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推薦頻道:Gimmy a break

2009年6月26日 星期五

54萬站立機器 癱瘓也能打高球

54萬站立機器 癱瘓也能打高球-Yahoo!奇摩新聞










之前我曾經做過腳底按摩, 也感受到它神奇的功效, 至少再我剛出院的時候, 讓我的症狀舒緩許多. 老實說, 坊間的按摩服務收費差距很大, 我覺得, 若要求舒服有效, 又能夠幫助人的話, 一定要找視障按摩的組織. 他們收費不貴, 同時又能夠讓他們謀生, 間接幫助他們, 實在是一舉兩得. 心中也會覺得很快樂!!
像長坐輪椅的病友因為不方便運動, 更需要這樣的按摩~

我想在各大醫院 的某個角落都有視障按摩的組織和服務.

2009年6月22日 星期一


當多發性硬化症的症狀一發作的時候, 那種苦痛真的只有經歷過的人才能夠體會. 但是每當夜深人靜, 下肢或者是四肢不聽使喚且不斷的抽筋, 抽畜, 伴隨著神經痛. 那種疼痛就像牙痛一般, 疼起來會要人命~. 又或者伴隨著身體每一吋皮膚的灼熱, 刺痛的感覺, 甚至肢體的無力.. 身邊的人往往也不知從何幫助. 醫師能做的也只是給予藥物來控制症狀..
更重要的是: 身體的疼痛造成了心理的負擔, 會決得煩躁, 鬱悶, 無助, 甚至無名火的歇斯底里, 此時, 你可以做的就是:

1. 打個電話給任何你想要對他訴說的對象, 好好的說一下, 像是情緒上的發洩, 能夠讓自己的心情穩定下來

2. 你可以深呼吸, 慢慢的, 徐徐的, 什麼都不去想, 跟著呼吸的律動, 默念著 "呼" "吸" ~~ 能夠稍微平靜下來

3. 你可以和自己的身體對話, 做一深層的溝通, 就像媽媽哄小孩一樣的, 把自己正在不舒服的身體當成自己的小孩來哄, 又或者當成自己喜歡的女朋友或太太來哄, 告訴他, 不要調皮, 我知道你累了, 我也累了, 讓我們一起休息, 好嗎? 過去我沒有好好的照顧你, 讓你承受了這樣的病痛, 現在我會好好的關心你, 呵護你, 不會再讓你受苦了.. 我愛你, 因為你是我最親近的, 我去哪裡你都如影隨形, 陪伴著我經過喜怒哀樂的這麼多年. 記得愛自己, 也要更愛自己的身體,

4. 聽聽一些能夠助眠的音樂或話語, 讓自己好好睡個覺也讓神經好好的休息.

5. 找個按摩師, 來一場全身放鬆的按摩吧

身邊的朋友們, 你能夠做的幫助他的就是安撫他們, 體會他們, 體諒他們, 關心他們.

2009年6月17日 星期三




餵母乳能夠減少復發 另類療法?

June 8, 2009 — 新發表的研究結果認為,罹患多發性硬化症(MS)的婦女可以藉由產後哺餵母乳來降低復發風險。主要作者、史丹佛大學的Annette Langer-Gould醫師在新聞稿中表示,我們的發現提出對於選擇不哺餵母乳或者停止哺餵母乳以恢復MS治療好處的質疑。
  Langer-Gould醫師在4月的會議前向Medscape Neurology表示,這是有爭議性的。將近10年來,許多醫師鼓勵MS病患在產後儘快恢復服藥,許多婦女因此選擇不要哺餵母乳。
  約有半數的MS婦女(52%)在產後兩個月內即未哺餵母乳或開始採用瓶餵。相較於那些全母奶哺餵至少兩個月的婦女,這些人比較多發生復發(校正風險比為7.1; 95% CI, 2.1 – 24.3; P = .002)。


復發 (%)





  大部份的MS病患指出,放棄哺餵母乳的主要原因是要恢復用藥。但是全母乳哺餵的婦女比較慢恢復月經(P = .001),而這與降低產後復發風險有關(P = .01)。
  Arch Neurol.線上發表於2009年6月8日。

其實 有很多東西都是很神奇的, 若是能夠注意到, 或許能夠成為解決的方法!!

這讓我不禁要問: 那喝母乳會不會降低發作的頻率呢?

2009年6月15日 星期一



  • 2009-06-15中國時報【中廣新聞/朱克威】






ScienceDaily (June 14, 2009) — Australian and New Zealand researchers have accelerated research into Multiple Sclerosis by discovering two new locations of genes which will help to unravel the causes of MS and other autoimmune disease.

Their findings will be published today in the journal Nature Genetics.

"For decades the cause of MS has remained a mystery. This discovery reveals important new insights into the genetic susceptibility to the disease, "says Professor Trevor Kilpatrick, Director for Neurosciences at the University of Melbourne, who with Dr Justin Rubio of Florey Neurosciences Institutes coordinated the international study.

"The newly discovered gene locations in chromosomes 12 and 20, offer very promising targets which indicate susceptibility to MS," says Professor Kilpatrick.

"They also reveal a link between genetic susceptibility to MS and other autoimmune diseases including Type 1 diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Graves' Disease and the also the potential involvement of Vitamin D metabolism in the risk of developing these diseases."

"These results are like the key in the door – leading us to where to look for MS susceptibility," explains Professor Trevor Kilpatrick.

The research was conducted by members of the ANZgene consortium, more than 40 investigators from 11 institutions in Australia and New Zealand.

The three year study utilized the MS Research Australia (MSRA) Gene Bank and involved scanning the DNA of 1,618 people with MS and 3,413 people without MS (controls).

Using a genome-wide association scan (GWAS), researchers scanned the entire human genome in broad brushstrokes; looking at genetic landmarks in the genome and then progressively narrowing down their search to individual genes.

Dr Justin Rubio who coordinated the GWAS says these genetic discoveries are a major advance for the field.

"We expect that within one to two years we will be able to fine map these new regions and identify the genetic changes that underpin these findings," says Dr Rubio.

"Our next steps include studying how changes in these target genes might influence the development of MS. This work could provide insight into the development of novel therapeutics," says Dr Rubio.

MS affects some 2.5 million people worldwide and almost 20,000 in Australia. It is a devastating autoimmune disease as it occurs at the prime of life and mostly in young Caucasian women.

"This Australasian team is competing on a global scale to unravel the complex genetics of MS. This is a significant discovery" says Professor Jim Wiley, Chairman of the ANZGene consortium.

Mr Jeremy Wright, Executive Director of MS Research Australia, says: "We are thrilled to have been funding this study with the Australian Research Council and helping in its coordination. It is central to our mission of accelerating MS research to identify susceptibility in individuals so that we can potentially prevent the onset of the disease, and develop better ways to treat it".


世界各國無不積極的用各種方法找尋多發性硬化症的原因和解決方案, 不論是"藥學" "化學" "基因工程" "自然療法" "飲食營養學" 甚至"幹細胞" 也慢慢的有了一線的曙光.

2009年6月13日 星期六


Device Gives Multiple Sclerosis Patients Hope | News10.net | Sacramento, California | News
之前在我的網誌中曾經有提到過該裝置 "新消息, 能夠讓MS病人恢復走路的裝置"
不久前又有一個報導 請看以下影片

"Five years ago, I could walk around Disneyland," Barnard said. "Last year, I tried to go to Disneyland and I could hardly go from one bench to the next and I was using a cane." Then she heard about a device called the Bioness L300 which was developed in Israel. Barnard discovered Lodi Memorial Hospital was the only facility in the Sacramento Valley which offered the device to patients with mobility issues.

"When I first started using this I could barely walk half a block. Now I can walk six or seven blocks," Barnard said. "I can walk my dogs. I can walk around my yard. I recently when to a food fest and was able to walk the grounds."
























我被社會局緊急安置的一家小旅館裡,蜷縮在被窩裡不停的顫抖、啜泣,我不想再跨出房門一步,不想再看見窗外的藍天,因為經歷這一場惡火之後,我已經不知道該用什麼樣的心情去面對我教大家要感恩的「天」。 我不懂!不懂老天爺為何執意將我推向悲苦、去承受更多的痛苦與折磨?還不夠嗎?我都已經這樣慘了,還不夠嗎?







蕭建華的故事, 之前就曾經聽新聞報導過, 經由朋友轉寄他的演講內容之後,才比較了解他的過去以及他的病史, 看完他的演講之後心中也有所感觸:

1 . 他的奮鬥過程的確很艱辛, 36年的奮鬥, 日以繼夜, 近乎不眠不休的日子, 都是朝向努力擺脫過去困苦的日子. 也正因為他本人大腦的意志(意識層面)日如此的堅強, 無形當中對於身體的過度使用也開始埋下了之後免疫系統的失衡, 導致自體免疫系統會破壞神經而有了慢性多發性脫髓鞘神經病變

2 . 他是一位自我要求相當高的人, 也因為如此, 才會讓他歷經36年日以繼夜, 近乎不眠不休的持續奮鬥.

3 . 醫生的誤診也是讓他沒有在黃金時間內做出最正確的判斷和最佳處理的結果, 在加上開刀, 這個不可逆 (不可回覆的過程) 導致了之後他今日的情形. 我看過很多病友包含我自己的例子, 醫生多叫你要開刀, 說甚麼追間盤突出啦等等的,但是其實MRI照片看起來根本不嚴重, 並不會影響. 所以多詢問醫生的意見是很重要的, 千萬不要只聽信一個醫生, 最好神經內外科醫生都去看.

4 . 雖然病症稱為漸凍人, 但是其實以症狀來看, 我認為也類似多發性硬化症4大類中的第一型(漸進退化型)Progressive relapsing MS(可以連結), 而這一型是多發性硬化症(MS)中發生機率最小的部份.

5 . 當你得到了, 就一定要勇敢面對!! 上天的工作就是在開人的玩笑的(我從老王同學會一劇中有很深的體會, 沒看過的人可以上youtube搜尋"老王同學會" 就可以看了), 所以也就犯不著一天到晚怨老天了, 因為怨他也不會讓我們的身體變好. 所以多看看自己, 珍惜自己所擁有的, 不用看別人有多好, 人就是這樣, 永遠只看到別人擁有自己所沒有的那一部份,

6 . 就像前一篇文章所說 : 我們都沒好好的對待我們自己的身體, 也像高銘君在最近投稿至罕見疾病基金會的一文中一句話說得一樣:"身體要的不多, 只是我們給的不對"

7 . 如何好好的健康的快樂的生活 在現今這個十倍速時代, 一切講求學歷證照的時代, 這個全球化的時代, 這個競爭如此激烈凡事講究效率, 時間就是金錢的時代 是一個很難的課題, 但是我認為唯有減少自我的慾望, 讓自我身心獲得真正的平衡才是我們一生所須要去學習的!!

建華!加油! 大家! 加油!


2009年6月12日 星期五

心有所感 : 現代的社會

左圖是摘自西遊記中的一首詩, 正好訴說了現代人的情形. 為了爭名奪利而不顧自身的健康的最好代表. 吳清忠的 "人體復原工程" 一書也提到 : 中國人是最重養生的民族, 卻也是最不懂得實踐和遵循的民族. 大概是受到了西方的科學衝擊. 也大概是窮怕了. 或是為了豪情壯志而忽略了身體的警訊...

受到大腦的影響, 而忽略了身體回饋的訊號. 也因此而就產生了病!! 希望大家依循祖先們的智慧, 好好的養身和養生, 讓西方世界的這種病不要在亞洲蔓延開來~~


2009年6月11日 星期四

治療神經退化病 唱歌勝吃藥

中時電子報|治療神經退化病 唱歌勝吃藥


 於是,妮娜開始和病友籌組合唱團,同時徵求一名歌唱老師。現在「歡唱」(Sing For Joy)合唱團不僅每周排練,而且定期舉辦公開演唱會。該團現有廿多名成員,包括帕金森氏症、多發性硬化症及中風、癌症病患,和他們的看護、家人及朋友。





 美國科羅拉多州立大學研究人員利用音樂和節拍訊號,有效改善了帕金森氏症等退化性疾病患者的活動和平衡感。而旋律音調治療法(Melodic Intonation Therapy),也證實能為失語症患者提供有效治療。


多唱歌, 放鬆心情吧!!!

Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis | wzzm13.com | Grand Rapids, MI

Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis Grand Rapids, MI

由影片可以得知主角Cindy的狀況還不錯, 能夠做類似的動作
不是所有瑜珈的動作都適合所有的病友, 需要和瑜珈老師做充分溝通
重點是"伸展" 能夠進一步減少抽筋 和恢復肌肉的力量


2009年6月10日 星期三


去年, 藉由網路得知高銘君的故事, 她也是多發性硬化症患者, "邀舞" 一書的作者. 看了大愛訪問她的片段之後, 心中確實激動無法言語...

今年, 她也投稿至罕見疾病基金會, 生命的喝采~我的新年新希望!
內容有一段話我認為相當重要, 引用給大家分享:



附上 原文連結

2009年6月6日 星期六


步行過程, 低下頭來的畫面, 右腳和左腋下拐. 一個平衡的走路暫時靜止畫面(相當於 : 左手前, 右腳前)
希望假以時日, 能夠走得更輕鬆.~

最近身體的變化~ 過敏

不知道是最近天氣變熱的關係 還是天氣溼度太濕, 身體出現過敏症狀已經2個多星期
有點癢, 身體和手臂都有...紅斑/疹....

2009年6月2日 星期二


HEALTH: Living with a mysterious disease
The immune system will attack the spinal cord, causing numbness and weakness.
The immune system will attack the spinal cord, causing numbness and weakness.

The first World Multiple Sclerosis Day was held recently to create an awareness of the debilitating disease. KASMIAH MUSTAPHA finds out how MS sufferers cope with life.

People with MS will face difficulty in walking.
People with MS will face difficulty in walking.

PADMA PANIKKER considers herself lucky.

Although she suffers from blurry vision and chronic pain, she can still move, and even drives herself around; something unusual when compared with many multiple sclerosis (MS) sufferers.

“Some of them are wheelchair-bound and even lose the ability to speak because of the illness,” she said. “I guess I am lucky to have been spared the worst part of MS.” Padma’s ordeal began in 1974 when she could not walk properly, suffered neck pains and lost the vision in her right eye.

Admitted to Kuala Lumpur Hospital, she endured a battery of tests as doctors tried to diagnose her illness.

“They thought I had a tumour in my neck but could not find it,” she added.

“They conducted test after test and it was a very difficult time. I had three children who needed me and I couldn’t do anything for them.” “After a month, a neurologist finally said that it could be MS. I was so relieved that I could finally put a name to the illness.” While she may have been spared from the most severe effects of the disease, Padma’s journey was not easy.

“I suffered from numbness, bladder problems, weakness in my right side and other side effects from the medication which included inflammation of the joints,” she said. “I was often tired, and suffered from blurry vision, especially at night.” Having lived with MS for more than 30 years, Padma said that while there is no cure, a positive attitude and support from family and friends helped a lot.

Today, Padma and some other MS sufferers are using their illness to help others.

Five years ago, they set up the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Malaysia to give counselling and promote MS awareness.

“We hope more patients will join our support group. I know from experience that after an MS diagnosis, you will be depressed, more so when you are in pain and cannot walk,” Padma said.

“We offer patient-to-patient counselling because we understand what MS sufferers go through.” University Malaya Medical Centre consultant neurologist Dr Chong Heng Thay said the challenge in treating MS is having it diagnosed early because the symptoms almost always mimic other illnesses.

MS is a rare illness, and at times, doctors can miss the symptoms.

“We should pay more attention to the disease because in misdiagnosing, we lose the opportunity for early treatment.” MS is a chronic and often debilitating disease that attacks the central nervous system, destroying myelin, the fatty substance that coats and protects nerve fibres in the brain and the spinal cord.

When myelin is damaged, the messages that travel along that nerve may be slowed down or blocked. This would ultimately cause the deterioration of the nerves, a process that cannot be reversed.

People with MS will experience numbness or weakness in one or more limbs, partial or complete loss of vision, double or blurry vision, tingling or pain in parts of the body, fatigue and dizziness.

However, these symptoms can vary widely, depending on the damage and which particular nerves are affected.

MS can be difficult to diagnose early because symptoms often come and go; sometimes disappearing for months.

Women are more likely to have MS than men and it usually affects those between 20 and 40 years old.

Chong said MS is still a mystery. “There are no known causes and we don’t know why the immune system attacks the body’s nervous system.

“What we know is that the cells attack the insulation layers of the nervous system, causing them to break down and eventually impair function.

“The attack will cause inflammation to the nervous system and cause numbness, weakness and blurry vision.

“The inflammation usually takes weeks to heal and eventually the patient gets better. But if the attacks are frequent, they will eventually cause disability. The patient may not be able to walk, talk and would lose his vision.” Early treatment is vital because it will help prevent frequent attacks which could lead to disability for MS patients.

As MS is incurable, the targets of treatment would be to suppress the immune system, prevent recurring attacks and to lessen the pain.

“The problem is that the more attacks the patient gets, the more disabled they become. Once disability has set in, we cannot reverse it. If we can diagnose the patient early, we can minimise the attacks.” Chong said treatment for MS has improved over the years with new medication.

To raise awareness, the first World MS Day was held on May 27. From now, it will be celebrated on the last Wednesday of May.

The global MS movement undertakes research into treatment to eradicate the disease, helps other MS societies to support sufferers and campaigns for the rights of MS sufferers.


我的治療方法-2 維生素之二三事之維生素D: Potential Role of Vitamin D in Multiple Sclerosis

Potential Role of Vitamin D in Multiple Sclerosis

A deficiency in vitamin D is currently one of the most studied environmental risk factors for MS and is potentially the most promising in terms of new clinical implications. In particular, this vitamin could alter the immune response taking a positive role in the central nervous system. There are two main types of risk factors for MS: genetic and environmental. In today’s world many genetic predispositions for various conditions have been discovered, and the various environmental triggers identified; making this an exciting time for learning specific ways to change behavior to improve or protect health.

缺乏維他命D是目前對於造成多發性硬化症(MS)的潛在的因子之一. 這種維他命在中樞神經系統中能夠扮演一個改變免疫反應的重要的角色!! 對於多發性硬化症而言, 主要源自兩種風險: 一種是基因上的, 另一種則是環境上的風險... 而學習如何改變環境上的風險(生活飲食習慣)是能夠讓我們更健康的路途之一.

The following environmental factors influence the risk of MS(影響MS的環境風險有):
1. latitude (緯度)
2. past exposure to sun (曬太陽的時間)
3. serum level of vitamin D (血液中維生素D的含量)

Worldwide, latitude has an undeniable effect on the prevalence of MS which occurs with much greater frequency in areas further away from the equator. Lower incidence of the disease is found in tropical regions where the high degree of sunlight is recognized as the correlate. Latitude has an overall influence on the amount of sunlight in a given region making geographical location advantageous. So if we know that the level of exposure to sunlight directly affects the level of vitamin D in our bodies and this vitamin is known as the “sunshine vitamin” where does that leave those of us who live in the northern hemisphere? Does this suggest people even without disease are deficient in vitamin D? Also, the western diet lacks this crucial vitamin providing less than 100 IU a day, falling far below the daily requirement of 2,000 IU/d. It is thought that vitamin D is most likely involved in a number of regulatory activities besides just bone health, and could have a dramatic effect on immune function. Such low average levels of vitamin D raise serious public health issues and there is an urgent need for national health institutes to take preventative measures. With this knowledge should come behavior change, not only for the MS patient but also the general population.

Clinically most MS patients have low levels of vitamin D in their blood and are in a state of deficiency compared to the international norm. A recent study found a direct link between the level of vitamin D circulating in the blood and the disease, without factoring in the effect of latitude or sun exposure. Further research trials are necessary before any firm recommendations can be made but in the meantime, physicians can no longer ignore that many MS patients have a lack of vitamin D, which could be detected through systematic blood tests. Vitamin D supplements are appropriate to restore their levels to within normal range. This should be considered a general medical recommendation simply to increase levels in the blood to the current recommended amount of at least 2,000 IU/d. This would mean taking between 1,000 and 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) on average per day. There are two types of vitamin D: D2 and D3. Vitamin D3 is the healthy kind your body makes when exposed to sunshine. D2 is the synthetic form used in prescriptions and is considered inferior to D3.

臨床上, MS的病人血液中維生素D的含量都偏低, 建議該含量至少維持在2,000 IU/d (IU:國際單位). 也就是說: 每日建議維生素D的食用量為1,000 到 3,000 IU之間, 而食用的維生素D形式要D3(cholecalciferol). 維生素D有兩種形式, D2 and D3, D3也是曬太陽所能夠產生的形式..

Having this knowledge regarding the benefits of vitamin D as well as the current published research indicating the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency; behavioral strategies seem appropriate and can be very safe when discussed with your physician. Since moving to a tropical region is unlikely, the options available are:

safe sun exposure, vitamin supplementation, and a diet with foods rich in vitamin D.

Optimizing sun exposure is a topic in itself and comes with some risk along with conflicting opinions and recommendations from experts in the field though it seems reasonable to get a dose of fresh air and sunshine on days when the weather is in your favor. Some experts recommend exposing your body to sunlight for 15-minutes before applying sunscreen in order to get the benefits from the UV rays which naturally provide the vitamin D needed for good health. Luckily a vitamin D3 supplement can provide the same benefits when given in the appropriate dose to bring blood levels to within normal range.

一般而言, 至少在太陽下曬15分鐘就能夠開始產生身體所需要的維生素D

Before purchasing a supplement you should have a blood test to determine your baseline levels of vitamin D. Your neurologist can then take the results and prescribe the amount of vitamin D3 to bring your levels up to within normal range. MS patients are seen regularly to monitor their disease status and can systematically have blood levels measured. You also may want to search for MS Centers that are running clinical trials to study the effects of Vitamin D on MS and inquire about being a subject.

Vitamin D3 supplements are available in both liquid and capsule form. They can be purchased at any pharmacy for as little as $4.49 for 100 capsules containing 1000.0 IU. Check the label to make sure the primary ingredient is Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol). As mentioned earlier the Western diet is commonly very low in vitamin D but there are good food choices to increase the amount in your diet. Excellent food sources include: oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines; vitamin D-fortified milk and cereals; whole eggs, liver, and beef. A combination of the three available sources of vitamin D is optimal, and purely from a medical point of view, supplementation is unavoidable in order to improve the general health of the MS patient. And with clinical research trials underway all over the globe, supplementation may soon be proven to be neurologically beneficial.

在食物上可以多攝取含有維生素D的食物如: 附有魚油的魚如: 鮭魚, 鯖魚, 沙丁魚, 蛋, 肝, 牛肉, 麥片....
