learned about it from the CTV program W-5 shortly after Zamboni made his findings public.
"I was watching it with my daughter and she started to cry and my heart began to race," she said. "I immediately went on the computer to find out more about it."
Thomas是從網路上的CTV W-5 頻道所看到的新聞,當她和她女兒看到時,她女兒哭了,而她的心似乎活了起來,"我立刻用電腦找尋有關CCSVI的資料"
What she found online made her heart sink.
Although angioplasties are often done for patients with heart conditions, they are not approved to treat MS in Canada. Aside from clinical studies, it is available at a few clinics in the U.S., along with ones in India and Poland.
The procedure is regulated by the provincial and territorial health ministries, which have not given the procedure — dubbed liberation treatment in the MS community — a green light because the science is still in question.
"The big question is, what is the link?" said William Tennyson, client services co-ordinator for the Niagara Peninsula Chapter of Hope of the MS Society. "The ministry isn't going to fund it until the science is done."
Studies done since Zamboni first published have not produced the same results.
A June article in Neurology Today said studies found some MS patients have CCSVI, but not in the same numbers Zamboni reported. Moreover, it isn't clear if CCSVI is a cause of MS, a result of it, or is not connected at all.
Nonetheless, liberation treatment is not being tossed aside. Last month, the MS Society of Canada announced $2.4 million to fund several studies in Canada and the U.S. In a written statement Monday, Health Canada said "the Minister of Health, Leona Aglukkaq, has asked Dr. Alain Beaudet, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research's President, to provide her with advice on how to advance research in this important area."
Tennyson said it may take up to two years before the science is in. However, many MS patients don't want to wait.
"These are people who went without for so long, and then all of sudden along comes Dr. Zamboni and the procedure isn't available here," he said. "But clinical trials are there for a reason. They are safeguards."
Thomas said she's spent too much time in the chair and won't wait for MS to take more of her life away.
Thomas說她已經花了太多時間在輪以上而她將不會在一直等著MS把他的生命/生活 奪走!
"I need this now," she said. "I think it's awful that I cannot get this done here at home. But when you have MS, you'll do what you have to."
'Unless you have MS, you don't know. You can't know'除非你得到MS這個病,否則你永遠不會瞭解,你也無從瞭解!
Web forum about CCSVI and MS from April 14, 2010 from syfy on Vimeo.
CCSVI Testing and Liberation Treatment Now Available through U.S. based Global Medical Excellence